Ridding The Body Of Intestinal Parasites

     The Parasite Removal Program in Part 1 of this Body Cleaning Program is written with the person in mind who has been diagnosed with having intestinal parasites.  This may not be your case, but it is vital to start with this part of the cleanse.  Go about this cleaning process at your own pace.  If you clean too quickly the healing reaction will be more severe.  The more out of balance your body is the more intense the reaction.  Do not let yourself become discouraged.  Keeping your thoughts focused on loving and positive things will help to ease you into this transition.  Bring yourself into contact with others for support. You are in control.

     Body parasites are a common, yet frequently, undetected problem.  Intestinal parasites may be the worst of the lot, but surprisingly, many people with good health habits have parasites in other areas of the body as well, from amoebas to fungus.  All parasites have this in common: they are living inside your body and surviving on the foods you consume.  They may be taking away some of the valuable nutrients your body needs or simply living on the excesses you eat.  There may be no apparent symptoms (other than a lowered energy level) of having parasites.  Or the parasites may be causing problems that may not directly be associated with them.  This could result in a chronic condition requiring repeated treatments  while the cause remains in your body.  Some types of cancer, arthritis, kidney affirmities, bowel irregularities, lung ailments, sinus problems, and other degenerative problems may possibly be traced to micro-parasites living inside the body.

     It is possible to have some kind of parasite and not know it.  The periodic cleaning of the human machine is a benefit to everyone to ensure a state of good health.  One does not have to wait until a problem becomes apparent before undertaking a cleansing program.  In fact, cleaning while seemingly in a good state of health will help make the process much easier.  In addition to the alimentary canal, parasites may sometimes bee found in the lungs and sinus areas, the blood stream, the lymphatic system, or any organ in the body.  Therefore a step by step cleaning of the entire body is necessary for optimal health.

     A natural approach that has been found effective in removing micro-parasites from the body is through attention to diet and the use of herbs.  Herbs are plants, each with its own chemical makeup and having particular nutritive and/or healing properties.  By careful choice of foods and by cleaning out the areas of the body where parasites are found, their food supply is reduced.  The lack of foods they like and the presence of certain herbs they find distasteful will cause them to leave your body in search of another home.  Making an unpleasant environment for the parasites does not necessarily mean making an unpleasant trip for yourself.  The process of cleansing and removing the garbage inside of your body is usually a wonderful experience, but it may cause a temporary "'healing reaction" that makes you briefly uncomfortable.  This is understandable as you are stirring up and processing out a large amount of old toxic material all at once.;  You may feel horrified that such things could have been inside you and thrilled that they are now gone.  In the long run you will not only be free of micro-parasites, but as a result of cleaned body you will probably experience a higher energy level, have less sickness over a period of time, and generally feel better.

     In addition to diet and herb cleaning, a positive mental attitude, the belief that one can rid the self of parasites, is an essential ingredient in making the program work.  Your mind is very powerful; you must consciously focus your attention to healing, willing it to work.  You must want it to work, and you must take action for it to work.
 If medical attention is indeed needed - go see your doctor!  This is especially true with regard to contacting others where there is the possibility of transmitting the parasites.  This cleansing program may be used along with any treatment given by your doctor.  If parasites are discovered by tests, then an immediate flushing is necessary.  This is best done by doing a three day fast drinking, only distilled water.  Drinking unfiltered apple juice throughout the day is an acceptable alternative to a distilled water fast.  Then begin the cleaning program in earnest.

     Every organ and tube in the body needs to be periodically scrubbed down..  This is an exciting and interesting new project to add to your lifestyle.  It does take a long time to thoroughly clean every part of your body, so approach it one step at a time.  You will be fascinated at what you will learn and experience about your human vehicle.  A whole new world of high energy will open up to you.  It is not necessary to discuss the reduction or elimination of drugs, alcohol, and inhaling hot smoke and chemicals; unnecessary things will fall away in their own time, naturally, as your mind and body comes into a higher state of health.  Our main focus will be to add  things that will balance out the poisons, remove stuck matter, and build and strengthen the entire body - organs, filters, pumps, tubes, and the interconnecting electrical system.

