Are you listening to me?
What do you mean you don't know where it is?
Who got gum on the cat?
My keys were right here.....
We missed garbage day....again?
Oh, nuts! I forgot.....
What color is our carpet, anyway?
Where are my socks?
Has anyone seen my shoes?
(Heard all winter)Close the door!
(Heard all summer)Leave the door open!
Leave the cat alone!
Stop running in the kitchen!

Things Heard at Meal Time...

Sit on that chair!
Leave the toys alone while you eat!
Don't feed the cat at the table!
Eeeeeewwwwww, yuck!!
You want me to eat this?
Do I have to put glue on your chair?
I said sit!
Mom! She hit me!
Can we just have dessert tonight?
That's a nice face you've sculptured into your mashed potatoes, now eat them!
Can you not sit still?
Stop bouncing in your chair!
Whoever is tapping thier feet....stop it!

And at Bed Time...

I forgot I had homework...
But I can't's raining!
But I can't's too quiet!
But i can't's too noisy!
I'm going, I'm going...
I had to get up...the cat wanted me to pet him.
She made me be noisy...
The light just keeps coming on by itself!
I'll be quiet...and this time I mean it!

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