Title: Possessions

Author: Angel

Email: JumperChick@aol.com

Feedback: YES! Please! *begging*

Spoilers: Barely anything; Tooms, The Host, Monday, Millennium, I think that’s it.

Rating: NC-17. Oh is it ever NC-17! Man if my mother ever read this… *shudders*

Archive: You bettcha! Just let me know where cause I’m curious like that.

Disclaimer: Do I look like Chris Carter? I didn’t think so. These characters belong to 1013, Chris Carter, Fox. No infringement intended. No money is being made. I’m just having some fun and hopefully entertaining one or two people in the process.

Summery: Nothing more then smut…. And a little cuddling.

Homepage: /HotSprings/Bath/7266/angelsfanfic.html


I have to stop myself from whistling. I have to stop myself from grinning like a fool pretty often now that I mention it. But I can’t help it. I’m finally getting somewhere with Scully. Not that I should take any of the credit. It all started on January 2, 2000 the day after our first kiss… When I talked to her the next day she said: "Mulder one of my New Year resolutions is for you and me to have more fun. Do things that normal people do once in a while." My first reaction was to defend myself. I do normal things; I play basketball, I hang out with the lone gunman… I Scullywatch whenever possible. That’s fun. But luckily that little voice of reason in my head, which doesn’t come out very often by the way, yelled to me: "You idiot! She wants to spend more time with you out of the office. Shut the fuck up and agree." So I did. I said ‘Can't wait’ or something equally as lame.

So that’s how I got here, walking down the hall to Scully’s apartment on a Saturday evening. Every weekend and a few days in between we’ve being doing ‘normal’ things. We spent four hours at a restaurant one day last week. We sat there eating pasta and chocolate moose talking about stuff. Just stuff. I told the story about my first fist fight, one of my friends stole Samantha’s ice cream at the town fair when I was about eight. I lost. But as Scully said through her fit of laugher: "It’s the thought that counts." I have never seen Scully laugh so much in such a short period of time. It was wonderful. A few weeks before that Scully treated me to a movie. Some horror flick, it was actually pretty scary. Whenever Scully or I would jump we would look at each other and stifle ironic laughter. We can be completely calm and collected when a murderous monster or two in standing in front of us but when seated in front of a large screen with popcorn in our laps we can’t help but be startled. It was great. I felt like a teenager on a date again. Except for the fact that there will be no kissing, hand holding or even the slightest chance of getting lucky. But I never even think about it. At least not while we are together, when I am home again that is another story. But I have to admit I love this. I love the fact that people look at us and assume that we are together. I love hearing ‘Mulder party of two.’ If my ego inflates anymore it just might pop. I really feel like we are dating, I know we aren’t. But still… It seems that way.

I knock on her door and have to place a hand on the wall to keep from jumping up and down. Whenever it hits me that I get to knock on Scully’s door and not drag her off on some case I get excited.

She opens the door with a smile. I love that smile. And I’m seeing way more of it lately then ever before. "Hey, Mulder."

"Dana, who’s there?" Comes a muffled male voice from behind the door.

I think I am going to puke. I really do. I know I must be making that panic face. "Oh… Sorry Scully. I should have called first." I slowly start backing away from the door so I don’t throw up on her nice little black sweater; she wore that one when we went to an art show she was dying to see. Damn photographic memory shut up; I don’t need that right now.

"No. It’s ok." She says quickly. She seems to mean it but I don’t know. "I’ll call you later ok? But I better go."

I just nod and walk away. I think my heart just broke. I can’t believe this. Part of me wants to break down that door and beat the shit out of whatever idiot is sitting in there on my couch. Ok not my couch but I sit there a lot and I like it. And the other part of me just wants to run away. I’m going to go with that second idea.

All think about as I drive back to my place is… actually I guess I don’t think. I’m thoughtless. Although when I do park in front of my building I realize I can’t be home. So I get out and walk to the bar down the street, order a tequila shot and sit in a far back both and sulk. Its what I do best. Sulking is on my resume, right under profiling work and above the stock boy experience when I was seventeen.

