Title: Learning to Live Again

Author: Angel

Email: JumperChick@aol.com

Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/bath/7266/angelfanfic.html

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: This is such a pain. These characters belong to CC, 1013, Fox network and so on. I’m not making a cent, I don’t even have a cent so suing me will get you no where.

Warning: contains sexual contact and illegal drug use.

Summery: Sequel to When The Time Comes, available at my home page--Fifteen months after Mulder rescued Scully for tests, time is up and he has to pay his dues. And Scully has to save him from himself.

Thanks to Evie and Melissa for beta work and encouraging me (in other words asking every day if I had written =) ). You girls are great muck sluts!

"You look like a photograph of yourself taken from far far away." Ani DiFranco



It took fifteen months after Mulder found me, but it finally happened. Fifteen short months and time ran out.

After nine months I let my guard down, decided it would never happen. The thought was buried in the back of my mind. It wasn’t forgotten, the possibility would never be forgotten. I just didn’t believe it would materialize.

But it did. This morning.

Mulder had to go.


10 hours earlier

I really don’t want to wake up. I’d like to lay here all day. It’s Sunday, I deserve it after a long week. But my curiosity is getting the better of me.

About an hour ago I woke up as Mulder got out of bed, but promptly fell back to sleep knowing he was just doing his usual Sunday morning bakery run. Within a half-hour he would be back in bed, coffee and fresh danish in hand.

I smell the coffee from here, and if I imagine hard enough I can smell the pastry. But Mulder hasn’t walked back in yet. He’s been in the kitchen for a good fifteen minutes. From the sounds of it he is just sitting there.

Sighing in defeat I rise out of bed and pad my way down the hall.

If Mulder hears me he doesn’t acknowledge it, just stays were he is. His hands braced tightly on the edge of the sink, staring out the window. Tension radiates off him.

He doesn’t move as I walk silently up to him. Reaching up I place a hand on his shoulder, feeling the stiffness. "Mulder, is something wrong?"

With a deep breath he turns, leaning back against the sink, his hands skimming up and down my arms. But he’s not looking at me; it’s like he is looking through me.

"Mulder?" I say again, placing my hand on his cheek. He hasn’t shaved yet and his stubble rubs lightly against my palm as he leans into my touch, his jaw stays clenched tightly.

He looks up at me finally, with soft damp eyes that make my heart plummet to my feet. "It’s time for me to go."

"What?" It comes out as a light breath, my throat tightening.

I watch as his eyes close slowly, silent tears falling from the lids. "I have to, Scully. We knew this would happen at some point. I have to pay my dues."


"Scully." He says, stepping towards me.

"No, Mulder." Panic is rising in my body, taking over all thoughts. "You don’t have to go."

"I do." He says softly, his trembling hands come up to my face. "If I don’t do this they will take you again. And this time I won’t be able to get you back, I have to go. That’s the deal, Scully. Me for you."

I can’t look at him. Pulling away I turn my back on him and take a few steps. I need some space. I need to collect myself. This is too much too fast.

"Scully, I’m sorry. I really am." His voice is tear clogged. "But this has to be done. It’s not a matter of keeping my word; it’s for your safety. I knew what I was getting into when I made this deal. I’m not backing out now." There is a long heavy pause. "Please, Scully, I need you to try to understand this."

"When?" That’s all I can force out of my mouth at the moment. I’m on the verge of losing it, losing my mind-losing Mulder.

I can hear him take a deep breath. "I have to meet him in an hour."

"Who?" I ask quickly, turning to catch his eyes.

"No." The firmness of his tone startles me slightly. He takes a few large steps, taking my upper arms in a strong grip. "I’m not telling you, Scully. You can’t try to find me; it’s too dangerous. I won’t be able to live with myself if they take you again. The thought of them testing you, doing what they did before, it will kill me. I need you to promise you won’t look for me or get involved in any of this."

I shake my head slowly, feeling the hot silent tears stream down my face. "I can’t promise something I might not be able to keep."

"Damn it, Scully." I can read Mulder well. His voice, his eyes, his body language. He is becoming angry… no, desperate. "You can’t do that. I need to know that you will stay out of it. Just go on with your life."

"You are my life." I say reflexively.

Mulder’s eyes close in pain as he leans down to rest his face against my neck, his arms tight around my waist. "I’ll do what I can, when and how it’s safe to let you know I’m ok. I know you need that. I would need that. I’ll try, Scully. But you need to pretend it’s not happening. Just keep working, stay busy and you’ll be ok, and stay safe."

An hour and he’ll be gone. I won’t be able to run my hands over his shoulders like I am now. His clean scent won’t surround me. His strong arms won’t hold me.

"I don’t know if I can do it." I whisper against his shoulder.

"You can." He sounds so sure of his words. "I know you can. You are strong, Scully. The strongest person I know."

I sort his words in my mind for a moment before speaking. "I don’t want to."

"Oh God, Scully." He says painfully, pulling me impossibly closer, as if trying to protect us against impending separation. "I don’t want to leave you." Mulder’s lips press against my neck in an open-mouthed kiss.

A small whimper escapes my throat. He is saying goodbye. This is it, I think as I turn my head and catch his mouth with mine.

Our kiss is desperate and needy. His hands are pulling at me, pressing me closer to him. I just hold on as he backs me into the bedroom.

We fall onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and hot flesh pressed against wet mouths. Mulder’s fingers are already pulling the buttons of my silk top open. Despite this situation, despite the tears falling continually, I find my body warming and preparing for him.

Someplace in the back of my mind reminds me to reach and pull Mulder’s shirt over his head. His lips land on my neck, pulling and sucking the skin there. I know what he is doing. He’s marking me. Caressing his shoulders I let him do this. He needs it. Maybe he thinks I will forget him if he doesn’t leave these bruises in his wake, but I would never be able to forget Mulder.

