Spiritual Health
(such as prayer, meditation, angels, inner work...)

One of my favorite new books is Anatomy of The Spirit-The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Carolyn Myss, PH.D. This book embodies the essence of the holistic approach to life by weaving together human biology, emotional biography, and the power of the human spirit. Dr. Myss describes the physical body as an energy system "constantly in communication with everything around it". She introduces a new language of the spirit- the language of the human energy field and it's three principles:
1. Biography becomes biology.
2. Personal power is necessary for health, and
3. You alone can help yourself heal.

This book is a New York Times Best-Seller and a must-read for anyone interested in Holistic health.

A.Miller-Rochester NY

If you would like to learn a little about Native American Spirituality, and how they have always practiced
Holistic Health please visit my HomePage http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9101.
"The way of Native life was based upon daily thanksgiving for the Great Spirit's bounties and upon daily deep reflection, meditation and vision quests that brought the person in touch with himself, his purpose upon the earth, and his union with the Great Spirit".

Star Spider Dancing-Central Florida USA

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