
FORUM at Delphi

Latest ADD/Health News Headlines

  - Begin your Journey
  - What is ADD/ADHD?
  - Symptom "QuickList"
  - "A Day in the Life ..."
  - ADDmirable Issues
  - What makes a woman an "ADDmirable" woman?
  - What to do?

Articles of Interest
  - "ADHD in Girls" by
       David Rabiner, PhD

The ADDmirableWomen Mailing List ...
  - List Description/Join
  - Members' Comments
  - List FAQ

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Poetry Section
  - a collection of some of the best poems on the web!

  - purchase the best
  ADD/ADHD books from

- Online Assessments
- Our fave ADHDwebsites

The ADDmirableWomen
Award of Excellence
- Submit your fav website
- Award Winners

Webrings, Awards, and Memberships
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this site belings to
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Patti L. Petit
Contact Us

Welcome to

... the only online community for women with
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)

Have you been diagnosed with ADD, or suspect
that you may have ADD?

Feel lonely and isolated?

Looking for resources, infomation and support?

You're in the right place!

Start by taking the "ADDmirable Journey"
to find out what the symptoms of ADD are, what issues
women with ADD are commonly faced with, what it
feels like to live with ADD, what the good things are
about having ADD, and where to turn for help and support.

Looking for support, advice and friendship?
We provide you with several options:

Please visit the main ADDmirableWomen group page
HERE for access to our main group as well as our
other groups, including ADDmirableChristianWomen,
ADDmirableMessies, ADDmirableParents, ADDmirableSpouses,
ADDmirableCollegeStudents, etc.

You can access the ADDmirableWomen forum at:

Patti L. Petit, Founder of ADDmirableWomen,
offers personal ADD coaching to women on a 
one-to-one basis.  Visit Patti's SITE HERE to
learn more about ADD coaching and to request
a free, no-obligation consultation.

Questions or concerns?
Please feel free to contact us.