mAhNaMe: Roland Theodore Aquino Ilog....Bing for short. =)
DateOfBiRth: June 2, 1977
WhErEiLiVe: Jersey City, New Jersey
EyEs: 2 Green, 2 Brown HaIr: Don't have any more!
HeIgHt: 5'8"
ScHoOL: Rutgers University:College Of Arts & Sciences

Hey, what's up?! Thanks for comin' in and checkin' out mah homepage. This is the 2nd version. I was kinda gettin sick of the way the old one looked so i changed everything around. There might be a few stuff here and there that don't werk cuz i did this all widout one of them editors...all by hand, no joke! if there's anything that's broke....yo, juss send meeh a note or something, tell meeh whassup! =) thanks!

If you read the top up were probably like how da heck did he ever get "bing" from roland theodore?? wierd, eh?! i dunno if i should be tellin this...yanno...cuz i don't want this valuable information circulating around the web, ya know what i'm saying?! hee-hee!! well, this is what mah sister told meeh...she sed that when mah moms was pregnant wid meeh....they thought that i was gonna be twins...and mah sister and brother named meeh bing and bong. (*sarcastic* HA-HA...have yer laughs...i know yous out there are laughing! =) ) anyways, when mah mom gave birth wid meeh, she told mah sis and bro that they could only bring one home, and to choose which one they wanted. And they chose "bing". GOOD CHOICE!! =) i don't think i'd be able to live wid the nick bong anyways...hee-hee!! i'd hear all the wise cracks!! i'm juss not a bong...i don't think i could put up with, but not a bong!! nah!!

Well, where do i start at?! I tell ya, this must be the hardest part of mah homepage i gotta write out, cuz i don't have the slightest idea what to say. Okie....right now....i attend...from what you see up there....Rutgers University. I'ma freshman transfer student, i used to go to Saint Peter's College/Christ Hospital School of Nursing down here in Jersey City, but then...i kinda failed in mah nursing course, and i figured that stuff wasn't for meeh! Anyways, i'm sick of hospitals...the smell and everything and the patients...i'm sure they're all really nice...i'm juss scared of em all!! I juss can't see mahself in that kinda environment for the rest of mah life, ya know what i'm saying?! picking people up, putting them in bed...wiping their butts clean, ewww!! shots, old old patients biting you, putting their pills under their tongues and not swallowing, drooling, punching if some patient hits meeh, i'ma hit em back yo!! shewt!! and i'll be sued for malpractice or something...see that job is too stressful. Or like mr. doe over there constantly ringing that bell, why don't he juss go to sleep?! I'd end up giving him so much medicine, he'd o. d.!! And mah sister's a nurse....(i dunno how she does it!) and my brother, soon-2-be....i'll juss leave that up to them! =)

In skewl, I'm in one of them double major jammies. It doesn't seem hard...maybe cuz i haven't taken any classes in mah majors yet. So i'll just take back what i sed! It just seems like, by the classes i gotta take, it's gonna be a freakin mad long college life!! i'm like 20 now...and peeps be graduating like at 22...i only got 2 years left & i should be graduating...but it ain't gonna be like, i can't even imagine how long i'ma be in there! Btw..are you wondering what mah majors are?! well, they're: computer science and art (graphics design). Anyways, Rutgers is pretty kewl...i got no complaints cept the computer labs suck!! Everytime i go there, it's like everything's broken down and out of order....shewt...what the heck do they do wid mah money, yanno what i'm saying?!

I'd like to think that i presently work in CVS. actually i don't, but i wish i could say i did without feeling guilty. I've been working there since junior year, high like this october marks the 4 year anniversary of meeh werking there...sux eh?! and i'm only making 5 something...see!! i don't remember!! all i know is that i werked mah butt off over there...and i kinda don't wanna go back. It started like this...i got hit wid a bad case of pink eye..and i was excused from werk for like two weeks, and since mah cousin mark was here in jersey...i drove him back up there to Canada...and i stayed there for a lil bit. (Like almost 3 weeks!! a lil bit.) So i haven't been to work for more than a month...& i admit it gets boring around the house and mah funds iz running a lil short now....i wanna go werk...but i juss don't wanna go back there. When i got back from Canada mah brother showed meeh a letter i got from school for a tutoring job....and that's pretty kewl, cuz i get some benefits, and plus the starting pay is more than i'd get if i werk in CVS for like how many years!!! yanno?! So i'ma try and go for that!! Wish meeh luck and pray! Thanks!

I listen to all types of music depending on the type of mood i'm in. i listen to a lot of reggae tapes mah friend made, hip-hop, slow jams, r&b, them old jams like marvin gaye, what else??? i'll listen to some alternative stuff, but then that kinda gets to meeh a lil bit. I'll even put up wid a lil heavy metal. And some bootie music iz kewl! But what i really really can't stand is that freakin country stuff!! oh mah gosh!! ewww!! it's a freakin' bunch of hicks and rednecks giitin' down!! yo, this one time, i had the tv on the country video channel. (i know...what was i thinking, right?! i must've been really bored at home that one day!!) and there was this guy...freakin tryin to rap!! he was rhymin' country was a freakin joke!! i was like that sounds nasty!! And i juss channeled it quick!! That's prolly the new thing down there, i dunno... who cares!!

I also enjoy stuff like....goin to the museum and looking at art, the ballet, musicals, a few opera houses here a there....uhh, what else?? oh yeah....stoopid meeh....i've seen the New York Symphony Orchestra a few times...and that was simply fabulous! They were superb! EWWW!! shut the hell up!! yeah right!! argh!! nah...about the only thing i like in that stuff i sed was the museum...i dunno...i think it's kinda kewl lookin at them werks and artifacts from way back....hee-hee...back in the day!! I also enjoy goin to the aquarium..(even though i haven't been to one in the longest)..but i luv fish and all that sealife....i got two aquariums a 20 and 30 gallon in mah room wid african cichlids in them...and to this day, i still ain't got no names for all them!! oh well!! i also like goin to them car shows wid all the hooked up performance cars! they're pretty phat! man, i wish i had a car to hook up and race!! i dunno....someday i will! =) *ATT COMMERCIAL* i also enjoy chillin wid mah friends, goin out, watching movies(even though i haven't watched a movie here in jersey in the longest cuz it's gotten mad expensive!!) gotta wait till it comes out on video, yanno?! oh yeah...and having bbq's IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! even during the winter time we be out there barbeque'in!! you juss don't know! basically....all in all....i juss luv to have fun, true?!

well, i guess that's practically it...i dunno what else to tell ya. If you wanna know more about meeh, ya interested?...juss look the bottom of the page...there's mah email addy...just click on that highlighted part...and if i did that right, i'll get a letter in the mail....hee-hee!! and i'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have...even if it doesn't have anything to do wid meeh!! shewwt! =) well, i gots to be goin's freakin mad late out here! latez!@!

© 1997 BiNgErZ aLL RiGhTs ReSeRvEd

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