An hour later my personal pity party is interrupted by my phone. I know its Scully. Who else would be calling me at 10 on a Saturday night? I clear my throat so I don’t sound too pathetic. "Mulder."

"Hey it’s me. Where are you? I just got to your place but you’re not here." She sounds awfully chipper. I guess she hasn’t realized she’s about to break my heart by coming here and telling be about her date.

"At the bar down the street." How’s that for a deadpan response?

"Is it ok if I meet you there?" Like I could say no to Scully.


"Be right there." I listen to my dial tone for a minute or two before shoving my phone back into my pocket and go back to staring at my drink.

Ten minutes later I see Scully walk into the bar. She scans around quickly before finding me. She shoots me a quick smile as she says she’ll have what I’m having to the bartender and walks over to me.

"Hey." She says sliding in across from me.

"Date over already?" Oops…. I didn’t mean to say that yet.

She just rolls her eyes and smiles up at the bartender when her drink arrives. "That was my mother’s doing. I can’t remember the last time I was so bored." Oh. Oops again. "He invented himself in to check his messages when he dropped me off, I know it was a line to get inside. A pathetic one at that."

I don’t know what to say so I just nod.

"I was actually hoping you had stopped by to whisk me off for some case just so the night would end."

"Yeah sorry about that. I should have called."

She tips her head to the side and looks confused. "No it’s ok. I don’t mind when you stop by. It was really a last minute thing otherwise I would have called you to let you know." Why would she let me know? That’s weird… She looks at the shot in my hand. "How many does that make?"

I give her my best little boy smile. "This is still my first. I’ve just been staring at it."

She just nods and licks the back of her hand and sprinkles salt over it. I follow suit and we raise our glasses. "To being normal." She says as we clink our glasses. Together we lick the salt, down the shot and bite into a lime slice. The intense mixture of flavors scorches my throat and floods my senses. We look over at a large group of loud young drinkers. "You have any at home?" Scully asks raising her shot glass.

"Yeah. It’s probably five years old but its there."

"Great. I’ll go pay for these and we’ll get out of here. I think I’ve had my fill of normal people tonight." She smiles and stands from the booth. I watch her as pays for our shots and puts a whole lime the bartender gave her in her pocket.

"Is that a lime in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" I ask as I guide her out of the bar.

"Both actually." We don’t say anything else the whole time we walk to my place. I head straight for the kitchen and Scully follows.

"Shot glasses?" She asks as she pulls the salt out of the cabinet.

"I’ll get them in a second." I call from where my head is in my liquor cabinet, if you can call it that. Age old half-full bottles of hard liquor with that disgusting crusty shit about the top. Lovely.

"I can get them." She insists in her ‘don’t mess with me’ voice.

"Ok." I point to the high cabinet over the refrigerator. "Give it your best shot."

She glowers at the cabinet in question for a moment before climbing up on my counter and opening it up. "I’ve heard of junk draws Mulder, but I didn’t know someone could have a junk cabinet." She jumps slightly when a pack of cards comes flying from the depths of the mess. "Here they are." She pulls out two plain shot glasses and shoves everything that fell out onto the top of the refrigerator back in. "I’m going to ignore my urge to clean that for the moment." She informs me as she hops back down and tugs my arm leading me into my living room. She seats herself on the floor and pours two shots. I place the bowl of cut limes on the coffee table and lean against the front of the couch. "You ok Mulder? You’ve been really quiet." This time she licks the inside of her wrist for the salt. I can’t help but wonder what her skin tastes like. She used her lavender soap this morning, I can smell it.

"I don’t know. Just thinking." I say licking that back of my hand again.

Scully holds up her glass with a smile. "To only being normal when it suits us."

I laugh and clink my glass with hers. "I like that."

A moment later Scully leans back on one hand and toes off her shoes as she nibbles on her lime slice. Once there is nothing left but the rind she tosses it on the table and lays back on the floor. Her shirt inches up and I can see the skin just above her belly button. Umm…. Scullyskin.

