Do you want or
need counseling?
Do you live in a remote area where it is difficult or near impossible
to get quality service?
Have you had bad experiences with a counselor or therapist abusing you
physically in some way?
Is the cost of getting help just too great on your budget?
Perhaps you have different reasons for not getting the help you need.
If you answer yes to any of these questions then online counseling may
be right for you. Think of it you can always print out a hard copy of
what was said so there can be no mistake of what the advice was.
I offer online counseling using email or chat program. My fees are very
reasonable $20.00 for email with 2 free replies to start. My fees for
real time chat are $30.00 per hr. Now isn't that a lot better than $60.00,
$70.00, $80.00 and even more in some cases.
*I am a Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counsellor *As a
Alcohol and Drug Counsellor I can also do counseling in many other areas
such as relationships, depression, anxiety, loss and grieving, codependency,
childhood abuse issues, shame and guilt issues, process addictions like
workaholic or gambling and much more . * I have helped many people over
a period of over 25 years now. If you want more information or to arrange
counseling just contact
Since Feb 2000
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