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Some of my favorite songs
The General: There was a decorated general with a heart of gold, that likened him to all the stories he told of past battles, won and lost, and legends of old a seasoned verteran in his own time. On the battlefield, he gained respectful fame with many metals of bravery and stripes to his name. He grew a beard as soon as he could to cover the scars on his face and always urged his men on. But on the eve of great battle with the infantry in dream the old general tossed in his sleep and wrestled with its meaning he awoke from the night just to tell what he had seen and walked slowly out of his tent. All the men held tall with their chests in the air, with courage in their blood and fire in their stare. It was a grey morning and they all wondered how they would fare till the old general told them to go home.{Chorus:}I have seen the others and I have discovered that this fight is not worth fighting. I have seen their mothers and I will no other to follow me where i'm going.Take a shower and shine your shoes you got no time to loose you are young men you must be living go now you are forgiven. But the men stood fast with their guns on their shoulders not knowing what to do with the contradicting orders the general said he was own duty but would not extend it no further the men could go as they pleased. Not a man moved, their eyes glazed straight ahead till one by one they stepped back and not a word was said and the old general was left with his own words echoing in his head he then prepared to fight.{Chorus:} I have seen the others and I have discovered that this fight is not worth fighting. I have seen their mothers and I will no other to follow me where i'm going. Take a shower and shine your shoes you got now time to loose you are young men you must be living go now you are forgiven. Go now you are forgiven.
The Beatles:
Lucy in the sky with diamonds: Picture yourself in a boat on a river, With tangerine trees and marmalade skies. Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, a girl with kaliedoscope eyes. Cellophane flowers of yellow and green, towering over your head. Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone.Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies. Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers, that grow so incredibly high. Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, waiting to take you away. Climb in the back with your head in the clouds and you're gone. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Picture yourself on a train in a station, with plasticine porters with looking glass ties,suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle, the girl with kaleidoscope eyes. Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

Lovely Rita: Lovely Rita meter maid. Lovely rita meter maid. Lovely rita meter maid. Nothing can come between us, when it gets dark i tow away your heart. Standing by a parking meter, when i caught a glimpse of rita, filling in a ticket in her little white book. In a cap she looked so much older, and a bag across her shoulder, made her look like a military man. Lovely rita meter maid, may i inquire discreetly, when are you free, to take some tea with me. Took her out and tried to win her, had a laugh and over dinner, told her i would really like to see her again, got the bill and rita paid it, took her home i nearly made it, sitting on the sofa with a sister or two. Oh, lovely rita meter maid, where would i be without you, give us a wink and make me think of you.
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