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Sorry, we haven't had the chance to write back to all of you, but our sincere thanks for your support. With the NoSoy Forum you can see and reply to each other's message quickly. We also have a chat room on delphi (see forum welcome page) Just need to schedule time.
I'm allergic to alot of food, for example dairyproducts, fish, egg, nuts
and soy. And what I find most diffuclt to avoid, and find food without,
is the soy.
LAST NAME) Todd (FIRST NAME) Miche' (EMAIL) (comments)
I found out I had this allergy when I was 23 and have had nightmares with
foods every since! My wedding cake had to be custom made from scratch!
It took months to even find a bakery that would do it! I get so sick of
the labels that say "may contain one or more of the following..."
that I could die!!!
Dell Washington wrote: > > Glad to meet you! Hopefully, if we can
create a community with > clout, we can get the labels changed, as well
as, get food > producers to leave out soy. > > Surprise, this
week I talked someone into giving a discount. I wonder > can you order
by the case or should I be exploring some other method > of ordering?
There are only two of us at home, but canned goods last > and last on
the shelf for us. > > By the way, Volma became allergic to soy in
her 30's. Do you have any > idea of how you developed the allergy? She
wonders if it had to do > with her stint in the army where they had
poison gas training or > estrogen treatments. > >
Keep in touch, Dell I really have no idea how I came down with this! I
had been having "panic attacks" for years and my doctors kept
telling me to calm down, etc. Then one day in my dorm room I had a severe
reaction and ended up in the hospital. After this I had the tests and found
out I was allergic to soy, fish amd seafood. Haven't had a "panic
attack' since I stopped eating soy!
What type of food are you ordering by the case? I might be interested!
Thanks, Miche'
LAST NAME) Pratt (FIRST NAME) Charles (EMAIL) selrahc (comments)
Mayo and chicken salad made at home almost all mayo has soybean oil additionally
Canola Oil. This stuff makes me double up like someone did me a electric
drill. I use a Safflower based Mayo now it works great! Oh some pasta's
are not what they seem.
From: Charles Pratt
Hi Again,
I should mention the pizza that i ate was freshly made not frozen godfather pizza which is practcally made of Soy. Also have you taken your other half to see an allergist sometimes food allergies can be triggered by other things.
Subject: Re: Allergist From: Charles Pratt
well I am thirty five my allergies started getting worse when I was 33 and they got really nasty last year and I developed a ull blown case of prosititus it is a very unfriendly gut thing that makes you want to die but I have it under control now. I used to eat everything and I mean it now it seem I can eat again but have to watch Soy, to much sugar, and certain baked goods. I am still tracking what I eat everyday though. Soy makes me feel like somebody put a claw hammer inside me and then starts to twist it around for about three days.
Thank you for an important issue as food allergies. I am not soy sensitive,
but I recall reading a book by someone who is allergic to wheat, an how
difficult it is to find foods made without wheat.
I think that as with all big business, the push to cheapen things of consumer needs and concern, is a large problem and is well underaddressed in our society.
Brazos Country Foods in Bryan Texas have food products without soy They
have hot sauces and enchilada gravey, fajita sop and other stuff that doesn't
contain soy. I sell it at Texas Thangs on the web. My husband and three
kids get soy headaches from soy products Since we found Vital 90+ it doesn't
do away with the headaches completelly, but it seems to control the problem
These headaches are sinus related and my daughter can explain how they work they are not a true allergy . She knows more.
(LAST NAME) Barnes (FIRST NAME) Steve (EMAIL) (comments) Glad to see a discussion group here at work. Perhaps together some progress can be made. But first of all you should know that I believe that for the majority of people in the USA soy is beneficial. However, both of us want to know what's added to foods. The naturally occurring phytochemicals in soy are good for you (just like vitamins), but there's no guarantee that they are still in the soy that's added to foods. So, there we end up with the worst of both worlds, allergens and no phytochemicals. If it's any comfort, there is research going to identify which part of the proteins in soy cause the various types of allergic reactions. If these regions can be identified, it is possible to remove them and replace them by non-allergenic sequences. I trust that you'll give your moral support to such efforts. To give you another perspective on how to react, a close colleague/friend of mine who is well known for her work on treating hypercholesterolemia with soy, gave birth to a child which was allergic to both cow's milk and soy milk - the baby even had a reaction to the mother's milk. Despite these events, she has recently taken a position to head up clinical nutrition research in a company which is in the soy industry. It is not enough to make a lot of noise about the cards that life has dealt you - take steps to mediate change, but like physicians are told, "do no harm". Don't deny soy from those whom it would benefit - instead demand you rights to know, and encourage businesses that will provide you with what you want. Best wishes for your endeavors.
