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 (Applied Kineseology)

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Karen Tripp: Recovery from Candida

Naturally, I'd like to thank the doctor who I considered saved my life.

Dr. Kenneth R. Piller
Naturopathic Physician
5920 Government Way, Suite 6
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814
(208) 772-9502

He does the following:

Dr. of Naturopathy
Dr. of Homeopathy
Physio Therapist
He also does biofeedback, allergy treatment, electro-acupuncture, bio-magnetic balancing.

Dr. Piller's office is now online at www.imbris.net/~bblinzler

Email: bblinzler@imbris.net  (Dr. Bruce Blinzler is his partner)


I want to thank everyone who graciously agreed to allow me to link to them as a source for people to buy the Formula SF-722 product.


Initially, this Geocities site was free.  However, due to the large number of visitors, I have had to upgrade and pay for additional bandwidth.  Nonetheless, if it were not for Geocities, I would not have ever taken the opportunity to publish my story. 


Thanks to Caroline Clarke, in England, who researched the Formula SF-722 and let me know where it could be purchased there:

Health Interlink Ltd, Interlink House, Unit B, Asfordby Business Park, Welby, Milton Mowbray LEICESTERSHIRE    LE14 3JL

Fax number for England is 01664  810012, telephone 01664 810011.


And I thank each and every one of you who wrote to me to thank me for my website. You are the reason I am maintaining it.


Lastly, I'd like to thank my mother...

I want to thank my mother, who becomes committed to helping people in need by trying new recipes. My mother lives in the other end of the country so I hardly ever see her. She is fearless in the kitchen and she loves to cook for others.  When someone is on a restricted diet of any kind, be it for candida, cancer, diabetes, milk allergy, sugar-free, salt-free, cholesterol-free, fat-free or any combination of the above, she likes to experiment with all the ingredients that are allowed on your diet. She modifies recipes, adds, deletes and tests until it tastes just right.  She would sometimes give me ideas on how to cook things that were "legal" on the program.  Thanks, Mum!

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Home  |  My Story The Program  |  The Products  |  Where to purchase
My Recovery Experience | The Diet  |  More about the Diet - Typical day's diet
Getting Started  |  Candida-safe Recipe Collection  |  Breakfast & Snacks
Carb Counter  |  Fibromyalgia  |  The Parathyroid & Other Info
Muscle Testing (Applied Kineseology)  |  My Experience with Muscle Testing
Frequently Asked Questions  |  About the Controversy  |  Suggested Books
Acknowledgement & Thanks to the Doctor
View my Guestbook  |  Sign my Guestbook
E-book:  A downloadable, printable summary of this site

My husband and I live in British Columbia.
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