By applying pressure to the thousands of reflexes on our feet, we stimulate the energy currents, or meridians within the body, which in turn relaxes the mind, body and spirit. Reflexology normalizes the body's functioning, it breaks down tension and alleviates stress, and improves nerve functioning and blood supply throughout the body.
The feet contains areas on the soles that are connected to problem areas in your body. By utilizing reflexology therapy, you can:
Relieve stress, aches and pain,
Relax muscles and reduce tension,
Lower the chance of backpain and back injury,
Stimulate circulation to feet and legs,
Invigorate tired, achy and sore feet,
Improves the entire body's well-being.
Since reflexology treats the whole person, not the symptoms of disease, most people benefit from treatment. The therapy brings relief to a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, and is suitable for all ages. Once your body is in-tune, it is wise to have regular treatments in order to help maintain health and well-being. An increasing number of people are using this safe, natural therapy as a way of relaxing, balancing and harmonising the body.