"So what was so bad about that guy tonight Scully?" I don’t know why I ask but I need to know.

She rolls her head over to look at me and gives a shy smile. "I don’t know… All he wanted to do was talk about my work, and not even the interesting things. It’s not like I could tell him about liver eating monsters and flukemen."

"Why not?" I grin at her.

She laughs. "I can’t talk to people anymore, Mulder. I don’t feel like they understand me." She reaches over and kicks my shin lightly. "You do. My mother does to an extent. But that’s about it. I can’t handle making small talk. I’m too old to make small talk. The whole time at dinner I couldn’t wait to get out of there and call you. Do something not normal, you know? Not deal with the stupid petty world outside of my messed up version of it. Everyone is so naive, I can’t stand it."

I know what she is saying is important, but all I can think about is that little strip of skin below black cotton and above blue denim. I lean forward and run my index finger around her belly button. Scully’s breath catches and her skin turns to goose bumps where my finger travels. I look up at her, her cheeks are flushed, her lips parted slightly and her breathing is heavy. I’m becoming slightly uncomfortable myself. She just stares at me, no sign I should pull my hand away and flee. I’m a risk taker, I know that. But not usually when it comes to Scully. With her I am a nervous teenager. But maybe those few shots helped me because I slowly push her sweater up higher until I see the curve of her ribs. I trace the bones with my thumb. Her skin is smooth and warm. I can see a flush moving over what is visible of her chest above the neckline of her sweater. My heart is pounded so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if the downstairs neighbors called to complain about the banging. I look up at Scully. I almost jump from the dark blue her eyes have turned. I have never seen them like this; they look like storm clouds. Without losing eye contact I reach into the bowl of limes and pull out a fresh slice. I slowly run it in a circle around her belly button, the cool juice leaving a moist ring. Finally looking away from her I lean down and run my tongue over the path of juice. A soft moan comes from Scully as I trace her sweet skin again with my tongue. Her sound causes an even greater tightening in my groin. I can’t remember the last time I became this aroused in such a short time. I run the lime in a straight line up her navel to the edge of her shirt. Then I slowly follow it again. I continue to draw random patterns over her tender skin for at least ten minutes before sitting back and biting into the lime. Scully is breathing heavy and starring at me with lowered eyelids. Well she didn’t kill me, that’s a good sign. I toss the used lime onto the table and wait. I don’t know for what, but I’m waiting for something. Anything actually.

Slowly she sits up. Uh oh… well it’s been a nice life. And there’s no better way to go other then after just licking my partner’s sweet skin covered in bitter limejuice.

She reaches over and picks up a fresh lime slice and straddles my lap. Yes straddles my lap. Four inches closer to me and she is going to find out just how much I like her. She rests her hands on my shoulders, one still holding the lime and in not such a nice way pushes my head to side. Keeping eye contact she wipes the fruit wedge down the length of my neck. Her eyes are screaming ‘two can play this game.’ Well I’m ready, more then ready to play. I let out what I am sure is a very loud groan as her soft wet tongue cleans up the cooling path of the juice. She pulls away a moment later and tips my head up so I am looking at the ceiling. I feel the lime slice being placed at my chin where she squeezes it. I gasp as a cold path of juice drips down my neck and under my t-shirt.

