Title: Nova

Author: Angel

Email: JumperChick@aol.com

Feedback: Please! I love every but of it!

Archive: Please! If you need txt copies let me know. Or link to http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Bath/7266/novapage.html

Classification: MSR, Colonization fic. (If I say anymore I’d give it all away!)

Spoilers: All the way up to 7th season finale but NOT including even though nothing much is really mentioned.

Rating: NC-17 (for some parts-very mild consensual sex- but to be safe!) Others are probably PG-13 or so for naughty words and implied naughty stuff =).

Summery: The inevitable happens. Mulder has planned ahead and now does everything in his power to keep Scully safe.

You MUST read all parts to understand! Available at Ephemeral and my home page.

Disclaimer: You know the drill. Characters are property of Fox, 1013, ect. No money is being made. No infringement is intended. A few poems and songs are used without permission, names of authors are given. Prayers which I did not write, and I don’t know who wrote are included in some areas.

Homepage: (to find missing parts and sooner or later the completed version, also posted at Ephemeral)


A HUGE thanks to Evie my beta reader! Nova would never be doing this well, or going as fast, without her help! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Umm… one more! Thank you!

Note: Want Nova updates in the mail? Just let me know!

"Baby don’t look up, the sky is falling." Tori Amos





Day 243

"Scully…. What are you doing?"

She stood back from the dresser, hands on her hips, with a frown. "I don’t like how this is set up."

Mulder rolled his eyes as he read on the bed. "You’ve reorganized that drawer three times tonight."

"I know." She mumbled, glaring at the drawer in question.

Tossing his book to the side, Mulder crawled on all fours to the end of the bed. He reached out and grabbed Scully’s hand, tugging her towards the bed. "Come on. It’s getting late."

She gently slipped her hand from his, really not listening to what he was saying. "I just want to fix this."

With an over exaggerated groan Mulder threw himself back onto the bed. "You’re impossible."

Scully looked over her shoulder for a split moment. "Huh?"

"Scully." He said loudly with a smile. "Come to bed. Please."

"Sorry." She said sheepishly. "It was just… bothering me for some reason." Scully muttered as she pulled the blankets up from the foot of the bed and laid back.

Mulder laughed under his breath as he settled in next to her, his hand rubbing her round belly. "I think you are nesting."

Scully glared at him. "I loathed that term."

"Why?" Mulder asked with a disbelieving laugh.

"I don’t need to feather my nest." She muttered with distaste. "I’m just… straightening… and organizing…"

"Scully." She looked up at him. "Quit while you are ahead."

"Shut up, Mulder." Scully muttered.

His response was a yawn.

Scully smiled as wiggled into the sheets. "About time you started listening to me."

"I worked hard today." Mulder defended himself halfheartedly as he nuzzled his face into the crook of Scully’s neck.

She ran her hand over the arm that was slung lazily over her body with a frown. "I don’t like the idea of you working outside in the snow all day, Mulder. You’re going to come down with something."

"We’ve got to finish the new barns for next year so we can work on the fields as soon as the weather changes. Otherwise we will be trying to do too many things at once and we won’t have the crops we should be able to or homes for the animals that are born in spring." Mulder rationalized in a monotone voice, this wasn’t the first time he had to tell Scully the reason for doing what he was.

"Isn’t there something you can do inside?"

Mulder pulled his face away from her body, hoisting himself up with an arm on either side of her head. "Everyone who can’t work outside is working inside." He kissed her quickly, then moved down and settled his head on her breasts and his hand on her stomach. "Enough talk. More sleep."

Scully sifted her head through his hair, watching the firelight bounce off. "Why don’t you just say ‘shut up, Scully?’"

"Shut up, Scully."

She slapped his head lightly.

"Hey." He muttered. "You told me to."

Scully ran her nails lightly over the back of his neck, causing him to shiver. "Well since you seem to be doing what I tell you to tonight, tell your child to stop kicking me so I can sleep."

Mulder’s hand roamed her belly until he found the motions. "Stop kicking your Mom, baby, she needs her rest." His voice was just a whisper, barely audible to Scully.

"Thank you." Scully whispered with a smile, laying her hand against his cheek. "Good night."

"Night, Scully." His next words were so soft, Scully wasn’t sure if she actually heard them or if it was her imagination. "Good night, little one. Hope to see you soon."

Day 245

Skinner leaned back in his chair, resting his good arm over his bad. "You’re full of shit." He accused Amanda with a grin.

"I am not." She said through a laugh.

"Then why are you laughing?"

Amanda chose to ignore that question. "I’m serious. I saw it with my own eyes."

Skinner rubbed the back of his neck looking at her suspiciously. "Langly… building a chair..." He repeated is amazement.

"Not just one chair, the last of four."

He shook his head slowly. "I was wondering what those guys would do without their computers."

Laughing, Amanda shifted in her chair, watching Skinner intently. After a moment she broke eye contact, fiddling with an imaginary piece of lint of her pant leg. "I’ve missed this. Just talking, just being here… with you."

Skinner nodded. "Yeah, I did too."

"I’m sorry." Amanda said quickly with a sudden burst of bravery. "I pushed you away when I really wanted you with me. I was alone, I was scared-"

"Stop." Skinner interrupted softly as he slid his chair closer to her. "I understand why you did what you did. Hey." He reached his hand out to tilt her face up to his. "Look at me. I understand. I wish you hadn’t. We both need each other, Mandy. And we are together now. So let’s not dwell on the past. You are sorry and I accept that. I am sorry for the way I tried to push you into talking with me. I should have let you be. But I was scared." His voice dropped low. "I didn’t-I don’t want to lose what we have. I’ve never had anything like this and I have a feeling its just going to get better from here."

