Other Names for the Fart:

air biscuit                  anall escape of wind      
anall oxide                  ars musica                
barking rats                 barking spiders 
bilabial fricative           blue angel (ignited fart) 
blue bomber                  bologna sandwich essence 
boomper letters              bottom burp 
brown mist                  brown speckled mallard (a misty fart) 
brown haze                   brown-body radiation 
brun canard                  bubblers 
buck snort                   bum and flutter 
bunsen burners               burners 
burp that went astray        burp that comes out the wrong end 
cheeser                      chert (Palauan)
backdoor trumpet             anall emissions 
chold (Palauan)              controlled anall voicing
churchhouse creepers         crunchy frog 
cushion creepers             deer snort 
desert varnish (a wet fart)  drifters 
excreted gas                 break wind 
buang angin (Indonesian)     chemold (Palauan) 
clear one's throat           cook eggs 
couper le fromage (French)   crepitate 

crop dusting  (refers to dropping one while walking past people) 
cut a gasser                 cut a melon 
cut one                      cut the cheese 
cut the provolone            deal one 
degas                        dot'dot (Chamoru) 
drop a cookie                drop a fart 
drop a rose                  emit a fart 
fardullah                    fart 
flatulate                    frump 
here comes Freddie           kentut (Indonesian) 
lay a fart                   let one 
let fly a fart               make a stink 
make methane                 make cheese 
ot'ot (Tagalog)              pass gas 
peter (French)               piffle 
pollute the atmosphere       poopski 
poot                         puf 
release intestinal gases     rip one 
roar from the rear           start the engine 
step on a frog               step on a fart snake 
stink out loud               struck mud  
supply it                    toot 
winden laten (Dutch)         explosion between the cheeks 
extreme fumagatory essence   fannitosis 
fanny halitosis              fat lady delight 
fingi                        the fizz  
the fizz-fuzz                flabbergaster 
flame throwers               flatulence 
flatulencia (Spanish)        flatus 
fluff                        flurpies 
the fuzz                     the fuzz=fizz 
gas                          gasser 
gross wind                   grosse humours 
guano-talk                   gurglers 
hissers                      hydrogen bombs 
ignimbrite (ignited fart)    lingers 
low flying jets              methane 
misdirected burp             morning thunder 
mousie squeak                the nether belch 
nuée ardent (a hot fart that rolls down the leg burning off all the hairs in its path) 
one-cheek sneaks             passed flatus 
passed gas                   peaches 
peo (Spanish)                pet (French) 
phewie                       pluts 
pooh                         poop without the mess 
popcorn fart (a dry fart)    pop tarts 
puffer                       puh 
rames (Palauan) (specifically a high-pitched, long, drawn-out fart) 
report                       ripsnorter 
scheet (Dutch)               silent but deadly (SBD) 
silent spadily               sliders 
snak (in the bathtub)        sound spadily 
spitters                     squeakers 
squib                        stink 
terminal flatulence          terminal velocity flatulence 
thunder in the buns          triple thunder flutter 
trouser trumpet              ventifact 
wet one                      whallop 
wind                         windy pops 
wizard                        backfire 
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