You've now reached the VF Guest Book. Here's how previous visitors have massaged my ego or slagged me off. Enjoy!

- 12/12/00 20:13:54


oscar - 12/07/00 18:01:35

Sincerely, if my mother had circumcised to me by aesthetic reasons, I would think she is a bitch. Stop this obsession by the glans, normally the foreskin can be pulled down without problems.

Randy Tymkin - 10/25/00 22:48:24
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

I have a solution for circumcised men, that enhances sensitivity of the penis. Go to

Anonymous - 10/23/00 02:45:40
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut

I was not circumcised as my parents thought it was cruel (they say, mom's European which might have affected it - and my dad wasn't cut either so...). I HATE it! The day I turn 18 I am getting cut - low and tight. I could ask my parents, but I can't get t e courage to.

KutKat - 08/09/00 00:59:35
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

Cut and love it. But have time for both. If you are really interested in the more sexual aspects of circumcision, or are stimulated by pics and talk, then try

john - 07/31/00 22:51:56
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

circumcised as an adult and very happy so is my wife.They look better feel nicer and my wife has expressed joy a glans should not be covered by skin.

phil - 06/26/00 21:32:08
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

nobody in my family has been cut. but all of us keep our foreskin retracted. my brother explained this to me when i was 19. when first pulled back, the skin did not stay back. it took some time before before it would stay back all the time. at first the glans was sore, but that went away in a few days. the glans has increased in size by not having the foreskin covering it. this has been the case with my brothers and father. over the years, the penis has lengthened out and the foreskin that is roll d back is not noticable. it looks cut from every aspect. i stretch the skin when i wash, but i never cover the glans. i am glad i am not cut, and also i have the glans exposed. i know many men who have the same situation. i know this will be somethin our family will pass on.

- 06/16/00 12:07:23

Do you know of a way I might be able to email a circumcision camp in Africa? I want to learn about their practices. Thank You,

- 04/20/00 00:33:41
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut

Well im uncircumcised and i hate it. I always hav to pull the skin back or else female partners get turned off at the site.....they hate the smell and blow jobs are out of the question....the foreskin makes the condoms slide off...females usually end up just holding the skin back as far as possible with one hand just to enjoy intecorse or manual stimulation....i cant wait to get circumcised...probab y moderate...or high and tight!

paul - 03/10/00 23:30:54
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: help

look i think i havce got phimosis and all i want to do is pull my foreskin back when having intercouse

- 01/22/00 02:18:21


Me - 12/02/99 11:35:59
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut and never will be cut

All those who said they like being circ'ed are full of shit you know you don't like it cuz you don't know how it feels to be uncired and even those who were uncirc'ed and got circ'ed will end up hating it.. that is proven 99.9% of the time. :) you'll see

A.P.M. - 11/08/99 03:49:39
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Moderate Cut

I'm astounded at the extreme biases regarding circumcision. After looking at many sites about circumcision pro & con, this site seems to be most "neutral". Most of the pro-cut arguements seems to deal with the "cosmetics" of the stupid & vain ...just because most of the pornographic products shows the Cut member?Many of you people out there are like sheep, blindly following a particular cultural fad. I'm in my 40's & had to have a moderate circumcision due to physical reasons (not for cosmetics). I'm so glad that I did not get the trendy, High & Tight Cut. Why go through such a radical option? I think, I have the Best of Both Worlds...when my penis is flaccid it looks somewhat uncircumcized, with the foreskin covering about 3/4 the head , but as it gets erect, the head instantly pops out of the remaining foreskin & it automatically rolls back behind the head & stays there, during sexual intercourse! I don't need to use any hand assistance to pull the foreskin back! When fully erect, it looks cut but with that extra thickness of folded skin-ridge behind the head, giving my partner that extra stimulation. Another advantage of a moderate circumcision is, that the head is only partially covered by the foreskin & allowing it to breathe & it does not become excessively moist or dry (like a cut penis). I'm not necessarily pro or anti circumcision but you men out there should base your decisions on commonsense/unbiased facts. You will not get the "big picture" if you permit yourself to be brainwashed by the extremist positions.

john rowe - 09/26/99 20:30:43
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

Ilove forskin-but I can not find any in charlotte n.c. please respond if you have any suggestions!

