Welcome to the OhioCollieNet Guestbook! Please take a moment to read the thoughts and opinions of fellow Collie Friends.

Skylaar - 12/01/00 19:54:19

I am being forced to move from my home and have a 10 year old, Tri color who is extremely loving and docile. The thought of him being put to sleep horrifies me as there are still so many times when the puppy in him comes to life and runs and chases you around the yard. Loves great big hugs. Please help. I live in Monroeville, Pa near Pittsburgh. Phone: 372-7611 287-1362I am being forced to move from my home and have a 10 year old, Tri color who is extremely loving and docile. The thought of him being put to sleep horrifies me as there are still so many times when the puppy in him comes to life and runs and chases you around the yard. Loves great big hugs. Please help. I live in Monroeville, Pa near Pittsburgh. Phone: 372-7611 287-1362

cherise - 10/07/00 21:47:53
My URL:http://homepage.ntlworld.com

Hi well done for looking after the animals. cherise aged 11

frank - 07/17/00 02:37:44
My URL:http://frankwkohler@aol

I have had four collies. Three have been rescued and one raised from a puppy. I had to put my 13 year old to sleep this week and it nearly killed me. I hope to be able to rescue another soon. Let me know if you can help. Great Site!

Julie - 05/31/00 17:04:06
My URL:http://animalsource.tripod.com

Wonderful site. Keep up the great work!

- 05/26/00 03:37:59


Sarah Garrison - 04/22/00 01:34:59
My URL:http://http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PetsPl/talalove/

Very Nice job....I'm so glad we can get collie rescue online....we are working on possibly getting Indiana collie club collie rescue on the net. Keep up the good work....we are always there for help questions etc as well.... Sincerely Sarah Garrison Bandor Collies Talalove@hotmail.com

T-Bone - 04/11/00 00:28:40
My URL:http://Tbonentr@Earthlink.net

I'm interested in adopting a collie. Can you help? Thanks. Tom Keane

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