Follow up

This is Michaels Home Page,Thanks for coming and have a nice day


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I am glad you could make it

Well well well well well well. I am glad that you were able to find me, don't know how you did but that is beside the point. I hope that you enjoy your stay at my humble abode. Well to tell you a bit about myself, my name is Michael, and my surname is Charles. I am into freestyle Bmxing and also Sailing. Well that's me in a nutshell. Also I am in my final year of school. Why don't you check out my access one homepage abit further. Also I am fairly new to this so I don't know what it is going to turn out like. Why don't you send me some mail

I'm in here
Out of order, don't use!
See ya, and have a nice death.

Well for all those interested, this is me, pretty ugly hey!

Do you want to play naughts and crosses with me ???

Click on the button next to each position to put an X there.


Links to other sites on the Web

My First attempt at frames(not a bad effort if I do say so myself)Make sure that you check this one out, I think that it's better than this page!
My Proper Home Page
My Music Link Page
My Health Page
My Freestyle BMX Page
Linking Page, come here to find link stuff, ie my friends homepages
This is a page that has personal stuff about me in it, come and check it out!

Sign My GuestbookView My GuestbookGuestbook by Lpage

Hope you have enjoyed your stay, have a nice day and hope to hear from you at some stage. Don't forget to bookmark this page because it will be updated regulary, changes are a must. And congrats, you are visitor numbersince the 3 of April 97, seeing you have got this far, why not sign my guestbook. Or have a search for you favorite subject below, pretty cool huh. Maybe you would like to try out my fav chat rooms, it's down there as well under colosseum chat! One last thing, I think that you should take the writing belows advice!

Do NOT push me more than once..........or else!


Terms to Match: Number of Results:

Output Level:

Last Updated on the 14 of Mayl 97

Welcome to my link to Colosseum Chat!


!!!Lights Out!!!

Here you go people, a try hard version of the game 'Lights Out' just for you.
Make all checks(lights) disappear!
Just click on the level you desire and off you go

Level 1Level 2
Level 3Level 4
Level 5

Anyone able to figure out what this does? If you can tell me what it does(other than nothing) you may get a prize!!!
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I don't really believe in God or anything, but I think that this is a really sad story and they need all of the support that they can get, I think that Ashley would like it if you were to visit her

Please Pray for Ashley

I don't have a habit of stealing things from other peoples pages, but some of the stuff here has spawned from ideas from a page that I admire, check it out if you feel that you want to wait ages for the page to load, but it's worth the wait, check it out!Xavi's award winning page