Title: Nova

Author: Angel

Email: JumperChick@aol.com

Feedback: Please! I love every but of it!

Archive: Please! If you need txt copies let me know. Or link to http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Bath/7266/novapage.html

Classification: MSR, Colonization fic.

Spoilers: All the way up to 7th season finale but NOT including.

Rating: NC-17 (for some parts-very mild consensual sex- but to be safe!) Others are probably PG-13 or so for naughty words and implied naughty stuff =).

Summery: The inevitable happens. Mulder has planned ahead and now does everything in his power to keep Scully safe.

You MUST read all parts to understand! Available at Ephemeral and my home page.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. Characters are property of Fox, 1013, ect. No money is being made. No infringement is intended. A few poems and songs are used without permission, names of authors are given. Prayers which I did not write, and I don’t know who wrote are included in some areas.

Homepage: (to find missing parts and sooner or later the completed version, also posted at Ephemeral)


A HUGE thanks to Evie my beta reader! Nova would never be doing this well, or going as fast, without her help! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Umm… one more! Thank you!

Note: Want Nova updates in the mail? Just let me know!

"Baby don’t look up, the sky is falling." Tori Amos



Day 155 (continued)

Mulder’s eyes clamped in terror. "Oh Jesus."

"Mulder?" Skinner asked softly.

Mulder opened his eyes. "The chip. She knew They were coming because of the chip."

"Chip?" Amanda asked dumbfounded.

Skinner waved the question away for the time being. "You go check your room, we’ll look around here."

"God I hope she didn’t go outside." Mulder mumbled as he took off jogging towards their room. He felt his heart stop when he stepped into their dark but definitely vacant room. Forcing down his terror Mulder raced down the hallway, away from the Main Room to the nearest doorway.

Even in the dim light Mulder could pick out Scully’s form huddled on the floor into front of the caved in entrance.

"Scully." Mulder breathed in relief. He strode over to her in determined strides and knelt beside her. "Scully?"

She didn’t answer, didn’t even knowledge him. "I have to go. I have to go. I have to go." She murmured as she clawed at the rocks.

Mulder carefully reached for her hands. "Scully stop." He clasped her hands in his and pulled them, bloody and scraped, away the rocks. She fought against him tiredly still murmuring.

"You found her." Langly said, relieved, as he hurried towards him.

Mulder looked at him. "We have to get her back to the room. Is that hallway crowded?"

Langly glanced. "Not too bad."

Mulder nodded. "Come here and hold her hands for me."

Langly walked over, obviously confused. "What the hell did she do?"

"She’s being called." Mulder answered softly as he scooped Scully up in his arms, pinning her hands down to her chest with the arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Are you guys ok?" Mulder asked realizing this was the first time he had seen Langly since whole ordeal began.

Langly nodded, not taking his eyes off Scully. "Yeah, we came to check on you , and Skinner told us Scully was missing."

"Good." Mulder shifted Scully in his arms, tucking her head under his chin. "Ok Scully, let’s go." He whispered.

Her only response was mild struggling and her continued whimpers.

Mulder pushed his way through the hallway and to their room. "Langly, can you find Skinner?"

He nodded and left after he opened and shut the door for Mulder.

Mulder set Scully down on the bed gently. She immediately sat up again. "No." He said gently, pushing her back down.

"I have to go." She said in a distant voice fighting against his grasp on her hands.

"You aren’t going any where." Mulder pinned both her hands in one of his and pressed them against her chest to hold her down.

Without knocking Skinner walked into the room. "Is she ok?"

Amanda walked in behind him. "Oh God… Dana, what did you do to your hands?"

"Amanda." Mulder interrupted. "Can you go get some bandages so we can clean her up. If anyone asks about her say she hit her head but will be there to help the nurses whenever she can. No one needs to check on her."

She nodded but didn’t take her eyes off Scully. "What’s going on? Why is she acting like that?"

Skinner turned her toward the door. "Please, Amanda, go get the bandages. I’ll explain everything when you get back. Don’t tell anyone about this."

"Ok." She said weakly and left the room.

Skinner turned back to Mulder who was struggling to hold Scully down without hurting her. "How is she?"

"Completely out of it." Mulder tilted Scully face towards him with his free hand. Her glazed eyes stared back unseeing, she was pale and sweating. "Can you check who that is?" Mulder asked at a knock the door.

Skinner opened the door for the Gunmen to walk in. "Is she ok?" Frohike asked.

Mulder didn’t answer, he just focused on trying to hold her down as gentle as he could. But she fought constantly, pushing and twisting. Mulder had to use both hands to hold her now as he began to tire.

