John William Bohley, MD

(Born 2/22/28- Died 5/6/98)

This page is dedicated to my father, "Bill" Bohley, MD who was not only a great dad but also a great friend. He will forever be missed by myself, my two brothers, my sister and my mom.

Dad, Mom, Gramps and Honey at Thanksgiving

My Brother Mike, Dad, Mom and Myself on a Cruise (Early Eighties!)

DAD- Mixing dog food at the old house.

John W. Bohley, M.D.

Maryanne, Tom, Grampa, Dad, Cathy (My dad's siblings and their dad)

Grampa- My Dad's Dad

Phillip Bohley- My Dad's Grandfather- Born in Cullbach, Germany


The Ten Commandments of Dad the Father

  1. From Nothing~ Comes Nothing
  2. Work First~Play Later
  3. Pretty is as pretty does
  4. take care of the me-quipment
  5. plactice, plactice, plactice...
  6. Life is a horserace...
  7. when you get him~you keep him
  8. Not with my money, you don't!
  9. don't think!
  10. bong 'em!!!
My father sent a copy of the following gaelic blessing to each of his kids one year. He really enjoyed it.

  • May those who love us, love us And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts; And if he doesn't turn their hearts May he turn their ankles So we'll know them by their limping.
  • This site is also under construction! Hopefully, we will have more things here soon! Including:

    -A bio of my dad

    - Humorous little anecdotes from my dad

    - impressions he left on his family and friends

    - and anything else we throw in there!!!

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