Title: Nova

Author: Angel

Email: JumperChick@aol.com

Feedback: Please! I love every but of it!

Archive: Please! If you need txt copies let me know. Or link to http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Bath/7266/novapage.html

Classification: MSR, Colonization fic. (If I say anymore I’ve give it all away!)

Spoilers: All the way up to 7th season finale but NOT including even though nothing much is really mentioned.

Rating: NC-17 (for some parts-very mild consensual sex- but to be safe!) Others are probably PG-13 or so for naughty words and implied naughty stuff =).

Summery: The inevitable happens. Mulder has planned ahead and now does everything in his power to keep Scully safe.

You MUST read all parts to understand! Available at Ephemeral and my home page.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. Characters are property of Fox, 1013, ect. No money is being made. No infringement is intended. A few poems and songs are used without permission, names of authors are given. Prayers which I did not write, and I don’t know who wrote are included in some areas.

Homepage: (to find missing parts and sooner or later the completed version, also posted at Ephemeral)


A HUGE thanks to Evie my beta reader! Nova would never be doing this well, or going as fast, without her help! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Umm… one more! Thank you!

Note: Want Nova updates in the mail? Just let me know!

"Baby don’t look up, the sky is falling." Tori Amos


Day 236

A small noise, only a slight movement really, woke Mulder. He lifted his head from his arms resting on the table and looked over at the bed. With a long breath of relief he saw Scully shifting, attempting to pull her hands down from the headboard. Quickly he rose, ignoring his stiff body, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Muld-" Scully broke off her hoarse whisper with a cringe as her body objected to her slight movement.

"Shh. I’ll untie you." He said softly, hastily moving to untie her hands. Scully let out a small whimper as Mulder lowered her hands, swollen and bruised, to her lap. Soon her legs where freed.

Slowly Scully managed to focus on Mulder’s face with a gasp. "What happened to you? What happened to me?"

He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile and brushed hair from her forehead. "I’m ok. You were being called, you’ve been out for a few days now."

Scully just starred up at him confused. "I… did that to you?" Despite herself her chin trembled in horror.

"It’s ok." He soothed quickly then gave her an ashamed and pained look. "I did a lot to you too."

Trying to absorb all this information into her hazy mind was impossible. She shook her head even though it hurt to do so. "I don’t understand."

Mulder rubbed his face with his hands. He didn’t know where to start. He didn’t want to tell her everything that happened. "How are you feeling?"

Scully brought a hand up to her face, rubbing the heel into her forehead. "I don’t know." She moved to sit up then grimaced and took a quick breath.

"Take it easy." Mulder placed a hand under the back of her neck to help support her as she lowered her body back down. "Do you hurt anywhere?"

"Everywhere." She groaned. With a frown she ran her hands down her body, rubbing her stomach. Mulder’s hands covered hers gently. After a moment she sighed and opened her eyes and looked up at him. "What exactly happened?"

He looked away, trying to find a way out of this conversation.

"Mulder." She spoke in her warning voice.

"I think you need to rest." He said quickly.

Exhaustion was slowly taking her over. "I want to know, Mulder."

"I know." He said softly, running a hand gently down her face. "And I will tell you. But right now I need to go talk to everyone."

Scully nodded, even though she didn’t understand the reasons for anything at the moment.

Mulder leaned over and kissed her bruised forehead. "I’ll be back in a few minutes."

"Hurry." She whispered, half asleep, as he rose from the bed.


As Mulder walked down the halls of Nova he tried to ignore the whispers, the looks, and the pointing. Without a word he walked into the Main Room and stood by the fire. People gathered, waiting expectantly. Without making direct eye contact with anyone Mulder began to speak. "I know people have been talking about what happened. I’m asking you to forget all the rumors. What I’m gong to tell you is the truth, you’ll have to trust my word that everything I am saying is true."

He paused, collecting his thoughts before telling the story of Scully’s abduction, her cancer, the chip, and the callings. People listened intently, only responding with slight murmurs. "…She just woke before I came to speak with you. I’m sorry I couldn’t explain this all sooner but I didn’t want to leave her, she doesn’t remember anything that happened. So I haven’t explained it to her yet, I want her to rest. So I would appreciate it if everyone would let her do just that. I know you are all worried and I will tell her so, but I want her to take this slowly."

Finally, for the first time since he began to speak he looked up at everyone. "I’m sure you have some questions about all this."

"Why didn’t you tell us before?" Someone called bitterly.

Before Mulder could answer someone spoke up. "Before this happened I don’t think there was any reason for them to tell us. That’s Dana’s business."

"But she has become a danger. She shot someone for God’s sake!"

"She wasn’t herself, like Mulder said. She didn’t know what she was doing. You can’t blame someone for their actions when they are not in control."

"That’s like saying someone under the influence of a drug is not responsible for the people they may hurt or the things they may do."

"This is completely different! People who take drugs have that choice, this is not a choice."

"What about next time this happens?"

"That’s right, what if she is operating on someone? What will happen to that person?"

"Where will that person be without Dana? Hopeless, no one else has her education."

"That’s right, Nova needs her. And we need Mulder."

In silence Mulder listened to the arguments. He didn’t know what to do. His instinct told him to defend Scully and himself, but if he spoke too strongly he might lose the trust of everyone.

"Please." He interrupted politely, feeling it was the best time to stop the growing conflict. "We will work this out in time. Right now I would like everyone to go on with the rest of the day." He searched the air for a moment. "I’ll speak with you all again soon." Hanging his head slightly, Mulder walked away, going straight into the Medical Room.

"Long time no see." Skinner greeted from his bed, his arm resting against his chest in a sling. "How is she?"

Mulder shook his head nondescriptly. "She doesn’t remember anything. I just wanted to see how you are doing before I go explain everything that happened."

"I’m perfectly fine. Amanda says I am healing well and I should be back to my old self against soon. Please tell her that."

Rubbing his eyes with his fingers he nodded. "I will. I’ll talk to you soon."

"Good luck." Skinner called as Mulder stepped out of the door.