=Keyzer Soze=  

Name: Keyzer Soze
Nickname: Kellite
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Race: Half elf, half human
Eyes: Blue/grey
Hair: Brown
Height: not recorded
Weight: not recorded
Notable features: His pupil-less eyes, and pale skin due to his inability to get a tan, all elven traits; the light scar over his nose that he had from childhood
Home planet: unknown, suspected to be Kroma
Current planet: Aerith, the decided location of the Force room
Parents: unknown, but suspected that one of them was an elf and the other a human, one of which had the Force
Occupation: Sidi Knight
Attire: His Jedi clothes> a white shirt over a white tanktop, brown khakis, black boots, black gloves, a black belt, and a long black cloak; a back-pack he keeps his Materia, polo hat, and Buffy slayer dolls in, with a strap behind it to hold his sword
Jedi weapon: Indigo lightstaff
Sith weapon: Black lightsaber
Weapon of choice: Sith Saber
Jedi master: Mace Windu
Sith master: Jareth
Special powers: Ability to use both sides of the Force; black lightning he can use to zap energy; the power to form the energy into a black fireball; teleport by turning into black mist; Possesion of MP, which allows him to use Materia
Fighting style: "Run for your life"
Non-Jedi/Sith weapons: Buster Sword; PP7 with silencer

History: No one really knows about Keyzer's past before he was found by Mace Windu, at the age of two. Mace was on a convoy to the planet Kroma, and he found Keyzer wandering the streets. He couldn't talk and no one knew who he was. Mace could sense something odd about him, and took a medi-chlorian count. He had a very high level, the hight of a Jedi, so Mace adopted him and began training him.

When he was 14, he and Mace were training on Endor, when they were confronted by a band of Dark Jedi. Mace and Keyzer seperated and ran. Keyzer was knocked out by one of them and kidnapped. The next thing he knew he was on a ship, probably millions of lightyears away from his master. He was brought before Darth Sidious, and forced to turn. But as soon as they let him go, Darth Sidious realized he had tricked them, and Keyzer took off. They chased him out into the docking bay, but Keyzer got into one of the TIE interceptors and flew off. They went after him, but lost him on a planet called Merrae.

Merrae, a large planet on the outer rim, was ruled by the Hutts. Keyzer sought refuge in a city called Mos Haze, seeing that the Emperor's men had not followed him. He could make no contact with Mace, or the Jedi counsil, and so they believed him dead. He befriended a rich Hutt named Kreedo, and lived in his large mansion with him.

Less than a year later, Kreedo recieved a child slave. It turned out that one of his other slaves was her big brother; Lukey Stormrunner and Jaster Mereel. Kreedo was a good master to them, and a good friend to Keyzer. Then at the end of that year, Kreedo lost largely on a bet to one of the merchants in Mos Haze, and gave him Lukey to pay it off. When Keyzer had met Lukey, he had sensed something familier about her, but he didn't know what, so he watched her and became her friend. When she was given to Xube, a guns and parts dealer, Keyzer still took care of her, becuz she was only 6.

She lived in a little house near the shop, and he and her brother visited her often. Then one day Jaster had to go away on a mission for a long time, and left after being ripped from his hysterical sister's arms. She cried for weeks and Keyzer was there for her. When she turned 7, Keyzer realized what it was about her, and went to the Foreign-pawn dealer to see if he could find a DNA scanner. Lucky for him he did, and Kreedo payed for it. Keyzer checked Lukey's blood, and her Medi-chlorian count was over 20,000. He immediately went to her and asked her if she wanted to be a Jedi. After an enthusiastic "yes" from her, he began training her.

He trained her for 7 years in the ways of the Force. Lukey was already very proficient in fighting and possesed powers, some from her heritage, some she'd learned training on a planet called Neried. He was ready to bestow upon her the rank of Jedi Knight 6 years later when her brother finaly returned home. Jaster, who's name was now Bobba Fett, was outraged that Keyzer, a man he had hated since they met anyway, had trained his little sister to be a Jedi, when he himself was Sith, and had been training those years he was gone.

As Keyzer was going to Lukey's house to make her a knight, Bobba met him before he got there and killed him. Bobba told Lukey that it wasn't him, but Lukey never believed him and ran away. Keyzer was found by a Sith Lord that lived there, named Jareth, and resurrected. But being resurrected by a Sith, he turned to the Dark side. He trained in the Dark ways for a year, becoming a powerful Sith.

Traveling to a planet called Aerith, a large planet near Corusanct, his master Jareth disappeared. Keyzer landed the ship himself and wandered into a city there, and into a place called the Force room. There he found Lukey again, who was so pissed off and accused him of betraying her. He felt bad and apologized, but she wouldn't have it and again ran away.

He returned to his home on Merrae and thought about everything. He didn't want to be evil. The next day he flew back to Aerith and found Lukey again, and begged her to turn him back. She smiled and did so, happy to have her old master back. She had never become a Jedi Knight officially, only said she was because she knew she had completed her training. So Keyzer gave her that rank. Bobba Fett is not currently aware of his existence, but has probably forgotten him, as he has Lukey.

Currently, Keyzer lives in New Port Richey, Florida, and teaches the ways of the Force at a high school there. He and Lukey keep in touch, and he tries hard to make it into the Force room in Geos, but his computer is messed up, so he can't always go.