by Gary J. Reagan
1878 Market St.  #210
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 626-4712
e-mail: garygara@sirius.com

     This is a program to clean out and scrub out down all of the tubes and organs of the body using herbs, diet, exercise, and positive mind control.  It is broken sown into three parts.  The first is the cleaning of the major elimination organs, the intestines, the liver, and the kidneys, and the elimination of body parasites. The second part is the cleaning of the lungs, sinuses, and the tubes of the bloodstream, then exercising and draining the lymphatic system.  Next is toning and balancing the endocrine glands and the strengthening of the immunity system.

     Why clean out the body?  for the same reason we backflush the filter of a swimming pool, flush the radiator of a car, and scrub out the toilet bowl:  because a clean machine works more efficiently, runs smoother, and looks and smells better.  The result of body cleansing will be more positive lifestyle.

     Our bodies are being stressed throughout the day with a bombardment of toxic and poisonous substances.  Our food is laced with chemical additives  We breath air pollution with every breath.  There is poisonous waste in our water supply.  The ingestion and/or inhalation of drugs, alcohol, and smoke all add up to the necessity of the body working overtime continuously just to keep up.  This saps the normal energy our bodies naturally have.  It is easy to run out of steam before the day is through.  The immunity system is constantly taxed.  With all this stress, without the balancing factors, the body starts to deteriorate faster and faster.  Organs can become diseased, tubes loose their flexibility, the immunity stops working, cells mutate, energy goes sown, and body weight goes up.

     We need to fight back!  How do we do this? We get the body's mechanisms cleaned and repaired, and control as much as possible the pollutants going in (for example by drinking pure water), so that the body can deal with the uncontrollable toxins (such as air pollution) without straining.  The energy formerly being used for heavy continuous cleaning is now available for you to use to be happy, healthy, and full of pep.

     It's a step-by-step systematic process.  You have spent most of your life under adverse conditions that you were told were "normal".  It's time to recognize the error in this and take steps to correct it.  Changes won't happen overnight.  Start by taking control of more factors in your life and what goes into your body.  Approach it at your own pace, one step at a time.  Above all, be patient, understand and accept the healing reactions that will occur, and love yourself.  Your new state of healthy and energy will last a lifetime; a much longer lifetime than you believed possible before.  By maintaining your vehicle throughout your life it will respond with an abundance of energy and require much less sleep and food.  The degeneration process will be slowed down and the repairing of previous damage and degeneration will be enhanced.  Every cell of the body replaces itself, within seven years all your cells have been reproduce.  With the proper program every cell will reproduce perfectly, as in the original blueprint.  No matter what your age or state of health you can add years to your life and be happier, healthier and have more energy.  Even for a person in a great state of health now, this body cleaning program will increase the good  health you now enjoy.  There is no limit to energy.  We live in a electromagnetic field that is a massive amount of energy.  Our bodies are energy vehicles with the ability to convert this energy field into personal energy.  A finely tuned, clean machine is able to do this most efficiently.

     Remember each individual is unique and different in his requirements and needs.  What will work for one may have to be altered for another.  You are your own best source for what you need and when.  You must turn inward and trust your feelings.  Follow the guidelines that suit you the best and consult professionals when their advise is desired or needed.

You are responsible for your life.  Take that responsibility and be well.

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