     There are certain optimal foods and certain seriously disastrous foods in eliminating parasites.  Some of the foods that are avoided during the cleansing process may be resumed later in moderate amounts.

Building Program

     First start on a good building program.  You want your body to be internally strong as possible when you start serious cleaning.  Take good food supplements every day; include natural (not synthetic) vitamin, minerals, and herbal capsules taken along with meals or in place of some meals.  Be sure you get complete nutritional requirements regularly, throughout the day.  High dosages aren't necessary, but whole and completely balanced supplements are.  Start your day with a protein drink, containing fresh green juice, and a small amount (one or two tablespoons) of whole, non-dairy, balanced-amino-acid protein powder, along with a complete group of vitamin/mineral supplements.  Take another whole supplement group with each succeeding meal.  You may wish to mix the protein powder in fruit juice or water for taste and drink the green juice separately.  Fresh chlorophyll (the green in plants) is an essential building food.  Drink liberal amounts.

The herbal building foods can be taken by capsule, tea, or eaten in salad.
Especially good building herbs are:
Cayenne (capsicum), Kelp, Comfrey, Slippery Elm Bark,
Dandelion greens and root, Parsley, watercress,
Ginseng, Fo-Ti-Teng, Gotu Kola,
Alfalfa, and sprouted grains and seeds of all kinds.
Other builder helpers are:
Golden Seal Root, Parsley Root, Ginger Root, Garlic.
High Calcium builders include:
Comfrey, Shavegrass, Oat straw, Lobelia.

    Eliminate mucus-forming foods at this time.  To cut off the food supply of the parasites, avoid all dairy products (cheese, ice cream, milk, butter), all flour, and  cooked grains that aren't sprouted.  Do not eat red meat during this period, and go easy on the poultry.

     To start the serious cleaning, begin with the major elimination organs:  the colon, the liver, and the kidneys.  The cleansing of the colon is probably the most important thing you can do to maximize your health.  The colon is permeable, allowing liquids and gases to pass back and forth from the body.  Over the years a build-up occurs inside the colon.  This may not obstruct the flow of fecal matter, but, even if unnoticed, this build-up is preventing the complete absorption of nutrients and may actually be causing the absorption of toxic matter into the body.  There are often balloon-like pockets of hardened fecal matter that may take several months to loosen and remove.  Eating rough foods is a very effective scrubber for the colon.  good roughage foods are bran, popped corn, celery, leafy greens, sprouted grains, and apples eaten with the skin.


     A healing reaction may occur as an area finishes a flushing, caused by toxins being loosened and moving through your body on the way out.  As they go through the lymph, bloodstream, lungs, kidneys, and the liver, stress can occur on these systems and temporary sickness-like symptoms may appear.  It is important to realize that these symptoms are not an adverse reaction to the herbs; your body is dealing with poisons that are stirred up while cleaning.  That is why it is important to have the filters and exit points cleaned first before working on the blood, lymph, and other organs.  When the healing reaction starts, work with your body to help it complete this process more quickly.  adequate exercise, always important for health, is particularly needed at this time, especially activity that causes your body to perspire and breathe heavily.  Combine this with rest, plenty of water, and fresh foods.  Serious healing reactions can be avoided by gentle cleansing and not trying to scrub too hard or too fast.  When taking the cleaner for a while.  When the reaction subsides you may then resume the cleansing program.

     There are two herbal formulas, found in capsules, to be started first.  More will be taken later.  These are specifically blended with herbs that both clean and build, fight infection, and act as catalysts for the others.  Capsules may be purchased almost anywhere vitamins are sold. There are many herbs that may have the same general purpose, so formulas will vary from brand to brand.  Your body may respond better to one than another.  Alternating formulas is sometimes necessary for best results.