Eileen Kupstas
Thanks for the pointer -- you even get your own Soy-Free category! I'm mildly surprised no one has made a page about soy allergies before. Glad you two did!
I am concerned about the smelling of ink on some newspapers and magazines
. It seems as this activity causes an allergic response ie sometimes a
headache sometimes a lightheadedness. Could this be a reponse to Soy Based
ink? someone reply!
thanks Mick Della Valle
Sent message: Yes, ink can contain soy! - Dell
Dorothy Neal
Dear Dell, You read a lot of labels when you want soy free. We have found
a vitamin, mineral supplement that seems to nulify the effects of soy.
It seems that soy reactions are caused by mineral deficiency. The product
is Vital 90+ put out by a company called Voyager. It you would like more
information about it let me know. Sincerely, Dottie Neal
Dorothy Neal
Our daughter found vital 90+. She is in Chiropractic College in dallas.
She know she wasn't eating right and decided to find a vitamin for her
and found out several weeks after using this that she no longer had soy
headaches. She tested it and it really helped her. So she got her Dad on
it and it helpped him. According to Mindy(our daughter) it is not a allergy.
The soy affects one cell and that cell gets aggitated and effects all the
cells around it and it just keeps going. Our family is effected in the
sinus' and it can last 3 days before the whole things starts to go down.
It still happens some but they can clear their sinus' without taking pills.
The pills they take are 2 ibprophen and 2 sudafed ( or sudfedrine) at the
start and then one and one ever hour until the pain is gone. My husband
lived on this combination for years. Now with the Vital 90+ he has to take
the pills maybe once a month. If he soyed really bad. If you would like
to talk to him, please, feel free to call after 6 Texas time. 806-238-1575
For information on Vital 90+ it is on
andfrom that page there is a list of all the stuff that is in it..
Where are you from? I would love to join with you and going after the companies
that use soy. The prisons in Amarillo used soy as a main protein and the
inmates got really sick and had major problems. I read about it in the
Lubbock newspaper. Keep in touch and maybe we can help each other. I have
a no soy brownie recipe . I have a lot of no soy things. dottie neal I
can give you the phone number of where you can order Vital 90+. It comes
from Carlsbad , Calif. (Volma Washington) To:
I have the same problem with newspapers. Some catalogues are nice enough
to tell when they use soy based ink but most printed material does not
say anything. How can we let the pinters know this is a problem? Thanks
for writing. Volma
Hello, no soy-people! I may be different form the rest of you. I recently
developed several food and other allergies, but I am a vegetarian. I used
to be an avid consumer of soy products because they are an excellent source
of protein. Now, I realize that I am allergic to soy products and they
are everywhere. My biggest peeve about these is when I read an indregients
list and it says something like this: may contain less that 2% of the following,
corn oil, soybean oil, OR, cottenseed oil. Now, which one is it? This is
extremely frustrating. To:
I am a vegan (someone who eats not animal products). I am happy that we
have soy around because it allows to have fake meat and cheese. I do have
a strange soy allergy though- I am allergic to soy milk. I do not understand
this because i can have other soy products. I agree with you that all products
should be labeled. I am looking for info on alternatives to soy baby formula
and breast milk if you know of any.
Thanks Tony Page
dwash, that is an awesome website (and awesome is not a word often used
by 37 year old management consultants with three kids). I live in awe,
and eagerly await the publication of your novel! Tony Page
The new 2% milk being sold as with "Real Milk Taste" actually
contains a soybean monster hidden in it. I developed sever lung/bronchitis
problems. Only then did I discover the soybean connection. I would like
to hear from others who have had this reaction. Dale40@MSN.COM
Liberty Orchards Customer Service
Thank you for your kind comments and adding us to your site.
