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Postsecondary Education Research and Planning Resources

The contents of this collection include resources for prospective and actual undergraduate and graduate students, information on researching higher education systems, institutional research and planning reports, and a diverse range of materials pertaining to student development and educational finance.

An overview of my own research (including my Ph.D. dissertation) is available in my research page.


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The selections in this section include directories of home pages for most colleges and universities throughout North America, as well as resources to assist researchers, prospective and current students with examination of online resources for planning and evaluating a postsecondary education.

Student services information: Note that all resources on student services, including links to career planning and placement information, are located in the student affairs information portion of this web site.

College and University Home Pages Directory

Collegescape: Applying for University Admissions on the Web

Yahoo Universities Pages (lists universities by country)

College Net: Researching Colleges and Universities Nationwide

U.S. Two-Year Colleges: Links Directory

Critical Comparisons of American Colleges and Universities: "The Leading Independent Voice in College Assessment"

The College Prep Page: Everything you Need to Plan for College

Mapping Your Future: Tools For Planning Your Education, Career, and College Stanford Testing Systems: College Entrance Examination Resources Online

Kaplan Educatonal Centers: Links to Testing-Related Websites and Information

"Self-Management for College Students", by Edward O'Keefe

EASI: Easy Access for Students & Institutions--College Planning Guide

Adventures in Education (College Planning and Financial Aid Resources)

Peterson's Education Center: Assorted Educational Planning Resources

College Board Online (Information about SATs and AP tests)

Global Tutoring: Information for Students


Note: Additional resources on the uses of instructional technology in postsecondary education teaching, research, and campus development are located in the January 1997 Library Monthly Web Links Feature on "Teaching Resources on the Web: Postsecondary Education" and the April feature on "The Wired Campus."

Diversity and Multiculturalism in Postsecondary Education

Although there are references within many of the web sites in this collection that address diversity and multicultural issues in postsecondary education, many other sites which specialize in this field of research and practice also exist. For a more complete look, be sure to visit the diversity, multiculturalism, and race relations resources collection in Scott's Library subject collections.

Chronicle of Higher Education Online

Researchers who have subscriptions to the Chronicle of Higher Education should note that the Chronicle maintains a comprehensive, searchable archive of 7 years' worth of news stories and statistics as part of its website for Academe Today. You must have a password (available to Chronicle subscribers who request it from the publisher) to access the information contained within this site.

ERIC Resources:

Note: ERIC is a major educational research database maintained by the U.S. Department of Education. A complete listing of ERIC search tools and information clearinghouses including postsecondary education and vocational/technical education) is located separately in the General Educational Research collection of Scott's Library.

ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education Home Page

ERIC Clearinghouse on Community Colleges Home Page

Additional Higher Education Research Resources

The Review of Higher Education (Association for the Study of Higher Education Journal Information and Index)

Journal of Higher Education (Gopher Site)

American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) 1997 Report on State Fiscal Conditions

Bibliographic Information: Financial Management of Higher Education

Bibliographic Information: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Boston College Center for International Higher Education

California Higher Education Policy Center: Published Reports from Across the U.S. (Updated Regularly--Excellent Resource Center)

CAUSE: Information Managers in Higher Education: Home Page and Directory


"Competition in Higher Education", by Richard West, from Cause/Effect Magazine, Volume 18 (1), 1995

"Competition in the Higher Education Industry", by Professor Janet S. Netz

Deliberations (on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)

EDUCom: Information Technology in Higher Education Resources

Federal Information Exchange (U.S. Government)

Grapevine: National Database of U.S. State Tax Support for Higher Education

Higher Education Extension Service (HEES)

Higher Education Research Institute (HERI): UCLA

National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) Information Page

NCHEMS Information Technology Review

National University Research Institute (NURI) for Lifelong Learning (Includes Many Technology Resources and Conference Papers Pertaining to Adult Learners)

Technology and Higher Education Statistics, Surveys, and Reports Directory

U.S. Higher Education Reauthorization Act, 1997, Resources (College Board)

National Institute on Postsecondary Education, Libraries, and Lifelong Learning (U.S.)

National Science Foundation: Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)

New York University Center for Urban Community College Leadership Website

Scholarly Societies Worldwide

U.S. Dept. of Education Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) Home Page

"Student Ratings and Evaluation of Teaching: A White Paper", from the Northwestern University Searle Center for Teaching Excellence


Note: Additional resources about statistical research methods and web sites are located inside the K-12 educational research collection.