"Oops." She whispers. Her warm little hands are suddenly under my shirt and she pulls it over my head so fast I’m surprised she didn’t take my nose with it. She immediately places her tongue on my chin and follows the path as far as she can from the position she is in, which leaves her in the middle on my pecks. She sits back slightly and looks at me, well not my face, my chest. I suddenly feel like I am under a microscope. She tosses the lime over her shoulder with barely a thought and runs her thin fingers over my bare skin. I let my eyes close as the contact and just memorize the feel of her. This will probably never happen again so I hope my nifty memory is paying attention right now. She traces every muscle, every bone. I moan when she runs her nails over my nipples. Her movement stops and I open my eyes ready to see her getting up to leave. But she is sitting on me still. Just starring at my face, both hands wrapped around holding the back on my neck. She leans forward and closes her eyes; slowly she nudges each side of my nose with hers as a small smile forms on her lips. She turns her head a slight bit more and presses her lips to mine. I watch her for a moment more before my eyes slip closed and I absorb her warmth into me. This is such a simple kiss, easily compared to New Year's. But this one she initiated, which means a lot to me. She does want me. And its not the alcohol talking, two shots doesn’t get anyone drunk. She pulls back slightly opening her mouth and letting out a gentle breath against my lips. Now I may be slightly out of practice with my kissing but I believe that is the universal language for inviting someone else’s tongue into one’s mouth. My hands that have been innocently resting on her waist move down to the backs of her thighs and I pull her forward as I swipe my tongue over her lower lip before kissing her fully. Her tongue meets mine forcefully. She tastes of lime-covered alcohol and something sweet that is only Scully’s. Our kissing is passionate but organized. Its almost as if we have been doing this for ages but haven’t seen each other in a while. We know what each other like but we need to reacquaint yourselves. I let out a hard groan as she grinds herself into my lap. I can’t help up jerk up against her, she doesn’t seem to mind one bit as she leave my lips and goes to my ear. I want more of her skin to taste. I push her away enough to pull her sweater over her head. She leans back and lets me take in the vision of her upper body clothed only in a simple blue bra.

I jump when she pressed her palm against my erection. I always knew Scully was the kind to take what she wanted… But really!

I’m already painfully hard and her hand is pushing the rough denim against my sensitized skin in an erotic sensation. I groan low in my throat and press my hand against her core through her jeans. Her face grimaces in a pleasurable way and she murmurs my name. Pressing against her I am slowly aware that her jeans are damp, this causes me to jerk a little into her hand. She swallows roughly and moves slightly over my hand so I am pressing just the right way. That’s Scully, doesn’t do something if it’s not just right. We touch each other through our clothes like teenagers in the back seat of a car before she pushes me sideways so I am laying flat on my back. I watch in shock as she unbuttons my pants and pulls them and my boxers off my body in one long motion. I’m once again under the microscope of Scully as she takes in my naked body. I feel a little anxious, not about my body, I feel like I’m in the interrogation room. Ready for Agent Scully to decide my fate.

She bits her lip and smiles at me. I’m incredibly aroused and equally scared. I have never seen such a carnivorous look on her face before. She licks her lips and takes me into her mouth.

"Oh god." I have never felt such a wonderful thing as Scully’s warm tongue running up the length of me before she takes as much of me as she can into her mouth. I weave my fingers into the hair at the back her head and clench and unclench my hand over her neck. I don’t want to hold her down, but I need to touch her in some way. Just to be sure this isn’t some amazingly wonderful dream. I don’t seem to be able to tare my gaze away from the sight of Scully moving me in and out of her mouth no matter how much my eyes want to close. I jerk up into her mouth as one of her hands fondles my balls. I would apologies if I had my voice, but she didn’t complain anyway. I’m not going to last much longer. To say it’s been awhile would be putting it more then mildly. I tug lightly on her hair so she knows. She doesn’t do anything else but increase her efforts. Moments later I let out Scully’s name in a loud scream as I come into her waiting mouth. I shudder as I feel her licking me clean and I lay my head back against the carpet and try to remember how to breath.

Scully slowly crawls up and body and rubs my chest with her palm as she nuzzles my neck.

"I’ll be with you in a minute." I manage to choke out. I don’t want her to think I am going to ignore her… womanly needs or anything.

She chuckles softly. "Take your time. I’ll take your uselessness as a compliment."

