In presenting my experience with arthrits on the internet I should make it clear that I am not trying to give medical instructions nor dispense medical healing. That would be illegal and unethical because I am not a medical doctor. However I have a clear message that may be used by anyone with arthritis -- in conjunction with their doctor -- that could prove to be beneficial. Because only medical doctors are able to give written prescriptions which are acceptable to pharmacists this is the only course that is possible. Also only medical doctors are able to requisition the various blood and urine test as well as X-rays and MRIs.

Many people in America today who have suffered severly from arthritis without much help from the medical profession are trying the various herbal remedies available without prescription. Most of these are based on cultural experience over many centuries. There are three that I have checked out. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are a pair of chemicals that are associated with the restoration of cartilage in the body. In all our joints but especially knees and hips the thin layers of cartilage that cover the articulating or hinging part of the bones in the joint may be slowly destroyed by rheumatoid arthritis. When this happens the only remedy is hip or knee replacement. The best solution is to get remission from the arthritis before this happens. With the help of the medical profession this is possible with cortisone as I will explain. However an article in the Scientific American on cartilage did outline that Glucosamine and Chondroitin are two of the key chemicals that are involved when the cells in the body make cartilage or slowly replace it. Many doctors are now recommending that their patients take these two non-regulated drugs if they have chronic arthritis. Another remedy that is getting considerable popularity is Myristoleate. It is supposed to cause total remission of rheumatoid arthritis. There is some research quoted for this claim but it is not medically verified. It is classified as a food and is not regulated. You can get it on the internet.