- 08/24/99 09:31:09
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: soon to be cut

I have only just found this sight and its interesting to find so many favourable testimonials from guys who have been done as adults. With so much anticirc debate going on I thought I was in the minority for wanting such a procedure. I have wanted this fo a long time. I was definitely in the minority at boarding school being uncircumcised. Boys could be extremely cruel and anyone who wasnt circed was always mocked and ridiculed. As time went by I suppose I just learnt to accept my situation of being uncircumcised. I learnt to deal with odours. Now when I attend the gym I too usually shower very discreately, if only because of what I grew accustomed to at school. Tolerance was not really something that was taught then, neither was respect I suppose for someone who was different. Well finally I have plucked up the courage to be circumcised. In some ways I almost feel like I am being initiated into the relms of adulthood; strange as it sounds. Basically though I am sick and tired of the cleanliness factor; worrying about odours in ummer or when I go to bed and want to make love with my wife. Smegma is not exactly a turn on. I want to feel the glands of my penis and in particular the corona being directly stimulated against the vaginal wall and not an overly long foreskin just slidi g back and forth. I want to enjoy the pleasures of oral sex and all that entails. And yes I want a penis that I wont be ashamed or embarrassed with because of an overly long and somewhat ugly foreskin. Yes I want an aesthetically attractive penis and I do t care if people think I am vain. I have weighed up all the arguements and now its 12 hours to go till surgery. I am nervous but I have made my decision and I cant weight for the start of the rest of my life. At long last I have plucked up the courage and it is my decision.....

Den - 08/24/99 08:21:14
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

Well I have made the decision to be circumcised. And I am being circed tomorrow. I ahve waited for this moment for a long time. I can see no reason for prolonging a situation that I feel totally uncomfortable with. I have weighed up all the pro's and cons and have made my decision. Its taken a long time to get there but tomorrow is the start of something new. In reading all the comments its interesting hearing from those who have had the operation who are so favourable.

Robert Unsöld - 08/20/99 09:16:10
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut/male/

I'm uncut, though my glans isn't covered. I like it so, in between. Your linksite it very necessary, important, and great! Congrats.

kevin - 08/10/99 19:18:52
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

I'm uncut (also in England) but really wish I was circumcised. I much prefer the look of a cut penis and think there are many advantages to being done. In my opinion all men should be circumcised. If anyone wishes to send an e-mail, feel free

Ben - 03/27/99 09:57:22
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

Cut and very happy with it. Had to have it done at 16, and my only regret is it wasn't done at birth, so I didn't have to go through all that teenage humiliation thing in the showers at school afterwards - I felt like a medical exhibit! I was one of about five in a class of 50, so it wasn't that common. Have to say having experienced both states, cut is definitely better. There's no question about it being cleaner, it never gets caught in a zip and it never sprays all over the place like a garden hose. You can always tell an uncut household by the mess a ound the toilet! Plus the ladies think it looks better too. Can't understand all the cut guys who wish they had foreskins. Take it from someone who had one, they're nothing but a pain! Would be interested in hearing from anyone else who's gone through this experience too. br>
- 03/26/99 22:19:49


Thomas - 03/16/99 19:53:56
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut, male

I'm glad to be cut me !

Gaetano - 02/14/99 07:18:59
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

Very happy to be circumcised.

Bob - 01/17/99 20:26:53
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut/restoring

Thanks for your great website. I am 38 years old and was circ'd @ birth. I wish my parents had not allowed this to happen. I have been restoring my foreskin for about 8 months and have made great progress. I think routine infant circumcision should be banned. It is an outrage. If you want to have it done as an adult (which I believe is a dumb idea), more power to you. At least you have made the choice. I think wives, girlfriends, parents, boyfriends, etc. should have no say-so in the matter. Fores in is not an accident of nature. If it ain't broke -- don't fix it! Thank you.

- 01/06/99 00:50:26


James - 11/25/98 21:23:53
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

I was circumcised for strictly personal (not medical) reasons in my mid-30s and do not regret for one moment having the procedure done. The surgery was quick, relatively painless, the recovery period short and the end results (no pun intended) quite satis actory. My wife fully supported my decision and prefers the way my circumcised penis looks, feels and tastes. Our sex life is better than ever after nearly 40 years of marriage. I suggest any uncut man considering circumcision to proceed. The only caveat would offer is to find a qualified urologist/surgeon and discuss the type of circumcision you want. My own circumcision is fairly tight with the scar located about one-half inch below the corona. Most of my inner skin was removed and there has been some oss of sensitivity to the glans over the years. Regardless, the head of my penis remains sensitive to manual and oral stimulation nearly three decades after my foreskin was snipped away. While circumcision might not be for everyone, it was the correct ste for me. I remain wholly satisfied with my circumcision and certainly recommend adult circumcision to anyone with the physical or mental need to have the procedure done.

