MS Glossary

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EAE (Experimental Allergic EncephaloMyelitis) - A disease induced in lab animals that is similar to what is seen in humans with Multiple Sclerosis. #27

Edema - Swelling in the Brain or elsewhere caused by the abnormal accumulation of fluid. #25

ElectroEnCephalography (EEC) - A painless, diagnostic technique that records electrical activity in the Brain. #25
(See: Evoked Potential Tests)

Emboli - Are small particles that Occlude (Block) the circulation of smaller Blood Vessels (Micro-Circulation). #17

Embolization - Is the process of Occlusion by Emboli. #17

EnCephalitis - Inflalmmation of the Brain, sometimes called "Sleeping Sickness" caused by Viruses and other Microscopic organizms. #09

Epidemiology - The science concerned with the cause, frequency and distribution of an infectious process or a physiological state in a human community. #09

Epitope - A single Antigenic Determinant that functionally is the portion of an Antigen which combines with an AntiBody. Epitopes are surface markers (GlycoProteins) present on all cells, consisting of different combinations of Amino Acids.

- Only this molecular configuration is recognized and bound by an AntiBody or T-Cell. Each Antigen normally displays more than one Epitope and each one, may attract a different Immune System member. #30 (Also See: GlycoProteins)

Etiology - The study of all factors that may be involved in the development of a disease, including the patient's susceptibility, the nature of the disease-causing agent, and the way in which the person's body is invaded by the agent. #28

Evoked Potentials - Electrical signals recorded from the CNS in response to repetitive stimuli, such as a clicking noise (Hearing), flashing light (Vision), or a slight electrical shock (Sensory). Evoked Potentials utilize ElectroEnCephalography to record how long signals takes to reach the Brain. #25

- This test is useful in the diagnosis of MS, because it can confirm the presence of a suspected lesion, which was not shown by a MRI scan, or identify the existence of an unsuspected lesion (Clinically Silent) that has not produced any symptoms. #28

Exacerbation - An increase in the severity of symptoms; one or more symptoms may come and go in succession or together. MS exacerbations usually involve an increase in previous symptoms, lasting weeks or months. Acute attacks are usually followed by complete or partial remission (the abatement or diminution of symptoms). #01

- The appearance of new symptoms or the reactivation of old ones, lasting at least 24 hours. (Poser Criteria)

- A worsening or flare-up of Neurologic Signs and Symptoms (such as Numbness, Weakness or Optic Neuritis), usually associated with Inflammation and DeMyelination in the Brain or Spinal Cord. The opposite of exacerbation is remittance. #25

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