AbOuT GeOcItIeS' FiTiNsTrUcToR
My name is CaRrIe and I am from VA.
I have been an AeRoBiCs InStRuCtOr for 10 years, and a Personal Trainer for 3 years!!
(2000)I am proud to announce I am now a GrAdUaTe of UNCG with a BS in Exercise and Sports Sciences and a minor in Nutrition.(2000) I am a PeRsOnAl TrAiNeR and a FiTnEsS PrOfEsSiOnAl..As for my own health I am a body builder and hope to compeat in the Miss. Fitness USA pagent before I am 25.
Why Should You Listen To Me, and Why Do I want to give out all this FREE INFO?????
Well, to tell you the truth there is no real reason why you should listen to me as opposed to anyone else but, I want to tell you I have been through all the promising diets, weight loss products, get-fit quick programs and I think I finally understand the key to health and fitness. You have to want it for yourself, and until you do all the diets and exercise routines in the world will not help you to achieve your goals. I found that through all the diets and exercise programs, that I thought didn't work, I learned that it was not the programs. I learned that, in my mind I wasn't ready to change and when I was, only then would the diet and exercise programs work.
Remember until you want to make a change in your life, whatever the change, it will not happen until you put your heart and soul into it. When you're ready you will know, then go for it.
I only wish there could have been someone there to tell me all this great info. and to encoarage me on the way to a healthier lifestyle, when I started on my road to fitness. That is why I am giving out all this info. FREE!! I want to help anyone, who is uncomfortable or unsatisfied with their current fitness level. I want everyone to know that anyone can change, it just takes some strength and devotion. I can't stress enough the fact that you really have to want to make the change for yourself and not anyone else!!
A FeW oThEr ThInGs AbOuT Me...
Hear To Deserve You..one of my fav. songs, click here!

"When you sail the sea of change there is always longing for shore"....A very inspirational quote from a co-worker, a very special woman and a good friend Ms. Shirley T. Burke
For me this quote means...When you are trying to change you will always long for the time when you are once again comfortable in your lifestyle. However, change is good and sometimes needed. Life is forever changing, adjust and make the best of it. Remember change should always be for the better. This way it will bring you comfort and happiness.
Live for you.. CaRrIe
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