The cortisone shot in the right knee did ease the pain considerably in both knees. When I mentioned this to my wife she warned me not to tell anyone else. They would think that I was daft. On Oct. 3rd., 1995 The doctor gave me a shot of corisone in my right shoulder joint. It was done at 10.45 AM in the ER. He told me that freezing would last about 2 hours and the cortisone would act in my right shoulder in about 24 hours.

I woke up at 01.00 AM and first noticed that I had been perspiring. My back was wet. Then I realized that I felt really well. Just like you feel when you have recovered from a bout of flu. Next I noticed that my wrists and fingers were quite normal. Usually they were stiff and painful when I flexed them. I checked both of my arms but found only a slight improvement. I went back to sleep. When I awoke at 07.00 AM I deliberately checked both arms again. I was very surprised to find that both arms had regained 100% mobility without pain. I deliberately checked my wrists and fingers and found them completely normal. Then I checked my knees and found them to be considerably better but not completely normal. In less than 24 hours a single shot of cortisone of 20 mg to my right shoulder had eliminated the arthritis from both shoulders, both hands and almost from my knees; at least temporarily. I also had lost the flulike symptoms and felt remarkably well.There was a strong, clear message here.

The fact that a very small amount of cortisone entering the blood stream from a single shot of 20mg in one shoulder joint would influence the well being of the whole body in 24 hours at first sounds like magic. Then when the scientific knowledge of how hormones work is considered, one realizes that the hormonal balance in parts per billion in both plants and animals is the very essence of how hormones bring about, sustain and change development relative to growth, sexual cycles, and other aspects of the lifecycle; uniquely in each species. Hormones are much smaller molecules than proteins. They are able to make their way from the gland that secretes them to individual cells throughout the body. They enter the cells selectively by means of glycoproteins embeded in the cell membrane. They then are able to make their way to the nucleus. Here they bind to a unique protein then enter selected sections of the DNA and directly influence the production of messenger RNA (mRNA) from the DNA. Then the mRNA is used by the cell in the production of specific proteins and enzymes. In turn this is able to influence the immunue system in a positive way so that it regains its normal selectivity. The influence of cortisone in a very carefully regulated manner goes well beyond that of the anti-inflammatories and aspirin. Also because the cortisone eliminated the flulike symptoms it is suggested that the underlying cause of the arthritis could be a slow viral infection.

Michael Oldstone of the Scripps Clinic at La Jolla Calif. published an article in the Aug. 89 Sc. Am. He concluded that the slow acting viral infection of hormone producing cells would cause the still living cells to slow or even cease their production of hormones. This could lead to retarded growth and to auto-immune diseases such as arthritis and lupus. Of course AIDS is a similar slow acting viral disease. I wonder why no medical professionals have tried using cortisone on AIDS and other mental disorders which attack the very young then reappear later in life like Autism.