However, the lecithin in our chocolate candies is a soy bean based product. I am wondering if people might visit our site, see chocolates, and think that they are soy free?
Perhaps you might explain to your visitors that our non-chocolate products are soy free?
Thanks again for your email!
Best Regards,
David Simmer II Liberty Orchards Customer Services
(LAST NAME) cooper (FIRST NAME) Martin (EMAIL)
It is actually my son who has the anaphalaxis to soy as a member of the
bean (legume) family We learned about his reaction to soy from tofu and
we learned about hydrolyzed plant protien from sliced roast beef. We had
a favorite deli who we had checked out and they would always stock a brand
of cured beef that had no HPP. But ... they ran out and got a re supply
elsewhere and we bought it and no one checked the label so, in went the
needles and off we went to hospital for the afternoon.
My favorite meals are the ones I cook myself because they are the only
ones I am 100% sure are 100% soy free!
My 2 year old nephew is severely allergic to soy. When he was on formula,
he would vomit about half an hour after his feeding and his lips would
turn a shade of blue, as well as sweating and a fever. We now know that
it is his formula, as we know that he is also allergic to milk protein
and to tomato products. Feeding this child is definitely a challenge. Thank
you for this page, whatever information we can get in helping to feed him
will help.
Just getting info on soy allergies. I found out that I'm allergic to soy.
I didn't have any info on what has soy in it and finding out almost all
food has it.
My overall experience with this problem: When I shop for food I have to
look endlessly through frozen and other prepared foods for anything with
no soy or milk products. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(LAST NAME) Goebel (FIRST NAME) Rotraut (EMAIL) goebel@informatik.tu-cottbus.d
For years, I have been craving for chocolates. Then I deve- loped multiple
allergy, against soya too. I did not know that soya is contained in almost
evrything to eat. Now I have to cook for myself. Unfortunately, such a
page is not in Germany. Good luck to you!
(LAST NAME) Thomas (FIRST NAME) Timothy (EMAIL) (comments) I am alergic to many foods. But sometimes I don't know what sort of reaction I'm going to have. And sometimes I don't know what I'm reacting to. My main allergy is Peanuts but I'm not sure if I'm allergic to Soy beans or not. I'm an Asthmatic also. Bye.
My youngest daughter is the "soy-challanged" one. Her allgery
ranges from the annoying to the severe, as apparently does yours. We can
appreciate your comment about reading ingredient labels. Our greatest concern
is "Stealth Soy", the unlabeled and/or cross-contaminated ingredients.
Right now, I'm trying to locate a good soy-free chocolate bar for her. it will be a little late for the Easter basket, but she'll appreciate just the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(LAST NAME) Delauniere (FIRST NAME) Margo (EMAIL)
1) There is soy in chicken that is sold to restaurants. It is washed in
soya water before freezing. 2) Breyer's ice cream is the only one I have
found that doesn't have soy in it. Do you know of others?
I was looking for information on this topic for a friend whose sister suffers
terribly from any amount of soy. We discussed this topic because I have
a daughter who is a celiac (wheat, barley, rye and oats) which is destroying
her small intestine. She must remain gluten free for life and this is also
very difficult because of labeling. Please keep me posted on your "fight"
for labeling changes as I would actively participate as well. We are so
sick of reading labels and the diagnosis was just made 2 months ago! Thank
you for your information--I am sure my friend will find this most helpful.
I'm glad to see this page. My allergy has driven me to buying only organic
foods, and even then I have problems.
Have you considered putting a page up with a list of all the "NAMES" that soy can be labled as?
I have experienced Irritable Bowel Syndrome for many years, but assumed
I was "high-strung." It wasn't until my one-year-old son began
experiencing chronic diarrhea that I tracked the problem in his diet down
to a soy sensitivity. (Thank God I breastfed exclusively his first year!
There are few baby formulas that don't contain soy.)
I wondered where my son had inherited this allergy. Suddenly it dawned on me that I was the culprit. I eliminated soy from my own diet and have felt great ever since (barring the occasional product change or restaurant surprise).
