What types of inside family/altars are there?

Lets just take a moment here to mention that, just as one person is not the same as another, no two MPD's have the same mix of alternate personalities within them. (in MPD circles we call the community of internal family members/alters a family/system). Each multiple (A nickname for someone with MPD) has a different history, so does each family member/alter within a multiples system. This is only a list of the most commonly found family members/alters. Some familys/systems may not have all of these or may have some not even on the list.

The typical family members/alters that are found in a person with MPD include:

Core: Almost all familys/systems have a core personality. It is usually the "original child" who went away during the act of abuse that caused the first family member/alter to come out.

Host: Usually scared, depressed and has no clue s/he could be MPD.

Protectors: Strong, angry family members/alters some have the responsibility to keep the children family members/alters safe. Others are tasked to keep the secret of the abuse.

Internal Self-Helper (ISH): Who knows a lot about the internal family/system and wants to help everyone for the greater good of all. Sometimes they know a great deal of information about each family member/alter and are usually great help in the therapy process.

Fragments: Not fully formed alternate personalities. They only have a single memory or two about specific abuse acts.

Child Members/Alters: Range in all ages from a infent-8. Child members/alters behave like children. They want to play, color and watch cartoons. Those that suffered abuse are often times destructive and depressed.

Preteen (Tweens): Range in age from 9-11.

Teenager: Members/alters that are aged between 12-18. Are typical teenages, smacking bubble gum, listening to loud music, wanting to go to party's and hanging out with other teens.

Adults: Members/alters in the family/system over 18 years old. They are very individualistic and may have many talents the host does not have.

Within the categories of Child, Preteen, Teen and Adult members/alters they can be sub groupings of personalities that can be any of the following;

Artistic/music: Members/Alters who enjoy music and artistic prosuits. Often times creating beautiful works of art that the host has no idea where they come from and no talent him/her self to ever create such a thing.

Cross-gender: Members/Alters who are the opposite sex of the physical body.They may or may not have a different sexual orientation than the host.

Cross-colored: Members/Alters that are different races then the physical body.

Animal members/alters: Any form of animal. But mainly powerful fighters, born to protect. (Examples wolves or werewolves, dragons, tigers, vampires etc.)

Inanimate members/alters: Objects void of feelings, seeing, hearing, speaking (examples rocks, trees, walls)

All material on this information sheet is provided for INFORMATION ONLY and should not be construed as advice or instruction. Action should not be taken based solely upon the contents of this sheet; instead, appropriate professionals should be consulted.


    MPD / DID   What is DID / MPD?   Dissociation   "How common is DID/MPD?..."      
    "How impaired is the person with DID/MPD?..."   How does being DID/MPD help?   What types of Inside family members/ altars are there?   Why do I think MPD is a gift.
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