"Using the Internet as a Resource for Institutional Research and Planning", by John Milam, Jr./George Mason University

WebCASPAR: National Science Foundation Searchable Database of Statistical Data (must register to use)

Internet Resources for Institutional Research Directory (Updated 5/97)

Case Studies of Internet Applications for Institutional Research

Strategic Planning Resources on the Web (from the IR Office of UC Santa Cruz)

"Technoplanning": Instructional Technology Planning Resource Archive (Master Index)

Strategic Plans of Selected Colleges and Universities: Database

Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Directory of Online Periodicals and Books Useful to Higher Education Planners

Almanac: Higher Education Facts and Figures (U.S.): Chronicle of Higher Education, 1997 (Highlights Only)

Electronic Factbook Clearinghouse

National Teaching and Learning Forum (NTLF) Faculty Salary Interactive Database, U.S. Universities 1996

Fall Staff Survey of Postsecondary Institutions, 1993 (U.S. DOE--NCES)

"Assessing and Fulfilling End-User Needs for IPEDS Data", a Project Funded by the National Center for Education Statistics, National Science Foundation, and Association for Institutional Research

IPEDS: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Summary (U.S. Dept. of Education) Home Page (Access to Many IPEDS Reports)

IPEDS Data Reports from the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS)

IPEDS Definitions Listing


As the costs of college and university education continue to rise, many individuals are being forced to examine whether it will remain affordable. The resources in this section are intended to provide a variety of tips to students, parents, scholars, and financial aid specialists in changing trends in financial aid in U.S. colleges and universities. Additional information may be obtained through the financial aid offices of individual postsecondary educational institutions.

Tuition Survey of the American Public, by the American Council on Education (1997)

Alliance to Save Student Aid

Canada Student Loans Program (Human Resources Development)

College Money Matters

FAFSA Online: U.S. Dept. of Education Financial Aid Applications and Information Online

Fastweb: Financial Aid Resources in Higher Education

"Access to College: The Role of Family Income", by the Higher Education Extension Service (HEES)

"The Role of the Federal Budget Deficit on Student Aid Funding", by the HEES

The following resources are provided by the Financial Aid Information Page, maintained by Mark Kantrowitz and sponsored by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA):

National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS): Student Financial Aid Research (U.S. Department of Education)

The following information is provided by the National Association of Graduate & Professional Students (NAGPS) and the American Council on Education.

Sallie Mae (Student Loan Marketing Association) Home Page

U.S. Department of Education: Students' Guide to Financial Aid

Web Index to State Financial Aid and Higher Education Agencies


My Ph.D. dissertation, completed in 1992, provided a rigorous study of factors influencing recruitment and retention of academic professionals in American universities during an era of fiscal austerity, downsizing, and economic uncertainty. It is entitled The Fiscal Crisis of the American Public Research University and its Impact on Faculty: A Case Study of Factors Influencing Recruitment and Retention of Academic Personnel. My interest in the development and changing nature of the academic profession grew out of a focus on professional career development issues of graduate students who entered the academy in pursuit of an education that would prepare them to occupy future college and university faculty positions.

The following article was excerpted from my dissertation and published in the May/June 1993 issue of the Journal of Higher Education and co-authored with Diane M. Dunlap as part of a special issue devoted to the topic of retrenchment in higher education:

For Richer, For Poorer: Faculty Morale in Periods of Austerity and Retrenchment
Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 64, No. 3, May/June 1993

Since 1985, I've been conducting research about graduate students and a diversity of issues and factors that influence graduate students' experiences, retention, and program completion rates. As well, I've been exploring the post-doctoral plans and experiences of students who graduate in the 1990s, with an interest in continual exploration of the changing nature of the academic profession. My research interests are both qualitative and quantitative, and focus upon the voices of students themselves as well as the impressions and opinions of faculty and administrators who work directly with graduate students.

Since 1994, I've been conducting my research on graduate studies in collaboration with Bobbi Kerlin. We presented a paper in 1994 entitled, ELECTRIFYING STORIES: Virtual Research Communities in Graduate Education.

In 1995, I chaired a session at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association entitled, "Pursuit of the Ph.D.: 'Survival of the Fittest, or is it Time for a New Approach?". From that session, I published two articles in the Education Policy Analysis Archives in 1995, entitled:

"Pursuit of the Ph.D.:'Survival of the Fittest', or is it Time for a New Approach?", by Scott P. Kerlin
Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol 3. No. 16, 1995.

"Surviving the Doctoral Years: Critical Perspectives", by Scott P. Kerlin
Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol. 3, No. 17, 1995.

Other Research on Graduate Studies

AERA-GSL Discussion List:

Bobbi Kerlin and I are hosts of the American Educational Research Association Graduate Studies Discussion List (AERA-GSL). Here are further details on how to join, to view past list discussion items, and our own graduate studies research.

Join AERA-GSL Graduate Studies Discussion List by sending this information to the listserv: SUB AERA-GSL [Your name]

Searchable Indexes of AERA-GSL and other AERA Discussion List Archives

Bobbi's Place: References to Bobbi's graduate studies research

Scott's Research on Graduate Studies and Higher Education

GRADTALK Discussion List Home Page (Moderated by Scott and Bobbi Kerlin)

The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS): Virtual Center for Research on Graduate Education

GRE (Graduate Record Examination) Online

Digital Dissertations Information and Abstracts from University Microfilms Incorporated (UMI)

"Doctoral Education: Preparing for the Future", by Jules LaPidus, Council of Graduate Schools, 1997

Science's Next Wave: Online Newsletter for Graduate Education and the Aftermath in the Sciences

Guidelines for Writing a Ph.D. Thesis for Business Students

Guide to Theses and Dissertations on the Web (from Bobbi's Place)

Graduate School Guide (for planning your graduate education)

"Getting In: An Applicant's Guide to Graduate School Admissions"

Association for Support of Graduate Students

Search: A Newsletter for Graduate Students

E-GRADS (English Graduate Students) Discussion List Information

H-Grads (History Graduate Students) Discussion List Home Page

The MLA (Modern Language Association) Graduate Student Caucus Home Page

"No Openings at this Time: Job Market Collapse and Graduate Education", by Erik D. Curren

"Touching Teachers Where they Hurt: Graduate Education on the Hoof", by Gerry Colvin, Ed.D., Ph.D.