I nod vigorously so she knows that’s true. After another minute or so my muscles have congealed enough for me to move. I roll onto my side slowly and pull her into a deep kiss. I can taste the bitterness of myself in her mouth. I push her onto her back so I can taste the rest of her. This bra has to go. Oh front clasp, very convenient. But I’m a gentleman so I look up at her with the clasp in my fingers. She smiles and gives me a single nod. With a flick on my index finger her upper body is mine.


Not who ever was in her apartment, but mine. All mine.

I lean down and place a deep kiss between her delightfully rounded breasts. Mine. I move to her right breast and take her taught nipple into my mouth, she moans from deep in her chest and I feel the vibrations in my lips. Mine. After laving her gently but thoroughly I move to the other. Also mine. I move to suckle her clavicle leaving a slight red mark in my wake. Mine.

"Turn over." I tell her softly even though I flip her over myself. She moans and it takes me a moment to realize why; she is rubbing her aching nipples against the carpet. Again I feel a tightening my in groin.

She is mine. I lick my way from the base of her neck all the way to the small of her back. Without a doubt mine. I suck the tender skin just above her waistband for a moment before moving to her tattoo. I trace the pattern with my tongue before placing a long kiss in the center. Wordlessly I turn her back over and kiss her soundly. "You’re mine." I whisper against her lips. "All mine."

"Only if you’re mine." She whispers back.

"May I?" I slid down her body and ask with my fingers at the button of her jeans.

"Please." She whimpers.

I quickly pull her jeans away and am met with matching blue panties at the unmistakable sent of an aroused woman. Of an aroused Scully. I shed her of her panties in a moment and take in her fully naked body. "Beautiful." I murmur. "Absolutely beautiful." I have never seen such an amazing sight. Her whole body is flushed slightly and quivers with each labored breath.

"Mulder, please…" Her plead knocks me out of my thoughts and back to reality. Shooting her a quick smile I lay down and kiss the soft curve of her belly. Once again I run my tongue around her navel then in a quick movement bury my nose in her crisp curls. Her scent is strong and thick. I take a deep inhale before gently nudging her already spread thighs and move them over my shoulders. With my hands on her hips I tilt her slightly. She is swollen and rosy and wet. For me.

I fight the urge to yell ‘mine’ loud enough for every man who has ever touched her, or even looked at her to know she is mine now.

Feeling slightly wicked I a blow a soft breath against her sex. She moans and her hips jerk in my hands and she pleads my name again. Ok enough teasing. I take a swipe of her body with the flat of my tongue. I swirl her sweet taste around my mouth for a moment as she groans for me not to stop. Never would have thought Scully would be so loud during sex, but I’m not complaining. And like I’m going to stop? An alien could walk in and abduct my goldfish for all I care, hell if Cancerman wants to watch… well no that would kill the mood. I would get rid of him then be right back to Scully. What the hell is wrong with me?! Focus man!

With my tongue pressed firmly against Scully’s clit I can feel a gentle throbbing. I swirl the tip of my tongue around her swollen nerves. One time is gentle and slow, the next hard and firm. She is making little mewing noises that are just driving me crazy. I wonder what she would think if I started to hump the carpet…

I hold her down by her stomach with one hand and slip my index finger of the other slowly into her. Her walls violently clench at me, pulling me in further. All the while I am gently sucking her clit between my lips and flicking it occasionally with my tongue. I withdraw my finger from her and slip two back in. I search her soft slippery walls for the irregular area of nerves I know is there some where. Finding it I press firmly up against her pubic bone. Her hips buck violently up against my face. She must like that. Rubbing my fingers up against the spot I have found she yells out…. something. I honestly couldn’t understand it. Then she clenches hard around my fingers. I ease my movements inside her and let her clit slip from my mouth, just lightly running my tongue over her. She movements slow and she lies still for a moment before tugging on my hair for me to stop. When did her hands get in my hair?

Moving away from her I wipe my face on my arm and settle next to her. Her cheeks are flushed fully, a covering of sweat makes her shine in dim light, and her breathing is horribly erratic. I smooth her hair back from her face and she slowly opens her eyes.

"God bless the sunflower seed." She mumbles.

