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The newest Addition to our Family!

Blacky at 12 weeks old

This little feller was born on Easter Sunday 4. April 1999. And from that day on all I got to hear from my boys was "Mommy, we want a puppy." I wouldn't hear of it, because I was afraid my old cat wouldn't get along with a new animal. But still we would go next door at least once a week and visit the litter of 6. The last few weeks before we finally got Blacky the boys would go by themselves and I would watch them from the house. It broke my heart to see them both want a puppy that bad and they promised they would do all the work in taking care of it. So finally on 8 June 1999 I caved in and agreed to let them have a puppy.

Well here they come with a girl puppy. She was cute as a button, but I think I had had my heart set on Blacky all along. One more try, but this one was too rowdy for the cat. Got smacked first try. Blacky was the shy one of the whole bunch, but seemed to be the only one we could all agree on.

First thing he got a bath against fleas, since he had been kept outside and was now going to stay in the house. He didn't seem to mind. Then I dug out an old catharnes and leash and we put that on him. Then we put newspapers by the door and showed him where he would eat and fed him some canned food that was given to us by the neighbors.

The next morning we woke up to all kinds of little surprises he had left us. I was ready to take him back where he'd came from, but once I'd seen that the boys would be able to clean up after the puppy I calmed down and we went and bought more dog food, treats, chew toys, food- and water bowl.

I couldn't get an appointment at the vets office till the following day and knew that once we had started spending that kind of money on him, that I wouldn't want to get rid of him. The doctor gave Blacky a complete checkup with first shots and medicine against heart worms, plus Frontline against the fleas. That evening the dog didn't want much to do with us.

The next day everything was forgiven. He didn't have a clue what for to use the Lassie pads I had put by the door. So needless to say it was a mess. Never in the places he likes to sleep though. He started using the bottom of the recliner as an elevator to get onto the couch. By now he was behaving like a little puppy. He loves to chew on his bones and running after tennis balls. Also the cat seems to be more interesting and he tries to play with Major, but he won't have much to do with Blacky.

4 weeks have passed now and Blacky is a real part in our family. He wakes one of the boys up to take him outside in the mornings and if he has no luck with them he knows where to find me. During the day he tries his best to get him some catfood, and plays with the boys in the yard. He's big enough already to not need the "elevator" for the couch anymore. He's had his second set of shots and more worm medicine against his hookworms. At night he's right beside me and the cat here in the computer room. And I'll reach down every now and then and give both of them some petting. We left Blacky alone twice so far for several hours and to my surprise the only things that suffered were a telephone cord and a rug that he decided to chew the corner off of.

We've switched him to dry dog food, since it doesn't have so much water in it and he hardly ever has an accident anymore and if he does he uses the Lassie pads. Grandma perfected his ability to shake hands with his paws. He even tried to say hello to Major like that.
He knows the command sit and come. Right now his training consists of being told to sit, while he's running without a leash. He still needs alot of practice but I believe he's getting the hint, because when I yell sit, he just flops down.

Well Blacky is almost 7 month old by now. He has had all his shots and is on a monthly routine of 1 pill of Interceptor against heart worms and Advantage for flea control. We switched to it, since it seems to last longer than Frontline.

Blacky still loves to chew on stuff and so far he's ate the corners of our sectional, a lead pencil without eraser, a brand new Playstation power cord, some carpet and 4 different beach flip flops. To prevent him from getting into anything else we have bought a baby gate to confine him in the hallway when nobody can watch him. And on days when he has to be left alone for longer periods of time he has to stay in the bathroom. I forgot to remove the toilet paper once and needless to say he had a blast with it. *LOL*.

He's getting to be a pretty good sized dog by now and weighs around 25 pounds. Blacky also discovered his love for table food. I wasn't going to have him at the table begging, but how can you refuse those pretty brown eyes when they're staring at you while eating. He still isn't too fond of the dry dog food and most times I trick him into eating it by putting a little catfood on there. He's not spoiled...NO WAY. *LOL*

Since the boys are back in school now he has accepted me as his best friend during the day. We go outside and he loves to fetch sticks. He will wear me out bringing that stick back so many times and expecting me to throw it down the hill again, and I have to make him stop or I believe he would kill himself running and fetching. I wish I had that kind of energy. After the boys get home I'm invisible to him. At night he makes his rounds and stays with each of us by or in the bed for a while till he finally settles down in Davids room.

More in the life of Blacky to follow later.

Did you know.....

that there are over 300 different breeds of dogs?
that the dog is color blind?

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