Dissociative Identity Disorder

Multiple Personality Disorder


These pages are meant to serve as information and hope to the DID/MPD community. To let every survivor of abuse know that there is hope for a better tomorrow. In this web site you will find links to others pages, information pages about many topics and questions.

When we first started this webpage. We really had no idea or expectations of what it would become. Our main movtive was to get information out to people in a timely mannor about DID / MPD. We thought a webpage would be the best way to get information to a larger number of people within a shorter amount of time. As we have added more an more things, the webpage has grown at a alarming rate.

On the end note I wanted to thank everyone for the ideas and support we have gotten while putting this page together. Please fill free to email us with any comments or questions. Its your ideas and input that help these pages expand with the information that you want to know. Without all of you this site would not be here.

    MPD / DID   What is DID / MPD?   Dissociation   "How common is DID/MPD?..."      
    "How impaired is the person with DID/MPD?..."   How does being DID/MPD help?   What types of Inside family members/ altars are there?   Why do I think MPD is a gift.
    Treatment   Etiology   Contact Us   FAQ      

