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In July of 1995 I noticed that the joint in my right shoulder was starting to give me pain. This was associated with sleeping on my right side. I saw a local doctor on August 2,1995. He listened to my symptoms for about 5 minutes. He did not physically examine the shoulder and joint. He reqisitioned no X-Rays nor did he call for any blood or urine tests. He stated quite emphatically that I had bursitis and gave me a prescription for Naproxen, an anti-inflammatory. I took the Naproxen for ten days but when the shoulder got worse I stopped taking it.

I saw the second local doctor on August 22,1995. He did physically examine my shoulder and joint and found that I had lost 50% of the mobility in the right arm. This was largely in the backward motion especially when combined with sideways motion. He called for no X-Rays nor did he do any blood or urine tests. He told me quite emphatically that I had Frozen Shoulder. He stated that there was no cure and the medical profession didn't know what caused it. He said that it might cure itself in a year and gave me a prescription for acetaminophen and codiene. Later I noticed that the joint in my left shoulder was starting to get painfull. Also my knee joints were developing stiffness and soarness especially in the morning. I was loosing the strength in my fingers and wrists and they also were stiff and painfull. It became so painfull to sleep in my bed that I started to sleep in my lounge chair. Life was no longer filled with happiness.