Welcome to the TLC Whole Health Center Web Page.  We are the founders, Sydelle Tabrizy, M.S.,
M.F.C.C. &
Siavash Tabrizy, Ph.D.

Our center was founded in 1993 and was born out of a vision to provide services for the entire family, men, women and children.

Our Philosophy:

At TLC Counseling Center we believe that strength comes from adversity.  Pain and trauma are opportunities for personal growth, transformation and spiritual emergence.

The TLC Whole Health Center specializes in working with adult survivors of dysfunctional families: Individuals who have adapted in order to survive physical, sexual, emotional and/or spiritual abuse rejection and shame. These individuals may adapt by creating a false self(ves) while repressing painful feelings associated with childhood memories. This form of adaptation results in maladaptive patterns such as acting out of feelings or the repression of feelings resulting in depression and other psychological and emotional problems.

The TLC Whole Health Center maintains that by bringing to conscious awareness those feelings which have been repressed, understanding and coming to terms with them, a person's journey to recovery is fostered. We believe in uncovery, recovery and discovery.

Self-destructive behavior patterns begin to dissipate and a new sense of self begins to emerge, leaving one with greater self-respect and a newfound freedom with which to make healthier choices for a fuller more satisfying life.

The healing work is done on different stages: awareness, feeling or affective work, behavior change, cognitive reaffirming, body work, and spirituality.

Our Mission

The mission of the TLC Whole Health Center is to provide a nurturing environment of peace in order to create the opportunity for personal and spiritual growth of each person who seeks such. The Center is committed to excellence by offering a variety of treatment options including individual treatment, men's and women's groups, grief and relationship workshops, meditation and massage therapy treatment and our cutting edge anger transmutation program.

Our staff is highly trained to help individuals "see their own reflection"; the therapist simply holds up the mirror. TLC staff members are sensitive to the wounds suffered through physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and the secondary effects such as alcoholism, drug abuse, sex addiction, depression, anxiety, and relationship struggles. Our comprehensive treatment approach is designed to effectively address these issues.

House Policies

Treatment and Services

What's New at TLC

Three Locations to Serve You
Click on Location of interest for a map and additional information

Long Beach
562 • 987 • 2104
Irvine/Newport Beach
714 • 216 • 4493
San Fernando Valley
818 • 380 • 7145

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