I shudder as his hands move up my ribcage to cradle my bare breasts. He palms my nipple as his lips move to my collarbone. Each spot on my body, that has been lovingly bruised by his mouth, tingles. My body is humming with electricity to his familiar ministrations.


I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to make love to him with us both thinking it will be the last time. Taking his face in my hands I pull our mouths apart so I can speak. "Promise me you’ll come back."

Mulder drops his eyes from mine, and my heart breaks. "You know I’ll do everything I can to get back to you."

I turn away from his eyes, trying to be angry, but he thrusts deeply. My body is betraying me. The intense pleasure of him sliding in and out of me, his fingers now circling my clitoris, I can’t fight it. Arching up beneath him my cry of pleasure mixes with my sobs. Mulder’s body tenses under mine, stroking short and fast as a call of my name deafens my ears for a moment. His heavy weight falling familiar and welcome on me.


With a start I wake from a brief post orgasmic doze as I feel Mulder shift away from where he is spooned closely to me. "No." I sob grabbing his hand from where it rests on my stomach, feeling it start to slide away.

His warm breath and hot tears bathe my neck. "Scully, please." He whispers brokenly.

I release his hand and cry openly into my pillow that smells of sex and clean laundry. Through my haze of denial and self-pity I can hear Mulder dressing and packing a bag. After an endless moment he lowers himself back down next to me, his lips on my neck. His stubble burns more then usual where he has bruised my skin. "I’ve got to go." He whispers in my ear.

"Promise me you’ll come back."

The pause is endless and painful. "I love you." He says, leaving my request unanswered. Turning my head over my shoulder he kisses me gently. The salt of my tears, and his, mingle between us. "I love you." He says again, pulling away from me and catching my tears with his thumbs.

"I love you too."

He tries to smile at me, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Gently he runs his hand over my eyes, closing them, then turns my face back against the pillow. His lips press against my temple and rises.

My apartment is silent except for his light footsteps out of the bedroom and down the hall. I hold the loud sobs in my throat until I hear the door click shut behind him.


17 months later

It took me nine months to realize I couldn’t make it one more day without Mulder. Nine long slow months of questions and hopes all unanswered.

At first I thought I would be ok. I did what he said, I worked hard. I threw myself into every case, I spent weekends with my mother, and my nights reading.

Until one day, I woke up alone, and I just couldn’t take it any longer. I went straight to the Lone Gunmen’s. Byers opened the door and I greeted him with "Where is he?" They said they didn’t know, that Mulder hadn’t told them anything other then he was leaving, and not to help me look for him and to not search themselves. It was a unanimous decision to start looking.

So we did, that very same day. It wasn’t easy.

Mulder isn’t a stupid man. I’ve received many gifts over the year and some months. All from him, I know for sure. But no clues attached. Flowers for Valentines Day ordered over the Internet with no return sender. Birthday and holiday gifts sent the same way. Envelopes with no return address or postmark, with nothing inside. Just an empty envelope. But I swear I could smell him on them.

With nothing to go by, it was a hard search. So many false hopes and misguiding clues. But lucky for me the Gunmen know people, in low places and in high. And every single one of them was watching for Mulder. Finally, eight months after we started, one of the Gunmen’s scouts spotted what they thought was Mulder, in Baltimore. It took me almost two months to find him in this busy city, two long months.

That time, however painful and slow moving, has paid off as I watch the love of my life walk across the street and into the bank on the corner.

When I first spotted him… well to be honest I almost didn’t recognize him. Physically he looks the same, his hair a little longer but still neatly kept, his clothing dark and casual-his usual street wear. It was the way that he was walking... His head hung slightly, eyes on the ground, his shoulders limp not held proud the way he always has. Even his stride had shortened. There was a suspicious swelling around his left eye, I had to clutch the steering wheel to keep myself from running up to him, demanding to know what happened, then hold him in my arms and make the hurt go away.

And I know he is hurting. From what exactly I don’t know. Probably the same thing I am, loneliness, hopelessness, and good old-fashioned depression.

Finally, after almost a year and a half, I feel my heart beating, even if only a little.

The sight of him broke and rebuilt my heart at the same time. Only Fox Mulder is able to cause this paradox in my life.

My impulse is to run across the street, drag him, if need be, into my car and take him home where he belongs. But luckily my brain was functioning enough to stop me. That would be stupid and dangerous. So I stay where I am parked at a distance, crouched in my rented car with tinted windows, sunglasses, and my hair pulled back. Call me paranoid, I’ve learned from the best after all.

Mulder fades from my view as the revolving door of the bank sucks him in.


8 days later

As I said before, I learned from the best.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, Mrs. Havery."

Smiling politely I walk away from the check in desk of the newest hotel with my newest alias. Thank God for the Gunmen. I have been changing hotels and names constantly, not to mention cars, clothes, hair styles, and cell phone numbers every few days. It has been hectic, tiring and very frustrating.

Only yesterday I tracked down where Mulder is living. I know how observant he is so I am being extra careful. I don’t want him to realize I found him until I am ready.

I am in constant contact with Skinner. He promises Mulder and I government protection if we need it. I have this horrible feeling he won’t be able to give it to us. I’m not sure what Mulder has gotten himself into, but I don’t like it. If I weren’t completely in the dark on who he is with, who gave him the information to find me, I would have a better feel of how to go about contacting him.

After many sleepless nights of thought, I still don’t know how I will do it. Maybe I will just walk up to him in the street and say ‘Hey, partner. I’ve missed ya.’ It certainly would be the easiest.


5 days later

I’m being stupid. Idiotic really. Here I am, sitting across the street from the laundromat, which Mulder has one of the apartments above, waiting to get just a glimpse of him. I haven’t seen him in a couple days, no sign whatsoever. I don’t have a clue what name he is going by at the moment. Maybe he moved. He could be cross country by now and I wouldn’t know it for months, if at all.

I shake those thoughts from my head. They aren’t going to get me anywhere.

