This is Scouty Land...

Welcome to my personal page...

This is me with Fred on my head!  He's the winter hat I made for myself.  Yes...I used to have hair...:::smirk:::...and a tan!!  After being here at Philadelphia for four years, I can now say I've got an "even tan!"   Yep!  And *THAT* is every So. Californian's dream...sorta...  It's that "must have a great tan even if it means dying of melanoma in the future" kind of attitude, ya know?

Anyway, as you can probably tell from the brief intro, I'm not from here originally.   Actually I was born and raised in Taiwan.  My family came to the states when I was 12 and I have spent the rest of my life here.  So. California is where I call HOME.   I grew up in Los Angeles, but went to undergrad at UCSD; and since San Diego is WAY nicer than LA, I tell people that I'm a San Diegan. :o)  I graduated from there with a degree in biochemistry/cell biology back in June 1995. After taking a year off and going back to school full time, I then graduated from University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine with a V.M.D. degree (Penn keeps their degrees in latin, which is nice and distinquishable). So it's DOCTOR SCOUT now (but I've yet to get better seating at restaurants with that title). After dodging my student loans for another 4 years by accepting a post-doc training program in Laboratory Animal Medicine at University of Washington, I now am an ACLAM board certified veterinarian at Charles River Laboratories, Inc. where I work as the Director of Veterinary Services within the Transgenic Services division. I now live in Boston (yuck), and I shall keep you all updated with what's going on often as I can.

Hmph...what else is there...?  I have two brothers, and I am the middle kid.  My older brother Henry is a musician, and he and his family lives in Salzburg, Austria.  My younger brother Theo graduated from Berklee College of Music in 1999, now working in Taiwan also as a musician. My dad is retired, and my mom is a vocal teacher.  Now, you might be asking...why does Scout not play any instruments, while the rest of her family members are in that business??  Well, I don't think I got the full section of the music gene from my parents...  I used to play the piano (and which Asian child didn't?), but now I play the acoustic guitar by ear.  One of my favorite past time is to listen to songs from the radio/CD, and try to play along.  I also enjoy going to small gigs at local cafe and listen to guitar players...

Okay...I think that is good for now?  These are some of the projects which I've worked on during school.  Feel free to check them out at my school web page.  Also, here are some cartoons/drawings of mine, and I will add more stuff later.


In case you're curious...

University Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine...come join the fun
University of California, San Diego where the cool beaches are
Apparently San Marino High School has a site too! *gasp*
CAL Projects

Home Rehn Photo Links
I will add some more cool stuff as soon as I find them. Until then, take a detour and visit my girlfriend Rehn's site (also contributed by yours truely)!

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