I burst out laughing as she starts her own throaty chuckle. I slowly calm and realize how incredibly hard I am again. Not bad for a guy my age if I do say so myself…

Hmm… Now what? Is this it? I won’t complain if it is, but I would like to go take care of this…. problem I am having if it is.

"Where’s that mystery water bed of yours Mulder?" Scully asks sitting up on her elbows. "As lovely as your carpet is I have enough rug burn for one night." She smiles so I know she isn’t mad. And there’s more to come, no pun intended, apparently. I want to yell ‘whoopee!’, but I wont. At least I’ll try not to.

"Right this way." I stand and hold a hand out to help her up. She steals a glance at my new arousal and bits her lip. Oh God Scully don’t look at me like that again, I don’t think I can handle it. "It’s no longer a waterbed, after that last experience I’ve gone back to the traditional."

"As long as its not covered in berber I’ll be happy." She lies down and lets out a long sigh. Then holds out her hand for me.

I’m grinning like a fool but I don’t care. I take her hand and she gives me a little tug down to her. I land to the side of her holding myself over her head on my forearms. She reaches up and traces her thumb over my bottom lip for a moment. "That guy really wasn’t that bad tonight." She says looking from my mouth to my eyes. Oh Scully don’t do this now. "But he wasn’t you. I… I compare every man I meet to you Mulder. He wasn’t nearly as handsome, or sweet, or intelligent… He just wasn’t you." She shakes her head slowly. She lets out an embarrassed little laugh and turns her head, looking to the far wall. "You are the most passionate person I have ever met." She closes her eyes. "I can’t imagine being like this with anyone else…"

I take her chin in my hand and turn to look at me. Then I kiss her with more desire and love then I have ever kissed anyone before in my life. More then I ever will kiss anyone with. I honestly believe Scully is the only woman for me. Without her the female race looks like a plastic model of a sundae. Appealing in its own way but not real, not touchable, not something I can have. Scully is the real thing. Damn it! Scully is a hot fudge sundae with extra whipped cream and two cherries.

Scully’s hot little hands have worked their way to my ass and she pulled me over to rest between her legs. She digs her nail into my flesh urging me to enter her.

I don’t want to yet. I pull my lips away from her and look down into her eyes. "I love you."

She stares at me for a moment. Ok maybe I should have done this after we have sex. She blinks a few times. "I know." She smiles. "I love you and I know you know that." She pulls me back down before I have a chance to respond. She moans softly into the kiss. I return her moan and raise her a groan as I nudge her swollen opening with the tip of my erection. She pulls away slightly. "Mulder please."

Well if I ever want Scully to beg I just I have to tease her with sex…. If I know that years ago I would have done this sooner. Hell I wanted to do this sooner.

I push into her gently as her head tilts back and her mouth falls open in a wordless cry. "Am I hurting you?" Her body is so tight and just plain small.

"No… No. This feels wonderful."

I push into the rest of the way and stop. I can’t move. I can’t do anything but feel her soft hot body clutch to mine. This feels amazing. I was never one for casual sex; this is something you can’t just share with just anyone. I never want to share this with one else ever again.

Focusing on Scully takes a lot of energy, but I do anyway. Her head is still thrown back, her eyes shut in a relaxed way, her cheeks flushed and her lips moist and swollen. I lean down and catch her mouth with mine as I withdraw from her. Instantly I miss her blanketing warmth and plunge back in.

"Yes." Scully whispers as she moves away from my lips.

Oh… So Scully likes it rough. I can do that. I pull out slowly and ram back in. Scully continues a mantra of soft ‘oh’s over and over again. I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her. She looks beautiful.

"More Mulder."

I just groan in response. I thrust harder and harder into her all the while she moans and murmurs wordless sounds. Suddenly she stops. No moaning, not movement to meet me, nothing. She opens her eyes and smiles wickedly. Uh oh… I think I am worried. With a rough shove she flips us over and straddles my thighs. Ok, not so bad. She takes my hands, interlocking our fingers as she arches her back up and rocks smoothly. Now this is a beautiful sight. Her head is thrown back, eyes shut, mouth open, breasts swaying; her whole body is flushed deeply.