My breath catches in my throat as I see a motorcycle pull down the alley way next to the laundromat. I swear that was Mulder, but I didn’t even know he could drive a motorcycle.

Holding my breath I wait for the driver to walk out of the shadows of the alley.

My God, it is him.

His leather jacket hangs loosely on his slumped shoulders, his helmet is tucked under one arm…. Oh God, there is blood on the leg of his jeans. He is ghostly pale. Ill, he is ill. And I have to sit here and watch him. I can’t go to him. I can’t care for him as a doctor, a friend, or a lover.

Even from this distance I see the moment he loses the battle with nausea.

"Fuck it."

With my gun tucked in the front of my pants I step out of my car and jog across the busy street. Mulder just went into the building, if I don’t hurry I am going to lose him. This old building is not rundown, but it certainly isn’t high class. Walking in unnoticed is easy. As silently as possible I make my way up the back staircase, the one Mulder just ran up ahead of me. I reach the landing just as the first door on my left is about to swing shut. I grab it just in time, but I don’t enter right away. Leaning my head close I try to hear over my ragged breathing.

I know I have the right apartment as the muffled sounds of retching float through the air.

I shouldn’t do this. I know that. But Mulder is sick and I can’t walk away now.

Quietly I push the door open, peering around the corner to see if we are alone. I step inside warily, almost tripping over Mulder’s helmet and jacket on the floor. There doesn’t seem to be many places to hide in here. The apartment is one room, a futon in the main area lays unmade from the last time Mulder slept, a TV, small stereo, the kitchen is tiny and cramped. In the far corner the door to what must be the bathroom is partly open.

My stomach turns slightly as Mulder empties his.

I should turn around now. Drive back to my hotel and think rationally. Mulder will never know I was here if I go now.

My legs refuse to take me anywhere. Not back to my car or towards Mulder.

The water turns on for a moment. I can hear Mulder spit into the sink, then the rustle of clothing and through the crack I can see him discard his jeans and shirt, both blood stained.

My breath catches in my throat as the door swings open and Mulder, dressed only in his boxers looks up and meets my shocked eyes. He blinks, twice. "Scully?" His question is a confused breath.

All I can manage is a nod. My heart is about to pound out of my chest.

Mulder takes a few large slow steps towards me.

Everything is moving in slow motion.

My eyes have a hard time focusing on him. Whether its from the adrenaline pumping through my body or the fact that I have only seen Mulder this close in my dreams for what seems like forever, I’m not sure. But once I do-my God if it isn’t the sweetest sight.

With a choked sob Mulder drops to his knees in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my stomach.

"Shh. Shh. It’s ok now." I find myself cooing to Mulder, as I run my hands through his hair and over his shoulders. I manage to push him away enough to kneel in front of him.

"You’re here." He whispers in disbelief.

"I am." He flinches as I run my fingers over a fresh cut above his eyebrow. Picking up his hands I examine the swelling and scrapes. "What happened?"

"Don’t leave." He murmurs, burying his face in my neck.

"I won’t. I promise." Leaning my head against his I feel how cold and clammy his skin is. He’s shaking. "You need to lay down." I say, placing my hands under his arms in a fruitless attempt to lift him as I stand. He manages to stagger to his feet, then the few steps to the futon, only to crumple weakly, pulling me down with him.

"Don’t leave." He whispers again.

I continue to soothe him with my words and hands as I place his head in my lap. "I’m here now."

Mulder turns over to look up at me. "How did you find me?"

"You can’t hide forever." My sly smile is lost after a moment as I take in his features. I run my thumbs over the dark stains beneath his eyes. My hands comb through his hair which is graying at the temples. His skin is pale, his whole body shakes. "You are sick."

He shakes is head like a child.

"Yes, I heard you, I saw you." With a frown I hold my hand over his forehead for a moment, he doesn’t seem to have a fever.

"No. It happens every time I have to-" He stops abruptly, closing his eyes as if he is trying to block his thoughts.

"Every time what, Mulder? Tell me what is wrong."


"I saw blood on your clothes." Scanning his body I don’t see any large wounds. Bruises and scrapes, but nothing open or bleeding at the moment. "Are you hurt?" His head shakes tiredly. "Was that your blood?"

"Scully, please. Stop." His voice trembles on the verge of panic.

He tenses as I lift him off my lap, but relaxes as I toe off my shoes and lay next to him, cradling his head on my arm. "You need to rest, Mulder."

"Promise me you’ll be here when I wake up." His voice is a hoarse whisper. I have only seen him this tired on a few occasions, times I don’t ever want to think about again.

"Yes." I stroke my hand up and down his chest, trying to calm him, as one would with a restless child. "I promise I will be here."

Immediately his breathing evens out and he sleeps.


8 hours later

Mulder is dead to the world at the moment. I can tell he hasn’t had a decent nights sleep in a long time since he slept through me cleaning and bandaging his wounds. All and all he doesn’t seem to be in bad shape, just run down.

He is beginning to wake, his eyes flutter and he shifts onto his side restlessly. I weave my fingers into his hair to comfort him as his brow furrows with something unpleasant.

"Mulder." Calling him softly before he becomes lost in a dream, I run my hand up and down his arm from where I lay in front of him. "Mulder, wake up."

Slowly his eyes open and focus on me. "You’re still here." He says after a few moments of silence.

"I promised you I would be." Pulling him to me I brush my lips against his. With a released breath his lips meet mine firmly, my mouth opens instinctively. We spend long moments relearning each other’s tastes and textures before Mulder pulls away to rest his head on the pillow again. I am surprised he pulled away with the bulge of his erection nestled against my hip.

"You can’t stay here." He says gently, running his hand down the side on my face before pushing himself away from me. "It’s not a good idea."

I nod, I had known this all along. "Let’s go home then."

