BJ's Serenity Site Recovery Resource

<"Judge not, lest ye be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,
and with the same measure you use, it will be used to measure you." Matthew 7:1-2

Experience, Strength in Sharing and Hope
with Slogans, Reminders, and Tips

A work in progress too.....

My Understanding of My Higher Power

Regardless of the mistakes I make, My Friend is always there,
available to me at any time, day or night.
I can talk, and He does not interrupt, no matter how I ramble on.
Sometimes while talking to Him, I recieve a solution to my problem.
Other times, just by putting my problems into words,
I see how petty and unimportant it is.
I feel as if My Friend is holding my hand
and My Friend is with me at work, or at home,
My constant companion wherever I go.
He is My Higher Power as I understand it.
He is the God I know.

Author Unknown

Seven deadly sins....

Truth, if it becomes a weapon against persons.
Beauty, if it becomes vanity,
Love, if it becomes possessive,
Loyalty, if it becomes blind, careless trust,
Tolerance, if it become indifference,
Self-Confidence, if it becomes arrogance,
Faith, if it becomes self-righteous.
- Ashley Cooper.

For everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7, NIV

Little jelly beans tell a story true a tale of Father's love just for me and you.

GREEN is for the waving palms, BLUE is for the skies above,
BROWN for the soft earth where people sat hearing of HIS love.

A SPECKLED bean for fish and sand,RED for precious wine
and BLACK is for the sin HE washed from your soul and mine.

PURPLE's for the sadness of HIS family and friends,
and WHITE is for the glory of the day HE rose again.

Now you've heard the story, you know what each color means
the story of our Father's love told by some jelly beans.

So every morning take a bean they're really very yummy
something for the soul, you see, and something for the tummy.

Author Unknown

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart."
Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

A Message from Your Higher Power

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone,
to have a deep, full relationship with and be loved thoroughly and exclusively.
But your Higher Power says....

Not until you are satisfied and fulfilled and content with being loved by Me alone;
with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me;
to have an intensely personal relationship with Me alone.
You, my child.

Until you discover that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found,
you will not be capable of the ersonal human relationship that I have planned for you.
You will never be united with another until you are united with Me.
Exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires or longings.

I want you to stop wishing and planning. Allow me to bring that person to you.
You just keep watching and expecting the greatest things.
Keep listening and learning the things I tell.
You just wait. That's all.

Don't be anxious, don't worry, don't look around at the things others have
or what I have given them, or look at the things you think you want.
You just keep looking up to Me or you will miss what I want to give you.

When you are ready, i will surprise you with a love more wonderful
than you would have ever dreamed.
You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready-
I am working even this minute to have you both ready at the same time
but until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have prepared for you,
you will not be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me.
This is perfect Love.

And dear one, I want you to have this wonderful love, want you to see-
in the flesh- a picture of your relationship with Me,
and enjoy materially, and concretely, the everlasting union, beauty, perfection
and Love that I offer you with Myself.

Please know that I love you utterly. Beleive it and be satisfied.

Your Higher Power.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3 NIV [God's phone number]

Twelve Principles behind The Twelve Steps

STEP ONE: Honesty and Acceptance



STEP FOUR: Courage

STEP FIVE: Integrity

STEP SIX: Willingness

STEP SEVEN: Humility

STEP EIGHT: Brotherly Love and Justice

STEP NINE: Self-Discipline

STEP TEN: Perseverance and Open Mindedness

STEP ELEVEN: Awareness

STEP TWELVE: Love and Service

God Loves Me, Just as I Am!

As I kneel at the altar in prayer,
God loves me.

If I'm sitting in a jail cell,
God loves me.

As I'm caring for the sick,
God loves me.

If I'm out robbing and stealing,
God loves me.

When I'm happy,
God loves me.

When I'm sad,
God loves me.

When I'm angry and loud,
God loves me.

When I'm calm and serene,
God love me.

When I'm abused,
God loves me.

If I'm in bed with a disease,
God loves me.

When I'm healthy and fit,
God loves me.

If I'm poor,
God loves me.

If I'm out of work,
God loves me.

When I'm earning large sums of money,
God loves me.

When I'm winning in life,
God loves me.

When I think I'm losing,
God loves me.

When I'm frustrated and resentful,
God loves me.

As I remain in a state of prayer,
God loves me.

When I'm depressed and feeling low,
God love me.

When I'm in a good mood,
God loves me.

No matter where I am-or who I am- or what I am-
God loves me with a love that is immeasurable and unlimited!


I drank for happiness and became unhappy

I drank for joy and became miserable

I drank for socialability amd became argumentive

I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious

I drank for friendship amd made enemies

I drank for sleep and woke up tired

I drank for strength and felt weak

I drank for relaxation and got the shakes

I drank for courage and became afraid

I drank for confidence and became doubtful

I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech

I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell

My Declaration of Self Esteem

I am me.

In all the world there is no one else exactly like me.

There are persons who have some parts like me,
but no one adds up exactly like me.

So everything that comes out of me is authentically mine...
because I alone chose it.

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