This web site is a great idea. I'm thinking of writing a magazine article on soy allergies. Can you suggest other sources of information?
Thanks for the information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am allergic to lettuce, soy, and corn. Lettuce is easy to avoid but soy
and corn are in almost everything. I wish companies would be specific on
their labeling practices. I hate reading a lable stating that the product
may contain one or all of the following... This is done a lot pertaining
to oils used.
Recently I have deen diagnosed with many food allergies and soy is one
of many culprits. I have been fighting health problems for many years unknowing
it was due to food allergies. I probably would have continued on my path
of eating anything and everything if it wasn't for a sever allergic reaction.
My tongue and throat swelled and I had hives all over my body. I went to
the doctor and have been on the path to recovery. The hard thing about
food allergies is the Labeling. I have spent most of my time reading labels
but still having reactions. My allergist recommended avouding certain things
like ice cream because they don't clean or change machines after using
nut ingrediants. So, I need to start making my own. It's amazing how food
allergies change your life Sincerely, Tina Trotter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(LAST NAME) Stallings (FIRST NAME) Cynthia (EMAIL)
I was recently diagnosed with multiple food allergies, with the most reactive
one being soy. I need tips and hints on avoidance while still leading a
normal life! HELP
My spouse is allergic to soy. The first doctor we saw with his very frightening
symptoms (shortness of breath, chest pain and pressure) ran him through
the usual battery of pulmonary and cardiac tests. When that came up clean,
they told him to go on Weight watchers. (We're both large people.) This
would have, of course, made him worse.
I've found that many of the "Safeway Select" items are safe for him to eat. They carry chunk Tongol tuna, for significantly less than the health food stores. Their fat-free salad dressings are good too. (Their ice cream has guar gum, though.)
My nomination for "sneak ingredient" is lecithin. I haven't found a safe margarine yet -- even when the label says "100% canola margarine", there's still lecithin in the margarine. We've gone to sweet butter, which has exactly one ingredient.
My husband has also developed a cross-allergy to peanuts.
LAST NAME) Young (FIRST NAME) Sandra (EMAIL) (comments) I don't know what I'm allergic to yet. Something is giving me chronic hives. I've trying to eliminate legumes from my diet right now. Are soy beans legumes? ANSWER YES
I am allergic to 24 different foods and the names companies use on their
labels makes it impossible for me to buy packaged food. I have to make
everything from scratch at home. Isn't there a better way? Thanks for the
info on Soy products. It's very helpful. Deloris Thiede ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(LAST NAME) Williams (FIRST NAME) Stacey (EMAIL) (comments) I'm alerigic to Soybeans and all related. Also pork, fish, watermelon, bananas, and cantelope.
(LAST NAME) Spezio-Paille (FIRST NAME) Josie (EMAIL)
I developed several allergies about 3 years ago. Wheat, soy, all dairy
products. It has been a constant battle ever since. At times, I simply
give up and eat foods that I should not. I pay the price....dearly. I miss
everything! I am allowed to eat spelt. However, I am tired of not being
able to go to a restaurant and order off the menu.
My daughter age 3 1/2 has recently been RAST tested and turned up positive
with allergies to cow milk, wheat, soy, egg white, and peanut. I am finding
it most difficult to find products that do not contain all of these. My
favorite no soy product that my daughter will eat is Soycos American Rice
Cheese. It is soft and tastes relatively like cheese which is important
for a 3 year old Anyone with simmilar experiences can contact me at
(LAST NAME) westbrook (FIRST NAME) linda (EMAIL) (comments) My step-son is both soy and beef allergic. He has swelling of the lips and tongue along with rashes, constant runny nose, and is tired most of the time. My heart goes out to all of you. I am so frustrated with labeling, not only do I not know what 'natural flavorings' means besides the many names MSG and soy products have, I can't read the very small print and getting smaller all the time. I prepare everything from scratch. If we go out to eat Justin only eats salads with fresh lemon. It is so hard on a teenager not to eat what other kids eat. Does soy have to be in everything? I am happy you are here I didn't realize that so many people were allergic to soy. Thank you.
sincerely, Linda
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