My tribute to Diana 

the Princess who was one of us


"In the early hours of the morning of Sunday August 31st 1997, oblivious to most of us, Princess Diana died in an car accident in Paris. 

With her was also killed Dodi Al Fayad, her companion and the also the chauffeur of the car. The shock of her death shook the world irrespective of race, colour, age or social level. This itself was evidence how Diana had influenced the world by her selflessness when it came to compassion and love for those who needed it most. There is no doubt that she was the icon of the modern era. 

If there is some comfort to be drawn from this tragic loss it is only the fact that she may have died at a time she had at last found some happiness out side her own family. In spite of the days gone since, it is still hard to believe that Diana is no more. It is hard to accept that we will never see her again. In this vein I dedicate this tribute to her"

Weeks have passed and have turned into months but the pain is still as great
No matter what we do no matter what we think nothing will make it change
For a tear we see a thousand are shed from every little corner of the earth
The pearl that we lost we will never get back no matter how much it is worth.


The flowers that said all that words could not are no longer there today  

The millions that shed a billion of tears have run out of words to say

A moment has gone and a moment has come and it has taken our hearts away  

Lord please tell us how to take out that moment and make it just another day

A few days later she was laid to rest on a beautiful island surrounded by the thousands of flowers left by the the people she had loved, and in the quiet tranquility without any photographers around to be seen. 

That day I composed a poem putting into words the feelings I had, and also I am sure shared by millions around the world. 

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Diana the Queen of Hearts by Ravi Ruberu

Ravi Ruberu
Sri Lanka
Send me E mail with your comments

Copyright ©1997, Ravi Ruberu 1