Classic Cases
This page will contain textbook like cases of well known clinical situations in the practice of Otolaryngology presenting in real life
The first case is a case of a
Transverse Fracture of the temporal bone
History and Examination
A 35 year old man met with road traffic accident and sustained a head injury to the back of his head. After he regained consciousness he had the following clinical features
Headache NO vertigo
Tinnitus NO ear bleeding
Right sided deafness NO vomiting
Right facial palsy NO perforation of TM
Right mild haemotympanum
Rinne Neg(R) Pos(L)
Weber (L)
Plain X ray of skull base
Can you spot the defects?
CT scan of the skull
Can you spot the defect?
Do you agree with this interpretation?
If not please tell us about your own interpretation and diagnosis in the box given below.