Beware my friend, my name is COCAINE, "Coke"
for short.
I entered this country without a passport.
Ever since then I've been hunted and sought:
By junkies and pushers and plain clothes slicks.
Mostly by users who need a Quick fix.
I'm more valued than diamonds, more treasured than gold,
Use me just once and you too will be sold.
I'll make a school boy forget his books,
I'll make a beauty queen neglect her looks.
I'll take a renown speaker and make him a bore,
I'll take your mama and make her a whore.
I'll make a school teacher forget how to teach,
I'll make a preacher, not want to preach.
All kinds of people have fallen under my wing,
Just look around, you can see the results of my sting.
I've got daughters turning on their mothers.
I've got sisters robbing their brothers;
I've got husbands pimping their spouse.
I'm the king of crime and the prince of destruction,
I'll cause your body organs to grossly malfunction;
I'll cause your babies to be born hooked,
I'll turn the honest of men into a crook:
I'll make you rob, steal and kill.
When you're under my power, you have no will.
Remember my friend, my name is Big "C"
Some call me White Lady;
I've destroyed actors, politicians and sports heros,
I've decreased bank accounts from millions to zero:
I'm a bad habit, too tough for the man,
I've caused the law to invest in the batter-ram.
Yeah, I'm raising hell all over the earth,
Don't believe me just check out Brynhurst.
I've got them standing on corners yelling "rock"
I've made it where shootings and stabbings are common
on the block.
Well, now you know, what will YOU do?
Remember, my friend, it's all up to you.
If you decide to jump in my saddle, you better ride me well,
For on the white horse of cocaine, I'll ride you straight to hell.