"The Labor Market for New Ph.D. Recipients", from the Council of Graduate Schools

From the online resource guide survival in the academy from the Indiana University Department of Computer Science come the following resources:

U.S. Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT): Occupational Outlook Handbook: College and University Professors

Graduate School Rankings (U.S.--Various Sources)

"What do the NRC Graduate Program Ratings Measure?", by Robert K. Toutkoushian, Halil Dundar, and William E. Becker

National Association of Graduate and Professional Students (NAGPS) Website

NAGPS Guide to Statistics & Studies on Graduate Education


Additional Resources Note:

Scott's Library Research Briefs: Student Retention in Postsecondary Education

Internet Resources for Institutional Research: Student Affairs Resource Links Directory

Academic Advising Resources on the Internet (Higher Education Information)

American College Personnel Association

ACPA Directory of Graduate Preparation Programs in College Student Personnel

List of Student Affairs Listservs/Websites

The Student Affairs Virtual Compass: Master Index of Student Affairs Resources Online

National Association of College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) Home Page

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Home Page

National Resource Center on the Freshman Year Experience

Careers in Student Affairs Page

Student Affairs Journal Online

Student Leader Magazine Online

Student Affairs Journal Directory of Internet Resources


Additional resources on uses of the Internet for postsecondary teaching and learning are available in the January Web Links Feature on "Postsecondary Teaching Resources on the Web" and the April Web Links Feature on "The Wired Campus".

Distance Education Clearinghouse, Univ. of Wisconsin Extension

Thomas Ramage's Comprehensive List of Distance Education Resources

Directory of Distance Education Resources in North America

Directory of Distance Education Resources in Europe and the U.K.

The Internet University: Complete Source about Online Courses Available on the Internet

Bobbi's Place: Directory of Online and Distance Education Resources


Columbia University

Minnesota State Higher Education References

Northwestern University

University of Minnesota Website

Walden University

University of Oregon

Portland State University

Oregon State System of Higher Education (OSSHE) Website

OSSHE Statistical Fact Book

University of Michigan Research Website

University of California at Berkeley

University of California at Santa Barbara

University of California at Santa Cruz

University of Washington

University of Wisconsin at Madison

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education


American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

American Council on Education (ACE)

Association of American Universities (AAU)

Association of American University Presses

Association for Institutional Research (AIR)

AIR Forum, '97: Papers Presented

Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)

Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Preliminary Program Announcement, 1997 Conference

Association of Governing Boards

Association of Research Libraries (ARL)

Black Issues in Higher Education

CHEMA: The Council of Higher Education Management Associations

Chronicle of Higher Education, Academe This Week

College and University Personnel Association (CUPA)

Council of Graduate Schools

League for Innovation in the Community College

National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

National Association of Graduate & Professional Students (NAGPS)

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)

National Academy of Sciences

National Research Council

Society for College & University Planning (SCUP)

University Microfilms, Incorporated (Dissertations Abstracts)

University Information Bureau

Washington Higher Education Network (WHEN)

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)

Western Association of Graduate Schools

Women in Higher Education: Monthly Newsletter


Important News for Ontario Higher Education

In July 1996, Ontario's Education and Training Minister John Snobelen appointed an Advisory Panel on Future Directions for Postsecondary Education. In August, the Panel announced its intentions to hold province-wide consultations on future directions for postsecondary education. An initial report, Future Goals for Ontario Colleges and Universities was released soon afterwards.

Following a series of province-wide meetings, the Advisory Panel issued its findings in December 1996 to Minister Snobelen. The full report was made public on December 16, 1996, and is available on the Web. Entitled Excellence, Accessibility, Responsibility: Report of the Advisory Panel on Future Directions for Postsecondary Education, the report is available in Adobe Acrobat files.

Canadian Universities Directory

EDge Canadian Post Secondary School Finder: OnLine Guide to Canadian Institutions

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (Publisher of University Affairs)

Association of Canadian Community Colleges

Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)

Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada

An Overview of British Columbia's Post Secondary Education System

British Columbia Council on Admission and Transfer (BCCAT)

Center for Education Information Standards and Services (CEISS), B.C.

Confederation of University Faculty Associations (CUFA) of B.C.

Council of Ontario Universities

Ontario Council of University Affairs (OCUA)

Ontario Colleges and Universities Gopher

Ontario Universities' Application Centre

Associated Professors of Univ. of Ottawa Website

Statistics Canada Website: Education Data

University Affairs Online

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