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sonic.gif (4471 bytes)Space Station I worked on the ISS (International Space Station for about three years with Boeing. Working with the Systems Integration Team, I was responsible for the system requirements for P6, S6 and Z1 flight assemblies.
penguinclassroom.gif (3430 bytes)College: Some useful links for English, Math, and Chemistry. I am currently pursuing a degree in Botany, but will work towards the associates in science due to Chemisty struggles.
surfer01.gif (4471 bytes)Surfing: Texas surf, pictures, and links. In Texas, my son and I picked up surfing. We surfed the coast of Texas from Galvestion down to Isla Blanca down in South Padre Island, just north of Mexico.
sunshine1.gif (3005 bytes)Spirituality: A few interesting links. A way of life for me.
golfball.gif (3005 bytes)Sports: Golf, Hockey, and Rollerblading. I enjoy playing sports. Currently, I rollarblade, iceskate, and last summer I started to learn to play gulf with my husband. We love the Red Wings.