His eyes leave mine, looking behind me at nothing. "You know I can’t do that." Sitting up abruptly he dislodges my balance and I almost fall off the bed. "You better go. You’ve been here too long and it’s not safe."

Sitting up I nod and run my hands through my tangled hair. "Come with me. I have a hotel just outside the city-"

"No." He cuts me off harshly. "Just go." His eyes plead with me as he slides off the bed, trying to put space between us in this tiny room.

I don’t want to walk away from him yet. I don’t know if I can. "Let’s go somewhere then, Mulder. Get some coffee or something. Someplace public." Standing up I walk over to him.

He steps away from the hand I reach out to his arm. "You need to go. It’s not safe to be seen with me. For either of us."

"Ok." I say slowly. It makes sense, he is right. After I pull on my shoes I walk towards him carefully, he looks like he is ready to flee. I lay my hands on either of his forearms, and watch as his eyes soften. He leans his face down to nuzzle my hair. "I’ll come back later."

"In a couple days." His voice is just a rumble in my ear. "Keep your distance, it’s for the better." He pauses for a moment. "There’s no way I can convince you to go home, is there?"

I don’t even dignify that with an answer. He knows me better then that. Stretching up on my toes I kiss him lightly. "I love you, Mulder." Pulling back, I meet his eyes. He looks so haunted.

"I love you too." He answers softly. His eyes close tightly, as if he is trying to block out the sight of me. "You have to go now."

I nod to him, even though his eyes are still closed. He doesn’t open them as I walk across the small room and leave him.


Two days later

I think I left my common sense in Washington. Because here I am, about to knock on Mulder’s door when I know I shouldn’t be back here so soon. I should wait at least a week, get a new car and all that. But when the other half of my soul is behind this door that all goes to hell and I’m going to do my damnedest to get him back home with me.

My knock echoes through the old silent walls of this building.

"It’s open." Mulder calls. It’s not like him to leave his door unlocked, ever.

I push the door open and step inside. Immediately a sickly sweet yet musty smell of smoke fills my lungs.

"Scully." Mulder apologizes as well as he can through his chemically enhanced daze. "You shouldn’t be here… but I’m not surprised. Come on in."

"Mulder! What the hell are you doing?" I stand over him as he lays on his back on the futon, one hand resting on his bare chest, the other resting over it, holding a half burned messily wrapped joint, between his denim clad thighs is a paper cup he is using as an ashtray.

He blinks up at me, his eyes slightly glazed a small smile on his lips. "I think you know what I am doing, Scully. Sit down." With a jerk of his head he nods to the space beside him on the mattress.

"Jesus, Mulder. Are you insane?" I reach towards his hand, intent on stopping this but surprisingly enough he is fast enough to move his hand out of my reach.

"Probably." He mumbles, bringing his hand back to his mouth.

I watch in a stunned silence as he takes a deep breath and holds it as he pulls his hand away. My brain finally kicks in and I grab the joint out of his hand and smash it into the paper cup.

Mulder lets out his breath, and a large puff of smoke, in an annoyed sigh.

"What is going on with you?" I ask as he stands a little unsteadily at first, then brushes by me. He pulls a bottle of iced tea from the refrigerator. I look down and pick up the little bag filled with crimped green leaves. "Explain this?" Stalking up to him I hold it close to his face.

He leans away, annoyed. "What is there to explain?" Mulder meets my eyes for a moment and I have to remind myself he is not completely himself to stop from slapping him. "What do you want me to say?" His voice is dull and flat. "It eases the pain a little, ok?"

"Damn it, Mulder. You are an FBI agent. You can’t use drugs!"

"I’m not an agent, not anymore, Scully."

I am so angry I am shaking. How could he walk away from his work like this, walk away from everything we have done. This isn’t Mulder. "Well come home with me then. You can be an agent again."

Mulder rolls his eyes. "She is going to ruin my buzz." He mutters, looking through me into the distance. Before I have a chance to respond to his comment he speaks again. "I can’t go back, Scully. You don’t understand. There’s no way for you to understand this." He takes the little bag from my hand and walks by me to sit heavily down on the mattress.

"No, I don’t understand this. Because you haven’t told me anything that has been happening to you. Tell me so I can understand."

"No." He says firmly, not glancing up from the bag as he digs through its contents.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, but I just end up choking on the lingering smoke in the air. "Skinner said he will give us protection for as long as we need it. If you let me take you home everything will be ok."

Mulder snorts almost as if he is entertained by this idea. "You want me to hide? Not going to work."

"Mulder, will you stop that and listen to me!" I reach down and snatch the bag as he had begun to roll another joint. I drop to my knees between his, forcing him to at least acknowledge me. "What is with this Mulder? Pot?" I practically spat the word at him. If he was twenty years or so I probably wouldn’t say anything, hell at the time I would have joined him. But this different. He doesn’t answer me. "Are you addicted to this shit?"

"No." He says quickly, his eyes snapping to meet mine. "Not at all, Scully. I was… missing you…" Mulder starts rubbing, I imagine, burning eyes. "I know it doesn’t help anything and I don’t want a lecture." His tone had softened only for a moment, but it is gone just as soon as it came.

I watch him from my low spot on the ground for a few minutes in silence. "I’m flushing this." I say as I stand.

"Knock yourself out." Mulder falls back onto the mattress, an arm slung over his eyes.

Over the sounds of the old pluming the phone rings and I can hear Mulder’s voice. "Hello…. Now?…All right, I’ll be there. Just give me a few minutes… Ok, fine… I said I will be there!" I jump at the sound of his phone being slammed angrily. I step back into the main room just to see Mulder pull a tee shirt over his head. "I’ve gotta go out for awhile, Scully. You shouldn’t stay here alone."

I watch in mild shock as Mulder pulls on his leather jacket and checks the pocket for his keys. "You can’t drive right now, Mulder."

He looks at me amused. "I’ve done it before-" He stops, obviously rethinking his thoughts. Well that’s a good sign. "Listen, Scully, I have to go. I’ll be ok."

