Welcome to

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Webmaster: Scott Kerlin (skerlin@teleport.com)

Contents Guide

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Come on in, take off your shoes, and make yourself at home!

One of my favorite places to unwind is my music room. Music plays a very central role in my life and I'm always eager to open others to some of my favorite sources of music.

I'm also very interested in promoting music education in the schools, so I am continually searching for useful and enjoyable Internet resources devoted to music history and music education. If you like classical music, jazz, opera, rock, women's music, blues, or other forms of music, I hope these links will entertain and enlighten you!

Please Note: This Room is being Upgraded, March 1998


Assorted Music Links (Including Educators' Sites)

Classical Music Resources

Favorite Composers

Instrumentally Speaking

Jazz Sources

Online Music E-zines

Opera Sources

Piano Sources

Record Label Websites (Selected)

Sound Bites

Last Updated: March 13, 1998

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