Code of Federal Regulations


Relationship of Regulatory Information

Search Tools

Topical Search results

Relationship of the FFDCA, CFR, and FR - Provided by Cornell Law School

General Search Tools
A search site is sponsored by the US House of Representatives. The search criteria use typical Boolean terms, e.g. drug AND approval. 

The CFR may be accessed from U.S. Government Printing Office's through a designated Depository Libraries, with Auburn University being on of several. At the form, select the source of the document, e.g. CFR, FR, US Code etc. and enter the search term.

Specific Search Tool

Alternatively, you can get the specific reference, should you know it by going to the site run in cooperation with the National Archives.

Regulations go through an administrative process before becoming final. The proposed regulations, comments, and final regualtions can be found in the Federal Register.

Topical Search Results - Selected Examples

IND Format and Content - 21 CFR 312.23

NDA Format and Content - 21 CFR 314.50

NDA Supplements - 21 CFR 314.70

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CMC Applications
Bruce G. Berger
1559 Riverdale Drive
Oldsmar, FL 34677
email to Bruce G. Berger
Phone: 813-786-3954

copyright© 1997, CMC Applications - Revised - March 30, 1997