Intolerable Acts!

Woman Postal Worker Raped
By Her Supervisor

(Sacramento, California) Cynthia Stoll a single mother of three boys, worked at the Sacramento Post Office in March, 1984 as a letter-sorting machine operator until June 22, 1990.

She fled the postal workplace to escape extreme sexual harassment experienced and filed a complaint with the EEOC requesting back and front pay as well as attorneys' fees. An extensive hearing before an EEOC administrative law judge (ALJ) was completed in 1994. Both ALJ and the Postal Service agreed to the following facts:

Sex Harassment by Co-Workers ALJ found that Stoll "was subjected to persistent, pervasive hostile environment and sexual harassment from a blur of men." Numerous male coworkers and supervisors asked Stoll to perform oral sex on them, commented on her body, shot rubber bands at her backside, asked her to wear lacy black underwear for them, bumped and rubbed up against her from behind, pressed their erect penises into her back while she was sorting mail and unable to get away, followed her into the women's bathroom, asked her to go on vacations, "stalked her throughout the postal facility," and fondled her body.

Sex Harassment Perpetrated By SupervisorsThe ALJ found that much of the sexual harassment was perpetrated by supervisors. Her immediate supervisor, Victor Almendarez "fostered much of the sexual harassment," because he "unreasonably intimidated" Stoll, who was described by witnesses as fairly shy.

It was witnessed that Supervisor Victor Almendarez seemed to take sadistic pleasure in screaming at and otherwise tormenting Stoll because she was quiet and pretty, "to the extent that she was afraid of him and could not approach him about the sexual harassment she experienced.

Sadistic supervisor did not allow Cynthia to go to ladies room For example, on two occasions, Almendarez refused Stoll's request to leave her workstation to go to the ladies' room because she was menstruating heavily.

Bleed all over yourself if you're menstruating Instead, he forced her to remain at her letter-sorting console and bleed all over herself. She then had to go to the nurse's office covered in menstrual blood. The ALJ found Almendarez's "unsympathetic attitude toward her female health needs" particularly revolting and abusive.

"Helpful supervisor, John Garrard" repeatedly rapes the woman postal worker He intervened on Cynthia Stoll's behalf with the intimidation by Almendarez and did other unsolicited "favors" for Stoll and then demanded sexual services from her as a quid pro quo.

Garrard often approached Stoll in the workplace and asked her if she "wanted something to suck on. " He also frequently told her that he wanted to "fuck" her and asked her if she "fucked as good as she looked." When Stoll declined Garrard's advances, he raped her repeatedly.

No Action by the US Postal Service Although Stoll was too frightened and ashamed to report the first rape to the police, she did report the subsequent assaults, and Garrard was eventually ordered to stay away from her.

Judge doesn't buy the Slut's Defense Garrard, predictably, claimed that Stoll was his "girlfriend." The ALJ found this assertion ludicrous, and concluded that "there was absolutely no evidence presented to indicate that the complainant and Garrard were romantically involved at any time during complainant's employment.

Witnesses and coworkers testified that Garrard was "obsessed with Stoll" but that she did not like him, did everything possible to avoid him, refused to socialize with him, and was visi- bly afraid of him.

Cynthia Stoll was a compelling witness The ALJ found that all of the advances and assaults visited upon Stoll were totally unsolicited and that she repeatedly and consistently made it clear that she had no interest in any of her attackers. He further found that Stoll was "by far the most compelling of any witness that has ever appeared before me."

Sacramento Post Office working conditions - a glaring situation The working conditions not just for Stoll but for all women at the Sacramento Post Office during that time period were characterized by the ALJ as "a glaring situation no one should have to endure."

She quit in June 1990 because the terms and conditions of Stoll's employment were obviously negatively affected by the abusive atmosphere in which she was forced to work, an environment the ALJ concluded "was so intolerable that she was forced to sever her employment relationship with the agency in June,1990, and may never be able to work again, as a result thereof."

Destruction of a human being The ALJ further found that Stoll, understandably, suffered severe psychological damage as a result of her experiences. Stoll's psychiatrist, Dr. Weber, testified that she might never recover from the abuse and might never work again. A clinical psychologist confirmed Dr. Weber's view.

The ALJ found that Stoll was "obviously scarred for life" by her work at the Post Office, and her experience had "a profound detrimental effect on her health and well being" as she might never be able to return to work.

Attempted suicide four times By the time of the administrative hearing in April, 1994, Stoll had attempted suicide four times, most recently just days before the hearing was set to begin, by taking 70 Valiums, Tylenol, and other anti-depressants.

Extent of the Rapist's punishment by the US Postal Service was "stay away from her".

If you find that sex harassment in your workplace is treated frivolously with no serious administrative action; and you are the person receiving the retaliation contact the Women's Network for Stopping Crimes Against Women in the US Postal Service.