Here Are Some More Pics of Me
These pics were taken on February 19th 2000
Summer is Soon Here!   Time to get in shape for the Summer!!!!!
   I must admit that I have been slacking off over the winter months,the days are shorter,and it is cold out,and then there is snow to shovel outside almost everyother week here in Lancaster,PA. I am slowly getting rid of my winter bodyfat and getting ready for the summer ripped look. I have been dedicated the past month or so to just eating boneless,skinless,chicken breast as my main source of protein. I also love to have the labrada protein bars for in between meals  or to satisfy my sweet tooth. They are low in sugar and carbs,and have around 30 grams of protein. I also like the worldwide bars too,they have even less carbs and sugar in them,and alittle more protein in them.  Fish is also another excellent option for getting protein,allittle lemon juice and some lemon pepper on top,and you have a great meal. If you want to add some broccoli or other vegetables for carbs,you can do that too. Try to stay away from white rice and white bleached breads.Try to go more towards brown rice and and dark breads like wheat and rye and pumpernickel.The reason is the white products turn into sugar much faster than the dark breads and pastas. When you have too much sugar in the body,insulin comes to the rescue,and stores all the excess sugar as bodyfat!  So you see why sugar ,not only fat ,can make you fat.
    Believe me,I am not an expert on nutrition,but I have been learning allot in the past few years,and I feel I know enough to at least have the upper hand on controlling my bodyfat and increasing lean muscle mass.
      Update 2/24/00. Well it looks like there is going to be another Golds Gym Summer Challenge. John from the gym talked me into entering the contest this Saturday. So for the next 12 weeks,I will keep you posted on my progress including udated pics every week. My goal will be for the most ripped . I am currently back down to about 160 lbs,so I don't have much to lose,maybe about 10 pounds or so.  Wish me luck!!!!!

                           Update for 2/26/00    THE CONTEST BEGINS TODAY !

         I had my pics taken this morning for the beginning of a 12 week transformation. My current weight is 161 lbs,and my bodyfat is 12%.  My goal is to drop down to atleast 5% bodyfat,and at least 150 lbs.The trick is getting ripped,but not losing my lean muscle mass in the process.  I will be eating 6 meals a day with a balane of protein,carbs,and fat.  I will be doing about 40 minutes of fatburning in the morings before work.  I am going to try to workout four days aweek.  I just got back from the grocery store armed with chicken breast,and frozen fish fillets,and frozen vegetables. I also eat low carb,hight protein bars for my in between meals,or when my sweet tooth takes over. 


End of First Week Pics March 4th 2000
  Well it is one week now,and I did pretty good with the getting to the gym 4 times,with 40 minutes of fatburn on the treadmill after each workout.  With diet,I am strictly following Steve Jones' Keys to Physical Perfection for the proper amounts of proteins,carbs,and fat. That also includes knowing when to eat them also. I am also doing about 300 crunches of various types every day before I eat my lunch,it usually takes about 15 minutes. I would appreciate any lowfat chickenbreast or fish recipes if anyone has any favorites.Thank You and I will see you next Saturday with more updated pics for week 2.
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