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LAST POSTING 3-28-01 "East of Eden" Part 5/?

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Disclaimer: The X-Files and all characters are property of Chris Carter, Fox Network and 1013 Productions. No infringement intended, no money made.

Warning: NC-17 material links located below. If you shouldn't be here then don’t! Thanks.

By the way feel free to archive anything to anywhere, just drop me a

note to let me know. If you need txt files I can do that too!

"A Swinging Good Time"

NC-17. Smut Smut Smut, and a little humor. This is a tag team effort between me and Meliss and also a challenge fic from Evie Whiting.


NC-17. Post Ice fic with smut. Enjoy! =)



NC-17. 48 parts of post-colionization fun! Well for the most part anyway =). Its a long read, but I feel my best work.

Nova:East of Eden

NC-17. The sequel to Nova. Five years after we last left Nova Scully spends a night looking back on her life as she makes an important choice. UNFINISHED WIP

"Souls' Battle"

PG-13. 5K. My little post closure type of thing. Angst ahead all...

"Possessions Series"

People love this series! I've gotten comments of "Great work" to "This series is so F*****G HOT!" Thanks to everyone who has been reading and following!

NC-17 and then some. There are 8 parts so far to this series, clink on the link above to be taken to the Possessions page.

"A Day in the Life of Mulder and Scully"

G to NC-17. 2-5k for each installment. I dont think any has done this yet, I posted about 2-25-00 so am I the first? If so Yay me!! hehe... anyway... Here's what you do: Read this first page, at the bottom you will have a choice what to do next, clink on the chose link. You keep doing this all the way to the end. You can read over and over and do many different things! Its all humor, smut if you take the right links and NOT to be taken seriously! I dont think anyone in the fanfic world as done this, I might be wrong though. So PLEASE let me know what you think!!! This was alot of work and alot of time for very little fic! Let me know if you think I should continue it! Thanks and have fun! :)


NC-17. 79k. Scully and Bill get into another fight about her job, but this fight is unlike that others. She turns to Mulder for help, but she may need more then either of them realize. Mulder POV.

"Not the First Time" Series

PG-13. 16k First in a series. Mulder is 'abducted' for two years before he retuens. I wont say anymore. =).

This piece is being rewritten at the moment. The second installment is being worked on by another writer and eveything is going great! So check back soon! You wont be disappointed in this series! I'm in awe myself at how well its going!


PG-13. 33k. This is just a fun little piece I wrote. I decided that Mulder and Scully needed a dog... so they got one=). They are already in a relationship during this one. And it has a short little simple case, nothing x-fileish. So this is an easy read. Enjoy!!

"When The Time Comes"

NC-17. 46k. Scully is taken for testing and waits for Mulder to come to her. Told through Scully's eyes. Sequel? Let me know what you think!

"Learning To Live Again"

NC-17. I told you a sequel was due =)


PG-13. 23k This is just a little fun piece I wrote a while back. Mulder and Scully have another one of their fights and they both feel guilty. Don’t worry it really isn’t sad. =)

"Empty Hearts Can't Be Broken"

NC-17. 135k. Not for the youngens! I don’t really want to say to much about this one… I don’t want to ruin it! But it was a hard piece for me to write, I spent about a month working on it!

"Empty Hearts Can't Be Broken" 2

NC-17. 175k. I claim insanity! And too many Literture and Human Developement classes! Well this one is pretty fluffy but it also has a case. I tried to keep it fast moving but it covers a lot of time. Please let me know what you think! I had a hard time with this one! Enjoy!

"Fate Is Everything"

NC-17. 109k. This was the first piece I wrote. Mulder and Scully go to Arizona to investigate deaths and well… Maybe the heat gets to them. He he he…

"Open Your Eyes"

PG-13. 87k. Mulder’s point of view about a case that hits to close to home Scully’s own good. Warning! This contains religious stuff, so if you have strong feelings this may not be for you!

"Shh... Listen"

NC-17. 45k. Ok ok I admit it… it’s Smut. A little wine, a little barroom brawl, and a whole lot of music later…?

"My Crazy Baby"

R. 28k. I have rewritten this piece SO many times it shocks me. It is slightly based on the Joan Osborne song Crazy Baby. It is a beautiful song that I think fits the story perfectly! So be sure to read the lyrics in the story and if you have the CD pop it in! It will help a lot with the tone I was looking for. I think I am most proud of this story, so please let me know what you think.

"Another Dull Day"

PG-13. 7k. Scully gets bored and does some Mulder watching. I'm going to start a counterpart to this one very soon, you know Mulder watching Scully. Everyoe else has done it.. So i might as well =).

"Shopping For Scully"

PG. 13k. Scully is sick and Mulder offers do to a little shopping for her. He learns more then he needs to know!

"Snow Angels"

NC-17. 71k. Mulder and Scully go investigate a haunted cabin… hehe can you say Haunted house smut? Ok there is more to it then that. I had a really fun time with this one even though it took me a really long time. It all started with a dream I had, this ended up NOTHING like my dream. But I'm rambling again….J

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