I gently pull one of my hands free and move it to where we are joined pressed my thumb against her swollen nerves. Immediately she cries out my name, not Mulder but Fox. Not a quick one-syllable word but a loud moan carrying the vowel for a long moment. I think I like my name now. Her body tenses completely then I feel strong velvet pulses around my cock. I don’t move, I just feel.

It feels amazing.

After a moment Scully falls limp against my chest breathing erratically. I stroke her sweaty back and wait for her. I’ve waited over seven years; I can wait a few more minutes. I’ll just ignore the painful throb in my whole body.

Scully took a deep breath and picked herself up off of me with a lazy smile. "Your turn."

I returned her smile. I gently flip us over and withdraw from her. The look of confusion on her face doesn’t go unnoticed by me. "Can you turn over?" I ask politely. I don’t want to mess with her Christian beliefs or anything.

Her eyes widen slightly. "Oh God." She breathes and rolls over. I slip and arm under her waist and lift her slightly as she holds herself up on her forearms. Turning slightly she give me a, if I’m not mistaken, excited smile. "I’ve actually never done this before."

Whoa. "We don’t-"

"No." she cuts me off. "I want to."

Nodding a lift her a little more. I pause though, running my free hand up and down her back for a moment. Leaning forward I take one of her arms and place her hand on the headboard. "Up here."

She nods and places both hands up so her back is now perfectly flat. Much better, now I have both hands free. Placing my hands on her waist I slowly enter her.

She gasps out at the sensation. "Wow." She whispers with a combination of a groan and laugh.

I move steadily in her. She moans constantly. I’ll take that as a sign she likes this. Oh man she has better stop making those noises if she wants this to last much longer. Who am I kidding? If it hadn’t been for the extraordinary blowjob I got earlier this would have ended the moment I was inside of her.

Scully’s breathing hitches suddenly and she groans loudly as her body pulses and quivers around me. Ok that’s it. I can’t take it anymore. I thrust hard into her twice before finally finding my release as I yell her name. Damn, I’m sure the neighbors heard THAT.

We both slide to a sweaty breathless heap on the bed. When the lightheaded feeling finally fades enough I pull Scully up against me so I can spoon around her. I press my lips to her neck feeling her erratic pulse.

"You ok?"

She lets out a breathy laugh. "Yeah. I’m great."

"Me too." I mumble as I nuzzle against her shoulder and pull the blankets that became bunched at the bottom of the bed up over us. I can’t get enough of this woman’s skin. Because it’s mine. Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine.


Scully twists in my arms so she is facing me, her head pillowed on my bicep. "Tired." She mumbles.

I kiss her forehead gently. "I love you."

I can feel her smile against my skin. "I love you too."

I kiss her one more time before we both lull off to a contented sleep.


When I wake it’s still dark out. I glance at the clock, not even four in the morning. I can’t help but smile at Scully. She lying against me, on her back, one arm thrown over her stomach and the other curled around her face. She looks beautiful. Leaning down and place a gentle kiss on her lips. She stirs but doesn’t wake. Good. Now I’m grinning. I push the sheets down and away from her body and gently ease her legs apart. She shifts again. Slowly I ease my middle finger into her body. Her soft velvety walls sheath around me. She is warm and moist in her relaxed state, almost plush around my finger. I gently work her. Suddenly her body stiffens, but only for a spilt second before she smiles.

"And what do you think you are doing?" She opens her eyes and gazes at me sleepily as the moisture increases in her body.

Leaning over I kiss her again then whisper against her lips, "Claiming what’s mine."

The end.

So that was just some fluffy smutty goodness. Hope you liked it, let me know. I LOVE feedback. It makes me very happy. Be sure to visit my home page!


There you will find some pieces with at least a little more significance! =). Thanks for reading!