Amanda came back in quickly sitting by the bed. "Byers, can you get me some water? Mulder I need you to move your hands."

"If I let go of her she is going to hit you." Mulder said matter of factly as he took a wrist in each of his hands.

Amanda looked at him in confusion and fear but set about cleaning Scully's restlessly moving hands. "I can’t wrap then while she is moving." She said frustrated.

"Just do what you can, hurry. I don’t think I can hold her like this for long."

Skinner moved to the side of the bed. "I’ll take one of her arms."

Mulder reluctantly let go and held one of her hands in both of his.

"Damn it… Amanda hurry up. She’s a lot stronger then she looks."

"Ok, done." Amanda said after another minute.

"Mulder…. We can’t hold her like this forever." Skinner said obviously struggling.

"She wasn’t fighting like this at first." He mumbled.

They were silent for some time. Everyone was thinking the same thing but it was Byers that worked up the courage to say it. "I think you are going to have to tie her."

Mulder looked over at him sharply. "I’m not going to tie her."

"Mulder, we don’t have a choice." Skinner said.

Amanda walked over, with the spare bandages in her hands. "We can use these. They will be softer then anything else."

Mulder looked down at Scully.

"Mulder…. We won’t do this if you don’t want us to." Skinner said softly. "But I think we should before one of us gets hurt." When Mulder still didn’t say anything Skinner went on. "You aren’t doing this to Scully. She isn’t herself right now."

"God damn it." He hissed out, tears in his eyes. "Do it." Mulder couldn’t bear to look at Scully as Amanda carefully tied her hands above her head to the headboard. When it was done he sat back against the wall with his eyes closed. But he could still hear Scully’s heavy breathing and her ever present murmur. The bed moved slightly with her still struggling.

"Walter… please tell me what is going on." Amanda said as she sat heavily in a chair.

Skinner sat next to her, speaking softly. "Scully is an abductee." Amanda’s eyes widened. "About six years ago she went missing for three months. When she returned she didn’t remember anything." Skinner shook his head trying to find the simplest explanations. "She found out later that she had a small metal chip implanted in the back of her neck. She had it removed and almost immediately came down with an inoperable tumor. The cancer spread and become worse. It was cured when Mulder found another chip and replaced the one she removed. That’s why this is happening. They are calling to her." Amanda slowly shook her head in confusion. "I know it's hard to understand. But leave it at that for now." Skinner didn’t mention her infertility, that wasn’t of question at the moment. "They didn’t want to tell anyone. We need to keep it to ourselves."

She nodded quickly. "Of course."


Mulder opened is his eyes slowly over an hour later, the Gunman had already left and Skinner and Amanda still sat quietly in the corner. "She’s quieting down." He said softly. Glancing up at her wrists he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. "God… She’s bleeding."

All three jumped at loud pounding on the door. "Dana! Are you in there?!"

"Fuck." Mulder mumbled.

"I’ll take care of it." Skinner said.

"No. I’ll get it." Mulder pushed himself off of the bed and opened the door a small amount. "Scully is resting."

"I want to see her. What did you so to her?" Benjamin ranted.

Mulder braced the door as Benjamin pushed. "You aren’t coming in, Benjamin."

Benjamin shoved his weight into the door, throwing it open an other inch or two before Mulder regained his balance. "I can see her! She’s bleeding."

Mulder felt his anger, mostly towards himself, boil. "You can’t come in." Mulder pushed all his weight against the door to shut it.


His head shot over to the bed at the soft whisper. Her struggling was gone and now just a confused and painful tug pulled the bindings.

"I’ve got the door." Skinner said. "Why these damn things don’t have locks in beyond me." He mumbled.

"Scully? Can you hear me?"

She nodded slightly.

"I’ll untie you."

"No." She whispered stopping Mulder. "Don’t."

Mulder stooped close to her, having a hard time hearing her soft voice over the pounding and yelling at the door. "But… you are hurting yourself."

She shook her head, her eyes rolling back in her head slightly. "I have to stay like this. I don’t know if it is over yet."

Mulder took his hands from her wrists and cupped her face. "Are you sure?"

She nodded dully. "I don’t want the baby to get hurt. Leave me tied."

"Scully?" He said firmly as her eyes slipped closed. "Scully, stay with me."

"I’m here." She whispered.

Mulder pressed his cheek against her belly. He drowned out Benjamin’s noise and focused on the labored rise and fall of her breathing.


Note: Well as promised to the Goo Girls: I will perform virtual wet t-shirt contests for feedback =)

Anyway: So you guys still don’t like Benjamin huh? I honestly don’t know why….. =)