If you are deep in the throes of arthritis and all of the drugs that you and your doctors have tried up to now have given you some relief at times but the arthritis has persisted then you are ready to try a different approach. Based on a great deal of study and some quite devastating and very frustrating personal experience I would like to make a suggestion. If you regard cortisone pills such as prednisone as a very potent hormone that is capable of giving you both temporary and permanent relief and remission from arthritis and other autoimmune diseases then that is the start. Next you must regard cortisone as a very dangerous drug if taken daily for even a few months. The reason for this is that the human body on a daily basis has a system which releases a number of steroids into the human body including cortisone. When this system is working normally the correct amount of each steroid hormone is carefully regulated using a feedback system involving the hypothamalus in the brain, the pituitary gland in the base of the skull and the adrenal and sex glands. As you go from childhood to sexual maturity to menopause in woman and finally to old age the correct amount of each steroid changes. When you take any of these hormones artifically without knowing the existing level in your body and without knowing exactly how much you should add to the existing level to restore the hormonal system to the correct normal condition for your age and health situation then the overdose of any of these steroids will cause serious side effects.

The medical profession and allied sciences have so far elected to ignore the easy determination of these levels in the human body. Instead they continue to blindly shoot cortisone into joints and prescribe cortisone pills to be taken daily. What I am able to recommend is that prednisone pills taken only once a month will not give any side effects but will influence the hormonal system and cause it to eliminate the rheumatoid arthritis for an extended period. This period will vary with the person. In my case it was about 20 days when an ant-inflammatory was used daily as a supplement. This is about 20 days of remission from arthritic pain and restricted mobility in effected joints. The question then is do you gamble on taking cortisone every 20 days or do you try to extent the period as I did to 30 days and completely avoid all side effects.

After a year on the 30 day routine I found in a most pronouced manner that the cortisone was causing remission for the whole 30 days. During this year I had none of the usual side effects. Over the next two months I was able to stop taking the anti-inflamatories with no ill effects and a few months later I stopped the cortisone.