He was interrupted by the Medical Room door opening and Mulder walking in. He immediately looked embarrassed for walking in on their obviously private conversation. "Scully’s not here." He noted.

Amanda shook her head with a friendly smile. "She kept yawning so we forced her to go lay down for a little while."

Mulder smiled appreciatively. "I can always use a few more people on my side…" He trailed off, looking back and forth between the two. "I’ll leave you guys alone, thanks." Shutting the door Mulder muttered an "Whoops" under his breath as he started down the hallway towards his room.

"Hey, Mulder!"

He turned at the sound of his name, looking for who it came from. Seeing Bobby walking towards him he met him half way. "Hey, Bobby."

"Do you have a minute." The older man asked.

Mulder nodded and gestured for him to walk over to the side of the hallway. "What’s on your mind?"

Bobby let out a long breath, looking down the hallway to see if anyone was listening. "I saw a few ships today."

"That’s not unusual." Mulder said with a nod. "I see at least one or two fly overhead every day."

"I know… but this was different."

Mulder involuntarily leaned forward, waiting the rest of the story. "Go on." He said after a moment of tensing silence.

"They were moving very slow." Bobby said uncomfortably. "They usually move fairly fast. But it was like they lingered over Nova. They flew in like usual, then… hesitated for a few minutes before moving on."

Mulder rubbed his jaw. "I see…"

"Listen." Bobby said quickly. "I know it might be nothing, but it just didn’t sit right with me."

After another moment of silence Mulder slapped Bobby’s shoulder lightly. "Thanks for telling me. Let me know if anything else odd happens."

"I will." The older man said with a nod. "I’ll see you around."

"… Yeah…" Mulder said distracted. A minute or two later he shook himself from his thoughts and made his way down the rest of the hallway, opening the door to his room slowly, in case Scully was sleeping.

He saw her, curled slightly on her side, with a peaceful expression. Moving silently he sat at her hip, pushing hair from her face.

Scully woke slightly from her light sleep. "Hi." She whispered.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

She smiled. "Good. I’m just resting for a bit."

Mulder nodded, relieved.

Rolling onto her back slightly she looked up at him. "Is everything ok?"

Trying to give a convincing smile he rubbed her belly. "Of course it is."

Day 248

"Don’t start that again." Mulder called from his reclined position on the bed as he watched Scully walk up to the dresser and open the top drawer.

She looked up with a sheepish laugh. "I won’t."

"You’re awfully antsy tonight…. You ok?"

"Yeah." She said quickly. "I think I am just starting to go stir crazy."

Mulder nodded in understanding. The past two days it had snowed heavily, trapping everyone inside unless they wanted to start shivering after a few moments in the cold.

Scully stretched her arms over her head with a groan.

"You ok?"

"You already asked that and I said yes, I’m am." Scully smiled over at him, finding his over protectiveness amusing at the moment.

Mulder frowned. "Sorry."

"It’s ok." She said lightly, fiddling with the stacks of dishes on the cabinet. "Oh!" She said in surprise, pressing a hand to her stomach as she let out a long breath.

"Scully?" Mulder was on his feet and to her side in a moment.

She waved him off as he tried to help her sit. Her eyes were closed tightly as she let out long slow breaths.

"Scully, what’s wrong?" He asked once she opened her eyes and stood up right again.

"I… I think I just had a contraction."

Mulder took a surprised step back. "But-"

"False labor." She said quickly. "It happens towards the end of pregnancy… and we really don’t know how far along I am so it makes sense."

"Will you please lay down?" He gently took her elbow and guided her towards the bed.

She sat stiffly on the edge. "I don’t want to lay down. I’ll sit though." She looked up at his troubled face. "It’s ok, Mulder." Scully smiled up at him, taking his hand gently in hers. "Don’t worry. I feel perfectly ok."

He nodded before letting his hand slip from hers and began to pace the room.

Scully rolled her eyes thinking that the only thing Mulder needed was a cigar and he would look like the typical father in the waiting room. If it was labor that is. "Oh God!" Scully said in disbelief.

"What?" Mulder asked quickly turning around to look at her.

She stared up at him with wide eyes. "My water just broke."

To be continued…

IMPORTANT notes: Ok, I know you want to kill me but don’t! Read this instead. I’ll be honest: the baby is not an alien or anything else you might be worried I may pull =). But it will be a hermaphrodite named Melissa Walter Samantha William Scully-Mulder if you don’t help me! Ok, ONE (1) vote/suggestion per person please. Send me what you would like this baby to be. SEX, NAME, and REASON for this. The names are not limited in the least. Feel free to include a middle name if you wish. I will take these suggestions until I am at the point in my writing that I have to write it, at that point I will choose my ‘favorite’ and that will be that! I will include who sent in the suggestion, UNLESS you include in your emailed idea that you would not like to be announced. This is your chance to make me do something you want! Amazing huh?! So send in your ideas IMMEDIATELY. Thanks!

Note: CRMV (Nova reading and fic writer) sent a note to me commenting on the Gunmen building the crib, saying that must REALLY miss their computers. That’s where that little bit came from. Thanks for all your great comments Marlen! And everyone else! I love you all! =)