Seasonal Light Organizations

  1. NOSAD - National Organization for Seasonal Affective Disorder (USA)

    NOSAD is a national group founded in 1988 to support the interests of patients with SAD. Its membership is open to patients, relatives, friends, interested professionals, and any others who wish to further its goals. These include:

    • Disseminating information about SAD by means of a regular newsletter.

    • Offering support groups to patients and their families in a manner that has been successful for many other medical and psychiatric illnesses.

    • Working for things that are important to people with SAD - for example, insurance reimbursement for light fixtures.

    The parent body has been established in the Washington DC metropolitan area, but members are eager to develop satellite groups across the country. If you are interested in finding out more about NOSAD, or in starting your own local chapter of the group, write to:

    P.O. Box 40190
    Washington DC 20016

    OLD, OBSOLETE Address:
    P.O. Box 451
    Vienna, VA 22180

    Note from

      Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995
      Subject: NOSAD

      NOSAD has been re-started. A new newsletter has been put together and will be mailed shortly to past members.

      Source: David Beningson, Marketing Manager, Bio-Brite

  2. SADA - the Seasonal Affective Disorder Association (UK)

    SADA is the Seasonal Affective Disorder Association. It is a UK registered charity (No. 800917) which is there to help people with SAD by providing information. It organises meetings for sufferers and professionals, it has a nationwide network of support groups, it provides SAD information packs to sufferers, to health professionals and to the media. It keeps an eye on scientific developments in the field. SADA was founded by Jennifer Eastwood in 1985. SADA has now grown into a professional organisation. The annual membership fee is very resonable, and well worth it. To obtain information send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

    The Secretary, SADA
    PO Box 989
    London SW7 2PZ

    Source: Mike Ferenczi,

  3. Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms

    Updated address:

    10200 West 44th Avenue, Suite 304
    Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033-2840, USA
    Tel: (303) 424-3697
    Fax: (303) 422-8894

    They also have a new (3 Apr 96) Website at:

    Source, dated 3 April 1996:

    Raymond W. Lam, M.D.
    Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia
    Director, Mood Disorders Clinic
    Vancouver Hospital & Health Sciences Centre
    2255 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 2A1
    Tel: 604-822-7325
    Fax: 604-822-7922

  4. Old, obsolete address:

    P. O. Box 478
    Wilsonville, OR 97070

  5. Sun Net

    P. O. Box 10606
    Rockville, MD 20850

  6. Seasonal Studies

    National Institute of Mental Health
    Building 10/4S-239
    9000 Rockville Pike
    Bethesda, MD 20892

Contact:  Lou Puls
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