"I’ll go with you." I walk up in front of him, trying to look into his eyes and see past the haze. "We’ll take my car, I’ll take you where ever you need to go."

"That won’t work. They will be expecting my motorcycle. And before you even mention it you can’t drive it for me. It’s too big and heavy for a woman your size, don’t take that the wrong way. Proportion wise it just won’t be possible for you to steady it." He says with a smirk, moving towards the door.

"Then I’ll go with you." I say grabbing his arm firmly. If he tries to leave here without me it will have to be over my dead body, I send this message with my eyes and he catches on.

With a frown he nods. "All right. Wear this." He says, shoving the helmet into my hands. "You can’t come in with me, so don’t even ask when we get there."

"Where are we going?" I ask, trying not to fall down the poorly lit stairs.

Mulder glances over his shoulder giving me a look that says I’m lucky to me coming with him, that’s all I’m getting. I slide Mulder’s helmet on and climb on behind him.


After an hour or so of driving I wish was a little more careful, Mulder pulls along a dark side street and kills the engine. My ears still hum and my thighs still quiver from the strong engine.

Mulder slides off the motorcycle, looking around the street suspiciously. "Ok. You stay here. You’re armed, right?" He asked in a hushed voice. After I nod he looks around again. I don’t know if this is his usual paranoia or if it has been enhanced by chemicals. "If anyone bothers you tell them you are here with Ethan. Your name is…" He searches the air for a moment. "Molly. You met me at River Bottoms, we were at my place when I got a call and I am just stopping here before I drop you off at the bar to get your car. Got it?"

"Yeah, got it."

He nods with a frown. "Ok. Stay here." With that he turns on his heel and walks up onto the sidewalk, then into a fairly dark building.

I tug off Mulder’s helmet and set it down on the wide seat in front me, finally freeing myself to get a good look around the area. Half the streetlights are blown; not many people wander the street and I wouldn’t want to approach one of them. Garbage lies everywhere, the cars lining the curb are beat up, windows are boarded or missing all together, and I suddenly feel very vulnerable despite the Sig strapped to the side of my jeans.

Two women walk past me, looking me up and down critically. Considering they must be prostitutes I’m not sure where they get off. I fight the urge to shoot them a wicked glare and glance down at Mulder’s bike. It’s old, but looks in good shape. I’m no expert but I can tell some of the parts have been replaced recently. Maybe that is what Mulder does with his spare time. For the life me of I can’t see Mulder working as a mechanic, but its been a year and a half…he’s a different man from the one that left me behind in my apartment on a Sunday morning. I can admit that much. I just hope I can find the one I love and bring him back to me. I know he is in there. This Mulder looks like the one I love, sounds like him, feels like him, but its not quite him.

"Hey, baby."

I glance up to find the source of the voice. A man, a little shorter and leaner then Mulder, with light blond hair, piercing eyes, and a leer to put Frohike to shame, is leaning on the handles of the bike.

"What’s a little thing like you doing outside all alone?"

Swallowing my pride the best I can I answer him calmly. "Just waiting for someone."

He reaches a hand towards me, but before I even have the chance to lean away from him he is dragged to the side with an ‘Oof!’

"What the fuck you do you think you are doing, Ray?!" Mulder yells in his face as he slams Ray’s back against a telephone pole.

"Jesus, Ethan! Let me go!" Ray struggles against the arm Mulder has pressed across his throat.

I step off the bike and move towards the men, but keep my distance. "Ethan." The name is foreign on my tongue and it takes me a moment to work it out. "It’s ok. I’m all right."

Ray shoots me a grateful glance, but it doesn’t last long as Mulder doesn’t release him or even ease up. "Listen, Ethan, I’m sorry. I didn’t know she is yours."

"Don’t give me that shit." Mulder growls. "You know what my bike looks like."

"Ethan!" Ray chokes as Mulder presses his arm against his throat harder. "It’s dark, damn it! I couldn’t tell it was your bike. I’m sorry! Come on man." His voice drops to a plea. "I know you’ve been smokin’, I can smell it on you. Just chill. I didn’t touch her."

Mulder steps back suddenly, then glances over at me. "Put your helmet back on S-Molly. We’re getting out of here." He watches Ray carefully as I get back on the bike. Mulder sits in front of me and I wrap my arms around him as he guns the engine. He gives Ray a stony look. "Don’t let it happen again." Ray doesn’t have a chance to respond, Mulder tears out onto the road his tires squealing


I follow Mulder silently into his apartment, not a word has been spoken between us.

"You hungry? I’m starving." Mulder says enthusiastically as he drops his jacket over a chair and opens the fridge. "Munchies I guess." He says with a laugh.

"I don’t find this funny in the least."

He glances up at me from the sandwich he is making with a shrug. Taking a hearty bite he makes appreciative humming noises in the back of his throat.

"Damn it, Mulder! Will you talk to me!"

"About what?" He asks innocently around a mouthful.

Turning around I take a deep breath as I run my hands through my hair, trying to keep myself under control. After a few moments I turn back to him to find him finishing his snack and returning things to their proper places. I can tell asking him blunt questions isn’t going to get my anywhere. I doubt I will have too much luck tricking him into giving me information, but he is still a little out of it. "What was with that guy? Ray?" I try to keep my tone light and conversational.

Mulder’s lips turn down in a frown, but he shrugs. "He’s an ok guy."

"How’d you meet him?"

There is a pause. I can practically see the wheels turning in his head as he finds a way to answer me without telling me anything. "I’ve worked with him a couple times."

"Doing what?" I’m pushing it, and I can tell Mulder is getting angry.

"Working." He says with a smart-ass grin.

"Why did you have to go to that place tonight?"

"Business." He answers simply.