A)  The Lower Bowel Formula sometimes called LB, or Natural-Lax often contains:
Cascara Sagrada Bark, Rhubarb Root, Barberry Bark,
Golden Seal Root, Ginger Root, Red Raspberry Leaves,
Cayenne, and Lobelia.
B) The Parasite Formula, also called Pink Root,
PK formula, or Pumpkin Seed formula,
contains some of the following:
Red Clover, Chaparral, Licorice Root, Pole Root, Oregon Grape,
Stillingia, Cascara Sagrada, Sarsaparilla, Prickly Ash Bark,
Burdock, Buckthorn, Kelp, Black Walnut Leaves and Hulls,
Pumpkin  Seeds,
Blue Vervain, Absinthe, Male Fern,
Tansy Leaves, Fennel Seeds, Pink Root.
 Also Culvers Root,Mandrake Root, Violet Leaves,
Comfrey Root, Witch Hazel Bark, Mullein Leaves,
Slippery Elm Bark, and Psyllium Seeds.
     These two formulas should be taken for several months while doing other organ and system cleaning.  They will definitely cause your body to flush out.  They are best taken at night before bedtime.  They may be taken Three times a day, if you can go to the bathroom frequently.  Your bowel movements will go through some changes during this time.  A new normal flow and consistency will soon be established.  During the first two weeks of these formulas you may experience loose stools.  Afterwards solid bowel movements should return.  As the LB formula is a builder as well as a cleanser, you may wish to remain on it for a long period of time.  If so, adjust the dosage to suit your routine so you stick with it.  If stools continue to be too loose, take less.  If you feel you are not getting results, increase the number of capsules taken daily, or alternate taking and skipping days.  As each person is different, you must monitor yourself.

After a couple of weeks on the bowel formulas start a liver cleanse.

C)  Liver Formula,  often contains
Dandelion, Golden Seal Root, Bayberry,
Red Beet Root, Barberry Bark,
Oregon Grape, Yellow Dock,
Blue Vervain, and Lobelia.
     A periodic  Liver Flush  is important for liver maintenance.
The first thing in the morning while your stomach is empty,
drink a large glass of distilled water,
then drink a combination of 1/3 to 1/2 cup of Olive Oil
with the juice of a half of lemon and
the juice of a clove or two of fresh garlic.
Take two capsules of Cayenne Pepper (also called capsicum), or about a teaspoon.
Drink another glass of distilled water.
This will "backflush" your liver and clean our old bile and poisons.
Your bowel movement may be black or dark green (ugh!), so don't be too shocked.
You may want to do this flush twice the first month and as often as once every two months thereafter.
     The Kidney Formula may be started a week or two after starting the liver formula.  All organ cleanses may be done simultaneously, separating the taking of each formula by about twenty minutes.
D)  The  Kidney Formula  may contain
Bearberry, Buchu Leaves, Queen of the Meadow,
Juniper Berries, Althea Root, Parsley,
Golden Seal Root. Ginger Root,
Marshmallow Root, Uva Ursi,
Lobelia, Watermelon Seed.

Distilled water

     Distilled water is important as a cleanser because it acts as a magnet and pulls into it excesses such as minerals, fats, proteins, and toxins which have not been assimilated into cell tissue but are stuck in the body.  The water then carries them out through the kidneys and urinary system.  Because of this "magnetic" property it is best to buy distilled water in glass (5-gallon size) bottles instead of the plastic gallon bottles as the water may leach out some of the plastic.  It is strongly recommended that you continue using distilled water permanently for all your beverages and cooking needs.

     Your body has probably experienced a cleansing reaction by this time.  This may have been very loose stools, fatigue, sluggishness, or mild depression.  It is important to remember that these are positive reactions even though they are uncomfortable.  It is necessary to continue this cleaning program after your "Building Break", so the loosened stuff is eliminated from your body and doesn't get a chance to settle back.  Special attention to your mental attitude is especially important at this time. Stay positive.  Read and listen to things that make you feel good.  You will soon feel great.

     Now that you are not eating mucus-forming foods, and your cleansing has begun, there are some specific herbs that are very unpleasing to the parasites.  These are Black Walnuts and Pumpkin Seeds.  Eat liberal amounts of raw unsalted Pumpkin seeds throughout the day.  The black walnuts are not easy to find as they do not taste very good.  Black Walnut Hulls or Leaves are available in capsules or liquid extract though, and should be taken twice a day.  Bitter Apricot Kernels are also useful for this purpose, taken in capsules in moderate amounts.