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Miscellaneous Links

The following links were submitted for inclusion in this section. They were screened in an attempt to eliminate any x-rated content. If you find a link to be not working or the linked page to include offensive content, please let me know so that I can review the page and take care of the problem promptly. Thanks

Recink, the Reciprocal Link Directory - A categorized directory of websites that will exchange links with your website.

Hastings 1066 England UK--Official website with detailed information on Hastings attractions, happenings, and events.

Made In Italy--The site for Italian enterprises with a business to business/consumer area, fairs, trade associations, forums, auctions and sectors: clothing, food, leather, mechanics, gold, marble, ceramics, wood.


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Copyright © 1998  Stacey L. Willis-Center, Ph.D.

Most recent revision Sunday, March 19, 2000