"What the hell is with you?" His mock innocent look only serves to piss me off even more. I’ve tried to be nice, tried to stay calm. "If you aren’t going to tell me what is going on I will find out for myself!" I’m screaming at him, all out screaming. The last time I did this was when I was ten and Bill threw my favorite teddy bear into the toilet, I gave him a black eye that day. I am even madder today then I was so many years ago.

Stalking over to his closet I throw open the door. "You growing marijuana in the closet?" I kick the contents lining the floor out into the room. A gun skirts across the carpet. That’s all I’m able to notice, everything else is a blur. Somewhere, deep in the back of my head, my conscious screams at me that I am being irrational. But the anger and hurt overrides that small voice. "Do you have a gun for each pant pocket?" I start ripping clothes off their hangers, only to drop them onto the floor. Closet demolished I move on to his dresser against the wall. "I wonder what is in your sock drawer. Crack? Maybe some knives folded up within your boxers." I turn the drawer upside. "What about the bottom drawer?" Dropping to my knees I start to tug it open, as Mulder stands by, unaffected it seems, as I struggle. "A home made bomb? Or some-" I stop dead as I finally do see what is in there. Only two items. One is his picture of Samantha-he must have gone to his apartment after he left mine the morning he had to go. The other; a picture of me.

I pick the frame up carefully to get a better look at the picture. I know this one. It’s a candid shot Mulder took our last Christmas together at a formal dinner of my family’s. I am turned slightly away from the camera, smiling to someone in the near distance. The dress I was wearing was a long slip of ivory silk. Slim cut with a low neck. Mulder had gone shopping with me, after a little convincing, to find a dress for the party. I didn’t want that one at first. I argued it was styled and cut wrong for the season. But Mulder told me it was perfect, he insisted on buying it for me. The dress was a big hit as it stood out among the reds and greens and blacks of the other dresses.

I sit back heavily, my ass hitting the ground in an ungraceful manner as I clutch the picture. I looked so happy then. Mulder said I was glowing. He had taken picture after picture of me without my even knowing. This had always been his favorite.

"Scully?" Mulder’s soft, worried voice snaps me from my thoughts. "Don’t cry. Please."

I didn’t even realize I was. I don’t really care. That’s my Mulder who just spoke to me. Not the angry hurt man hiding beneath a haze of drugs and attitude. At this realization I cry even harder.

Mulder sits beside me, his hand sliding warm and familiar along my shoulders. "Scully, please. I hate it when you cry." Gently he pulls me to him, breathing lightly into my hair, my head against his chest.

"You’re back." I say after many silent moments.

He nuzzles his mouth down to my ear. "What?"

Pulling away only enough to lock eyes with him I smile softly. "That’s you talking to me. I knew the real you was in there somewhere."

He gives me a confused look, then it seems realization on how he was acting hits him. His eyes drop from mine, a deep inhale and he settles himself a little closer to me on the floor. "I’m sorry." These words don’t fall easily from this man’s mouth. Never once have I heard them spoken to me untruthfully.

Weaving my fingers into his hair I pull his head down to rest against my neck, my lips to his temple. "Just promise me you won’t go anywhere. That you are here for good."

His nod against my skin rushes the warm air of his breath over the damp trails his tears have left. His hands slide from my back into my hair. "I’m so sorry if I hurt you…in anyway."

"Shh." It would be a lie to say he hasn’t hurt me. But I’m not mad at him. Maybe at some point I will be, but right now I have him back and nothing else matters. "There’s no point in talking about that."

As if he doesn’t hear me he goes on. "I was so cold to you. But I couldn’t let you get close again. I shouldn’t be letting you. But God… holding you again…It feels like I’m alive for the first time in ages."

"I know. I know." I murmur as I kiss his face softly. His tears are salty on my lips, his hair smells smoky, but I easily look over that. It won’t be happening again unless he wants to face the wrath of Scully.

He sniffles slightly and pulls me partly into his lap, at the same time guiding my mouth to his. Sighing I let his wandering tongue meet mine. His gentle hands run over me. This is right. This is how it should be between us.

After a moment he pulls away to reclaim my neck with his mouth. He groans, slightly frustrated, against my neck as he stands, bringing me with him. I let him half drag half carry me to his bed where we drop. A shudder runs through me as I land astride him. His hands dig into my hair, bringing my mouth down to him. Drowning me in him.


I wake up with a start to a loud pounding on the door. Maybe it’s not really that loud, but in the calmness of Mulder’s embrace it’s a shock to my mind and body.

Mulder curses under his breath. "Pretend to be asleep." He whispers in my ear as he climbs over me nude. I watch with half closed eyes as he pulls on his discarded jeans.

Opening the door just in time to intercept another series of knocks he lets out a gruff; "What do you want?"

"Oh." The man’s voice-sounds fairly young-says with a laugh. "Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep, Ethan."

"It’s three in the morning, Eric, what do you want?"

"Since when do you actually sleep?" Eric asks, still laughing.

I heard a dull ‘thump’ as Mulder leans himself against the door jam. "I’m a little busy right now." His voice is calmer now, I wonder how well he knows this Eric. I’m willing to bet its through ‘business’ as Mulder is so fond of calling it.

"What? You got a girl in there or something?"

"As a matter of fact I do."

"Will you stop trying to see around me!" Mulder says after a pause. "She’s not the pay by the hour type so you have no chance with her." His tone has dropped to teasing.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Ethan. So what’s her story?"

"Nothing. She’s just a lay for the night, maybe the next."

I know he didn’t mean that. I know he is only saying that to get off the subject, to keep me safe he would say. But, my god, it hurts.

"Listen, I’d like to get back to her-"

Eric interrupts. "Squeeze in another round before dawn." They both laugh for a moment. "I just found out about a job that I’m going to need your help on. I just came from staking it out. I’ll pick you up this time tomorrow."

There was a pause. "Um, yeah… I’ll meet you on the street."

"Great." Eric’s footsteps echo as he walks towards the stairs. "See you later, man."

