Dear Visitor,
This idea was an old dream.
After contacts with these fabulous and renowned masters of the design and words we were admired with the receptivity and enthusiasm with which some of them bougth the idea.
The great designers and writers who answered our solicitation and intended to collaborate with this work in Health Education surprised us, because of their investment and disposition in contributing using this wonderful tool called
ART in every form, in search for a better quality of life for our population.
We expect that with these BRILLIANT works we can develop our community actions for information and behaviour changes related to the control of these animals in order to discourge and decrease the accidents and deaths caused by them.
To all , our most sincere thanks be sure, that the results of these works we will owe to you.
The Laboratory of Poisonous Animals of the Health department and the people of Uberlândia heartliy thank you.
Therefore dear visitor to have a good time and think of forms you may contribute to the reduction of the number of accidents by scorpions in iyour house... your block...and your neighborhood...
William Henrique Stutz
Veterinary Hygienist Doctor
ICQ no. 18 469 426
A small note: The drawings and texts here presented are of the authors' property and they were especially created for our project, therefore the use of the same ones should have authorization of the same ones. The intellectual property should always be respected.
All the links with the artists' names are active. Others will be shortly ready. Several VIPs of art , for our happiness, mean to send their work to us. We anxiously waiting. All the links below about our work are in function.