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General Treatments in Ayurveda
Sukhada offers treatments for ailments as well as rejuvenation therapies. Ayurveda does not suggest quick fix solutions and therefore, most diseases are  treated over a period of time, usually 1-3 weeks. Severe or chronic cases may take up to six weeks. For rejuvenation and relaxation, we offer packages for different time periods from 3 to 28 days. These periods and treatments are only typical, the exact programmes are decided by the physicians upon personal examination.   

We offer treatments for nourishing the body, revitalising the nervous system, retarding aging, enhancing immunity, improving complexion and pacifying the mind. During the treatments, the patient is advised total physical and mental rest and diet and other activities are restricted. Though the treatments are found effective in several disease conditions, the quantum of benefit derived varies from person to person.  

There are many treatments in Ayurveda and the following is a quick glance through some of them. 

Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikilsa) 
This is a complete rejuvenation therapy consisting of synchronised body massage with hand and foot by two therapists with medicated oil and cream, consumption of rejuvenative medicines and herbal medicated steam bath. This treatments is for 90 minutes to 2 hours per day for 7 to 14 days. This therapy is to rejuvenate mind, body and soul, to tone up skin, to strengthen all systems so as to achieve ideal health and longevity.  

Body Purification Therapy (Shodhana Chikilsa) 
It is a process of purifying the whole body to attain proper balance of vatha, pitha and kapha (three principal constituents of the body according to Ayurveda) based on the panchakarma and swedakarma treatment. The treatments includes body massage, snehapanam, nasyam, vireachanam (medicated purgative), snehavasthi, dhara, pizhichil, njavarakizhi, karnapooranam, tharpanam, sirovasthi, steam bath, and internal herbal medicines.  

Body Immunization/Longevity Treatment (Kayakalpa Chikilsa)  
This is the prime treatment in Ayurveda for reducing ageing processes, arresting the degeneration of the body cells and immunisation of the system. Giving Rasayana internally is the main part of this programme, based on the panchakarma and swedakarma treatment. The treatments includes body massage, snehapanam, virechanam, nasyam, snehavasthi, dhara, pizhichil, navarakizhi, tharpanam, sirovasthi, karnapooranam and medicated steam bath. 

Some of the Ayurvedic Procedures 

               Dhara                                            Sirovasthi 

Dhara and Sirovasthi are effective treatments for problems concerning head, like impaired memory, spondylitis, paraplegia, fatigue, lack of vitality, mental tension, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, and severe head ache. 

                       Common Methodologies in Ayurveda
Uzhichil  This is a type of massage with different kinds of herbal oils, practiced specially in Kerala.
Pizhichil It is a Keraleeya treatment. It can be done yearly once as rejuvenation therapy for improving health and general well-being especially during old age and in nervous diseases like arthritis, paralysis hemiplegia, paralysis-agitanus, nervous weaknesses and nervous disorders.
Navarakizhi It is also Keraleeya treatment. This is to maintain good health during old age and to prevent premature ageing. All types of rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs and certain kinds of skin diseases can be treated with this.
Dhara This includes Thailadhara, Thacradhara and Ksheeradhara.  
This is also a Keraleeya treatment. It is recommended for the diseases of head, insomnia, impaired memory, spondylitis, paraplegia, fatigue and lack of vitality, mental tension and certain skin disorders.
Kizhi There are two types:    Elakizhi and Choornakizhi.  
It is effective in rheumatic disorders and diseases of the skeletal system. It is also effective in spondylitis, arthritis, and stiffness of muscles and sprains, sports injuries, etc.
Vasthi There are three kinds:   Kashayavasthi, Snehavasthi and Mathravasthi.  
It is the most important treatment in panchakarma, effective in curing arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, numbness, gastric complaints and constipation.
Sirovasthi This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe head ache and other rheumatic diseases.
Ksheeravasthi This is done for skin diseases, rheumatic diseases etc.
Vamanam It is used for curing leprosy, leukoderma, mental diseases and psoriasis.
Avagahaswedam It is effective in rheumatic diseases, back pain, constipation, piles, abdominal disorders.
Udwarthanam This is a special type of massage with herbal powders. This treatment is for the diseases like hemiplegia, paralysis, obesity and certain rheumatic ailments.
Abhyagom It is a special type of oil massage. This treatment is very useful for obesity and in diabetics, etc. This reduces mental tension, improves vitality, increases strength and functional efficiency of muscles.
Nasyam  It is effective in paralysis, mental disorders, headache and sinusitis. It also enhances complexion, reduces hair-fall and improves vision. Snehapanam: This treatment is for psoriasis, osteoarthritis, leukemia, etc.
Upanaham This treatment is for local inflammation, filariasis and rheumatic diseases.
Thalam This treatment is helpful for ENT problems, sleeplessness, mental diseases and sinusitis.
Lepam This is a process by which a medicated herbal paste is applied on the affected part. This is useful for various types of inflammatory conditions.
Tharpanam and  
These are for curing and preventing eye diseases.
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      Ashok Nagar,Chennai 600 083,INDIA
Last Modified on: November 29, 2000