I8POWER@AOL.COM - 11/01/98 10:10:41


Brad - 10/31/98 21:02:04
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

Great site. I'm cut, and am very happy that I am. I have a moderate circumcision. The outer layer was removed, but not the sensitive inner layer. When my penis is not erect, this inner layer is folded behind my cock-head. When I am erect, it is pulled back along the shaft. It extends more than a third of the length of my shaft, behind the corona. My frenulum is long and very sensitive. This is the kind of circumcision to have. I've discussed circumcision with a large number of my uncut friends, mos of whom (nine out of fourteen) have significant problems with their foreskin. My conclusion is that I have the best of both worlds: all the pleasure of the foreskin, but none of the inconvencience. If you are thinking about getting circumcised, get it one the right way. Make sure the surgeon takes of only the outer layer, and leaves the inner layer intact. You will lose very little, if any true sensitivity. I have spoken to several men who were circumcised later in life, and had this moderate form o the procedure, and they said the results were excellent: no significant loss of penile sensitivity or sexual pleasure.

Keith - 10/28/98 23:52:22
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut

To put it mildly, circumcision is outrageous. I'll make a couple of analogies. Imagine if parents decided to have their 3 day old childs' nipples pierced. They would probably have the child taken away by social services and be locked up. Yet the sa e parents can have their child mutilated and scarred for life without even any anaesthetic as a so called "medical procedure". Secondly, the medical evidence for circumcision is spurious to say the least. It's like saying you should have both your legs amputated because there is a minute risk of contracting gangrene. Let children have control over their own bodies and let adults do with their own bodies what they want to do. As a postscript, I do not believe any "cut" guy can ever experience the full joy of sex as an uncut guy.

Josh Bakehorn - 10/14/98 17:12:18
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: restoring male

I was circumcised against my will at birth and am now going through a tedious restoration process. I have already noticed in the few weeks of restoration that I am MUCH more sexually sensitive. Circumcision MUST be STOPPED!!!!!!!

Lance - 10/12/98 11:52:40
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut

I wish I was.....All who are, are so lucky

Paul - 09/11/98 14:31:42
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

I'm English and was cut as an infant for medical reasons and knew no different until I hit the communal changing rooms during swimming lessons at school. It seems I was the only circumcised boy in the school. This experience was repeated in secondary sc ool, although later I was joined by one or two others with clipped dicks; but having your knob stared at, laughed at and talked about all round school as a pubescent teenager wasn't that great! I used to wish I wasn't cut, and although sometimes I wonder what I'm missing, I am now quite content to be "different" than most of my countrymen - in fact when I see another 'roundhead' in the lockerroom I kind of feel some special bond. When I lived in Australia for a while it was almost like my penis had arriv d home - it didn't stick out at all (pardon the pun!) and I enjoyed the feeling of being in a majority. It's funny being cut in an uncut land, but I love my neatly trimmed todger and wouldn't ever consider restoration. I'm happy to hear from anyone with their views! Thanks for the fantastic site.

Anna Avery - 08/12/98 22:50:08
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Female

I am for restoration. I work daily with those that are trying desperately to regain what they have lost in youth. The P.U.D. or Penile Lengthening Device can be found at We are in no way affiliated with Erotic Product. They are an unaut orized source.

Darren Kent - 07/12/98 17:13:06
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut (recently)

Rather enjoyed all the info provided here. Please e-mail me about further info or any questions you may have regarding my cut status.

James - 05/22/98 14:11:35
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: restored

Deciding About Circumcision, American Academy of Family Physicians : This link on your web site is no longer valid. Here is a link to consider adding:

James - 05/22/98 14:10:54
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: restored

Deciding About Circumcision, American Academy of Family Physicians : This link on your web site is no longer valid. Here is a link to consider adding:

Doug - 05/16/98 20:58:19
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut now, uncut at birth

I'm done and glad! I was nervous about having it but did so with support from my girlfriend, now my wife. I have no hesitation in recommending it to others for health, and pleasure. My only suggestion, have your son done at birth it is still a lot easier han getting done later.

ralph f. cassitto - 05/13/98 14:30:46
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: moderate cut

A small amount of roreskin removed at birth. My father insisted that the doc not take off as much as his was, since he felt it caused premature ejaculation. I don't think thats true, but I'm glad I didn't get it all cut off. Thanks for the site ralph.

Simon - 04/17/98 18:32:07
My Email:Night
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

I would like if someone could help, a picture of an un-Circumcised penis. Thank you Night Poet

David Bennett - 04/10/98 02:04:42
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut

I have been tring to stretch the skin for about 3 years now, and have had some success; it seems like there is such a long way to go before it's done. Any suggestions?