Slowly Mulder walks back over to the bed. My mouth is about to open and demand answers. I can’t be kept in the shadows of this new life of his anymore. But those thoughts are stopped dead when Mulder crumples to the bed. His head buried in my chest, all but forcing my arms around him. He begins to shake in my embrace.

"I can’t do this anymore, Scully. I just can’t. It’s killing me."

Weaving my fingers into his hair, I lift his head so I can look in his eyes. "Then let’s leave. Tonight. I’ll call Skinner now, he will tell us where to go and it will all be over."

He pulls from my hands to drop his head to my neck. "It won’t work. They will find me, find you. I can’t let that happen."

"Mulder, please…Tell me what Cancerman has you doing."

"It’s not him." His voice is so faint I can barely make it out.

"What did you say?"

He clears his throat gently, clearing away emotions and falling into a bland even tone. "It’s not the Cancerman I’m working for. It’s someone who works for him. I don’t know the details, I don’t want to. The less I know the better."

I don’t know what to say for a moment. I always thought it was the Smoking Man that made a deal with Mulder, again. Mulder never said any differently, but he also never told me anything about how he found me. "What work are you doing, Mulder." I whisper against his ear.

He sighs, defeated, against my neck. "Anything and everything they want me to do." He pauses but I don’t urge him to continue, I have a feeling he will on his own. He is ready, he is finally ready to knock down this wall between us. "It started off simple, breaking into offices and homes to get information that they needed. Nothing I hadn’t done before." A soft, unamused laugh falls from his throat. It dies off quickly and he nestles closer to me as if he wants to crawl into my skin. Gently I stroke his back, urging him to continue. "Then…then I had to do drug deals for them. I thought I had dealt with the scum of the earth before…" I can’t picture Mulder, being as honest and true that he is dealing drugs. But I don’t think Mulder is the man he used to be anymore. "From then on it just got worse. The last few months, they’ve been hell, Scully." Suddenly he pulls away from me, his voice catching on the end of his sentence.

I slowly rise as I watch Mulder begin to pace the small room like a caged tiger. For the first time I realize I am nude and grab Mulder’s discarded tee shirt from the floor. It smells stale and dank, but Mulder just the same. Pulling the blanket over my lap I focus on Mulder’s fidgeting form across the room. "Mulder….talk to me."

He shakes his head panicky. "I can’t tell you this." Standing in front of the only window, above the kitchen sink, he continues shaking his head.

Even from here I can see the tight clench in his jaw, his eyes are glistening with tears.

"We don’t keep secrets from each other."

"This is different."

I rise from the bed, the slight squeak seems loud in the silent apartment. The floor is cold on my bare feet. His skin is hot when I place my hand on his shoulder. He flinches slightly, turning away from me even more. "I’m not giving up this time, Mulder. Tell me."

The pause that follows is so long for a few minutes I don’t think he is going to answer me.

"I’ve killed people, Scully."

At first I don’t know what to say to that. Mulder and I, when our relationship progressed, became very open with each other, but the one thing we never talked about were the people we have killed. Maybe we think if we don’t talk about it we will forget it. But it never happens. There is still guilt, even when the person was a monster, a murder. It’s still taking a life.

"Sometimes, Mulder, we have to do that in our work. You know that." I try to be gentle without condescending.

His head shakes again. "These people are hired assassins, Scully. I’ve killed for them."

To my horror I pull my hand away from his shoulder, as if I was burned.

"You should leave." He says quickly, matter of factly.


"This isn’t right. I shouldn’t have let you stay here. I shouldn’t have given you hope that we could be together again."

I struggle to get a word in, I struggle to make my voice work. "No, let’s talk about this."

"I don’t want to talk about it!" I can’t help but jump at his raised voice. Slowly his eyes close and he takes a deep breath. "You need to go. Back to DC." Pushing by me he walks into the main room, walking aimlessly.

"Not without you, Mulder. This doesn’t change you." My voice sounds weak and unsure even to myself.

His walking stops, he looks straight into my eyes. "Yes it does. I’m not who I used to be….I’m not the man that you fell in love with. Get your stuff-get out." With that he slams the bathroom door behind him, the shower turns on.


I don’t know how long Mulder was in that shower for, quite a while I’m sure. He was sick, I heard him gagging and sputtering over the spray of water. I wanted to go in there, make sure he was ok. What am I thinking? I know he isn’t. This is Mulder, a man constantly wracked by guilt and self-hatred. How he made it this far-doing what he has been-I don’t know. I’ve sat here on his bed, unmoving since he told me to leave, trying to fathom how he did it. How Mulder, this compassionate sensitive man, was able to kill innocent people.

The bathroom door opening makes me jump.

Mulder steps out wearing only a towel, ghastly pale from his earlier retching. When he meets me eyes I know he isn’t surprised I’m still here. "I told you to leave."

"I’m not going anywhere without you."

As if he doesn’t hear me he goes to his dresser and pulls out a pair of loose cotton pants and drops his towel pulling them on.


"Scully, please!" He snaps at me. My Mulder is gone again. "For God’s sake let it go, just get out of here and leave me alone."

"But… How?"

Mulder spins on his heels giving me a look of pure hatred, towards himself, not me. "Well they said to me ‘Mulder, either you do what we say or we take your little girl friend, inject her with all sorts of alien matter for a couple months, or until she dies. Which ever comes first. Then slice her open to see why she did or why she didn’t die.’ What the hell was I supposed to say to that, Scully?!" I can only sit in stunned silence as he yells. "Of course I said I would do it…" Rubbing the bridge of his nose his voice drops low. "The first one…the first one was a man." His eyes close as his memory brings the details to his mind. "Mark Castle, thirty-seven, hundred and eighty pounds, five foot nine, light brown hair, balding, very dark eyes. We were hired by his wife’s ex-husband. I killed him." Mulder’s eyes open and stare sadly into mine. "One shot to the back of his head while he stood in his living room. I waited until his wife had taken their two year old daughter up to bed before I shot him." Covering his mouth with his hand he turns away from me. I know if he hadn’t emptied his stomach a little while ago in the shower he would just then at the memory of what he has been doing.