K Johnson - 04/07/98 21:18:34
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut/mail

I am unhappily cut from soon after birth. I do not understand why anyone would be allowed to make an irreversible decision like this for me. Even though my parents are dead now, I yell at them in rage for doing this to me. I'm restoring foreskin now, but t will not replace the nerves and muscles lost to some uncaring surgeon. I have no sons, but if I did, I would never subject them to such barbarism.

- 04/07/98 04:58:33
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

I love my circumised penis.It feels better and it look better.

Ana - 03/03/98 15:22:29
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: female

I can't understand this tradition... the vagina smells and can be clean it easily. If the penis smells, clean it too.

Bill Wittman - 01/02/98 21:12:08
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut at birth/Foreskin reconstruction at age 35.

I was cut short at birth. Had foreskin recontrruction surgery at UCLA hospital when I was 35. What a joy it is to have it back. Feel Free to write with questions.

Thomas - 11/05/97 03:49:25
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: cut/myob????

I've read the comments of the post so far, some made me feel good, some were upsetting, especially the ones that stated all males should be cut at birth. Did the guys that got cut at older age really need their circ...doctors don't know it all...neither o guys need to study the history of non-religious might shed some light on all the different statments...circumcision should have never been started in the first place...should we routinly cut females at birth to prevent them from having problems a circumcised vigina more pleasing to look at...i really hate the scar on my penis, my body tenses as I am filled with rage because of it. I wonder if the ones who have said what they have, have done their research, you shouldn't take anyones word for it, find out the in and outs for yourself. Infant circumcision is wrong, when he can sign the consent form hisself he can do with it as he sees fit. But would he do what some have done if the truths were widely known, or if there w s not this eroic element of circumcision. How would things be if circumcision never started in the first place...lets work to get to that place. I welcom comments and communication from open minded people only, if you've got your mind made up, don't tal to me...

Marcus - 10/23/97 17:53:04
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Still UNCUT

For a very long time i played with the thought of being circumcised , as i have an extremely long foreskin , which is still covering the whole glans during an erection . I don't think , that it is very aesthetic , too . But then i met this woman , who lov d this kind of foreskin so very much . She liked to play a lot with it , such as sticking her fingers , toes or even her tongue between the foreskin and the glans . And it was pure heaven , when she was pulling it behind the glans and back with her hands feet or even her lips . It was a feeling , that i don't want to miss for any reason . If i had decided to be circumcised , i would have missed one of the greatest pleasures there is for MANkind . But i'm still interested on the topic , especially i'd lik to know more about FEMALE circumcision , as i came across some very different statements of women , who were cut . So if there are any circumcised women , who come across this , i would like to be e-mailed to the address above ( . ( Please do NOT send any messages to "" as that's NOT my correct e-mail-address !!! ) I'd like to know the reasons for their circumcision and their thoughts about it . I can't really imagine , but maybe there are even women , who enjoyed being circumcised (?) I had an interesting chat with one woman , who repeatedly stated , that she was having her most enormous orgasm during being circumcised . I have to add , that she was kind of masochistic , as she always loved to handle with pain , especia ly "down under" . She was telling me lots of details about her circumcision , but i don't know exactly , if i should take that for real (?) So please mail me ... and if You have recognized parts of this message from the one below , You're right . But i th nk , that message was far too short to be anything of real interest . So if You'd like to talk about Circumcision , especially if You ARE circumcised ( even more especially if You're a WOMAN ) , I would be glad to be one of Your choices . HoCo .

Marcus - 10/22/97 18:31:08
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut !

For a very long time i was playing with the thought of being cut , as i have an extremely long foreskin , which is still covering the whole glans during being "up" . But then i met this woman , who loved this kind of foreskin very much . She liked to play a lot with it , such as sticking her fingers , toes or even her tongue between the foreskin and the glans . And it was pure heaven , when she was pulling it behind the glans and back with her hands , feet oder even her lips . It was a feeling that i don't want to miss for any reason . If i had decided to be cut , i would have missed one of the greatest pleasures there is for MANkind .

Charles - 10/02/97 12:28:09
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

Routine circumcision on newborns is wrong. However; I see no problems with circumcision. I was cut at age 23 for medical reasons and am content with it. Baseed on my experience the grass is no greener on the other side of the circumcised state.

j.d. - 09/02/97 05:36:26
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

I resented my parents decision not to have me circumcised for years.Man,was I ever misled. Mostly because I felt out of place because I had some jewish friends who were cut,you know how us boys used to steal dads hustler mag and beat off w/our friends in the old tree house.They reviled me,told me that no girl in high school or junior high would even consider even giving me a hand job,let a lone blow me I was terribly shy about it for years yet never disliked being uncircumcised.I liked the way it looked and felt during masturbation.It has been years since then and Im alot wiser now and have had no complaints from any the many women Ive been with.In fact many even felt compelled to explain that they were extremely turned on by it and found my foreskin to be erotic.Although more men still seem to be cut in our cultureless u.s. society than uncut,I believe(ridiculous as it may sound)that many women and gay men find uncut cocks to be a rare commodity,coveted after and desirable. Incidentally,Im told that most if not all european women are turned -OFF by circumcised dicks.

FinnTom - 08/31/97 17:23:32
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

I come from a coutry where circumcision is rare and was cut at the age of 24. Got the idea during my High School year in the States as an exhange student. All the guys in that school were cut. That felt really wierd then, but also exciting. Now I am 30 an married. My wife loves my circumcision, too. I think everyone should be circumcised - it feels better, works better and looks better. If my son wants to get circumcised, I will gladly pay for it, but he must be 15 or so before he can make that decision. don't want to make the decision for him, because not many are circumcised in our country. If we lived in the States, I would have had him cut at birth.

John M. - 08/31/97 08:27:56

Every man should be intact!

Jordi - 08/30/97 17:32:32
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

The circumcision is unnecessary... is only a ritual and an obsession. A circumcised penis could be more 'sexy' because it's a nude organ... (exposing the glans constantly) but it's not more natural than a uncircumcised penis!.... it's like a woman without shirt, showing her tits constantly! Everybody was born with prepuce! it's normal!

Anonymous - 08/26/97 06:01:28
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

A mother who wants her son circumcised it's the same than a BITCH. Decide about yourself and not about others.

Jack Barnes - 08/26/97 01:25:16
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

I am very glad my cock stayed the way it was when I was born. Most women love it and immediately want to suck it. Sorry cut boys, but you don't know what you are missing.

David - 08/23/97 01:22:43
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: restoring

Great page! I'm very unhappily cut. But I think if you want it, you should have long as you're capable of signing the consent form. As for me, I'll always be sad that I'm not natural. If I have kids, I'll leave him intact, and then when he's old e ough I'll explain why it's such a good idea to stay that way. Thanks for all the links, Peter!

Barb - 08/19/97 18:46:38
My URL:/Wellesley/1889
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Female!

Hey Peter, The site looks great! Love the improvements! Keep up the good work.. Ciao! Barb

MrCum - 08/16/97 04:11:43
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Semi-cut

I was operated of phimosis two months ago (I'm 23 y.o.). I have little 'foreskin' when my penis is flacid... it's contacting with the corona. Would be better remove all the foreskin or could be pain a erection for a flacid penis without foreskin? Thanks.

Vern Hagedorn - 08/15/97 16:35:50
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

Wonderful collection of resources & references. It is the most complete and well layed out of the sites I have found. I have done a lot of surfing of sites about circumcision, because all through my school years I felt like I was different than everyone else, especially in PE classes. I hid myself when we showered, but how thankful I am now that my Dad made it clear to he doctor that he didn't want me circumcised. I have no regrets, in fact I am becoming proud as I grow in years.

yanos - 08/14/97 17:45:00
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

i'want to be cut,""year old can you give me some advices

Alan - 08/13/97 22:44:55
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

Circumcised as an adult, and thrilled with it.

- 08/12/97 12:33:18
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

I was cut at birth. And am glad of it. Always wondered what it would be like to have a foreskin, but don't want one permanently. I know of two men that weren't and had to be circumcised as an adult and boy did they pay for it! Every man should be circ mcised.........

- 08/11/97 14:00:17
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Cut

I was circumcized in an age of 16, boy, it hurted, but I'm very glad that I did, my cut penis look good and works good, have never missed my foreskin. I would suggest all parents to circumcize their boys at birth, it will privent the kids from trouble in their teens

Rainer - 08/03/97 14:27:30
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Male and Cut !!!!!!!

Circumcision is really great and every man should know what he misses if he isn´t cut !!

Lunar - 07/23/97 18:33:56
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

Want to be cut

PETER - 07/22/97 20:56:12
My URL:/Hotsprings/8890
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut

Well I just had to try this to see what it looked like! Peter.

PETER - 07/22/97 20:54:55
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: Uncut

Well I just had to try this to see what it looked like! Peter.

pacd - 07/22/97 08:39:48
Cut / uncut / female / myob!: uncut

kudos thanks pacd

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