"The first time I saw you here-" I have to clear my throat in order to speech audibly. "When I first found you here you were going into a bank, I was across the street in my car." He turns to me slowly, obvious from his expression he had no idea I was watching him before the day I walked into his apartment. "You had a black eye… Was that from-"

He shook his head, his fingers brushing over his cheekbone as if remembering the pain. "That was something else." A snort of humorless laughter followed. "I went to Eric’s-" He shot me a questioning look and I nodded to the unspoken question as to whether I knew who he was talking of. "I was completely wasted. Started screaming at him about what he was making me do. I don’t really remember much. I could barely walk the next few days."

I can’t help but grimace at the thought.

"Eric….He’s the one you are working for?"

With an uncomfortable look my way, Mulder gave a little shrug. "Not directly. He’s sort of the messenger. Eric is the one who I had to go meet the other night, I’m afraid to say I’m at his beck and call. He’s the one that came to DC to get me."

If I didn’t hate the man before I do now. "What about the day I came to you? There was blood on your clothes."

Mulder shudders at the still fresh memory. "It was my last job…It was close range, very close."

"Why’d you do it?" Enough of dancing around the subject.

With his back still to me I can see his shoulder’s slump. "Because if I didn’t you were going to be taken for more testing."

"You sacrificed other people for me."

He nods slowly. "I can’t stand the thought of them hurting you anymore, Scully. It would kill me….more then this has. I don’t know how to function not knowing you are safe."

"How do you know that for sure? Mulder, maybe this whole thing was just a ploy to get you on their side? Everything, from me being tested to who ever it is that came to you with information to find me. It doesn’t make sense to me that someone working with Cancerman would be able to tell you without reprimands. Think about it, Mulder."

"I have, Scully!" He hissed. "Every day, every night, every moment my mind isn’t completely occupied from the moment I left you I have thought about it. But damn it, ‘what if’s aren’t going to get me anywhere!"


"What if we just left here. Right now. Just got up and went to where ever Skinner thinks is safe. So then what? We would be together but we would never be able to live our lives again. We would be who ever the government decided we should be, where we should be, everything about our lives. No, I can’t live that way. I can’t make you live that way."

I wait a moment to be sure his tirade is over with before I silently walk up to him, not touching but standing close. "I want to live my life with you, Mulder. The other details don’t matter. But, Mulder, I’m not leaving here without you. No matter what you say, or what you do is going to change that. It took me too long to find you. I’m not walking away now."

Mulder turns to face me slowly. "I don’t expect any less of you, Scully."


Early next morning

My eyes hurt, my head hurts and my feet hurt from pacing Mulder’s cramped apartment for the last several hours since he left.

I have no idea where he went or why, he wouldn’t tell me. He just dressed and said to stay put.

Sleep is really needed at this point, but I tried a few hours ago and it was pointless. Now I think I’m too tired to sleep. I’m too wound up.

I just about jump out of my skin when the front door opens.

Mulder stumbles in, bruised and smelling like the acid odor of fresh smoke.

"Jesus!" I rush over to him, trying to feel for injures. I only get a wince from his side as I press his ribs gently before he pushes me away.

"Come on, we have to get going." Leaving me standing in the middle of the room Mulder throws open drawers and closets, stuffing only choice items into bags.

"What happened, Mulder?"

"I took care of everything, let’s just get out of here."

Striding up to him I intersect him as he moves towards the kitchen, I grab his arm, rather hard, to get his attention. "Tell me. Where did you go and what did you do? Then I will be more then happy to get out of here as fast as possible."

He sucks in a deep breath, not looking at me but a point beyond. "To Eric’s. I destroyed all the evidence that I, or Ethan, whatever, existed." His eyes focus on mine. "Can you call Skinner for me? Tell him I am going to need a few favors?"

"Yeah, I’ll use my cell."

"Ok." Mulder nods, stepping out of my hold and into the kitchen. "I have a few more things to do here, then we can leave... Then we can go home."


Six months later

I roll over onto the side of the bed Mulder vacated a few minutes ago, it’s still warm. The front door shuts and I smile contently at the thought of fresh Sunday morning pastry in a half-hour.

Not a quiet Sunday morning goes by that I don’t think about the time Mulder was gone, and the events that brought about his return. I still don’t know, and I never will know, the details of how he got back to me without the repercussions he believed there would be. I am almost sure without a doubt that he killed his ‘business partner’ Eric. How else could he have gotten out of that situation? He destroyed all the physical evidence he was ever there. At least all that he knows of.

That thought puts a knot in my gut. It hasn’t even been a year since all of that, anything could happen. And it’s not as if we would be hard to find. Despite Skinner’s advice we are living our normal lives with no special attention. Of course the government has no idea what Mulder did while he was away. Skinner knows, Mulder told him, and Skinner helped us return without too many questions. Although I’m not sure how, both he and Mulder refuse to tell me any details. Not that we talk about it, not ever. Mulder won’t. I wish he would, only for the fact that he has many mental scars from his time away. I can live with out knowing the facts, but I want him to rest. He still has nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat screaming apologies to nameless people, pleading not to have to do it, not to have to kill anymore. It breaks my heart.

But I suppose it’s a small price to pay to have him back with me, to be living my life with him, the way it should be. I hope it stays this way, even with the bad days, I hope the nightmare is over. That we can stay together. That it’s finally over.


The End


Notes: Well most of this fic was sitting on my hard drive for six months maybe, before I decided to force myself to finish it and get on with life. So my next focus is East of Eden….I would really like to get that finished.

So here’s the to the return of Mulder……and don’t worry Melissa, his ass should be coming back too =).