Prescription assistance, Medical Care Assistance & Drug Information Sites

Here are some good sites if you are looking for ways to get financial assistance with your prescriptions. I have included some sites that offer low cost medical insurance for those of you who may be looking for private medical insurance for yourself or your family. There is a movement to promote equal healthcare for all.

Lifelinesupport "Individuals can use this website to determine whether they are eligible to receive Lifeline (is a government program that offers qualified people a discount on their monthly local telephone bill) and Link Up (helps households pay the installation charge for telephone service) support. By locating information listed under the state in which they live and the telephone company that serves their area, consumers can determine the amount of discount for which they may qualify."

Healthcare Coverage Options Database "There were as many as 45 million Americans that went without health insurance coverage at some point during the last year." Many of these people could not obtained needed medical care as a result. "The Database contains information about private health insurance coverage, as well as the many public and private programs available to Americans to help them obtain the medical care they need."
Assistance for Obtaining Health Coverage
Bureau of Primary Health Care "Providing Primary Care to Underserved Populations" look up what services is available.

Partnership for Prescription Assistance "offers a single point of access to more than 275 public and private patient assistance programs, including more than 150 programs offered by pharmaceutical companies. To access the Partnership for Prescription Assistance by phone, you can call toll-free, 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669)."

National Health Information Center P0 Box 1133 Washington , DC 20013-1133 Phone: (800) 336-4797 Fax: (301) 984-4256 Email: Websites: and

The National Health Information Center (NHIC) is a health information referral service, linking consumers and health professionals with organizations that address their concerns. NHIC maintains an online directory-accessible through the Healthfinder® website-with more than 1,800 health-related organizations. NHIC is a service of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, DHHS.

The SC Drug Card Program "Free Discount Drug Cards are available. Drug Card Program was launched to help the uninsured and undersinsured people of SC afford their prescription medications. The program can also be used by people who have health insurance coverage with no prescription benefits. People who have prescription coveragfe can use this program for non-formulary or non-covered drugs. The SC Drug Card Program has no restrictions or participation requirements and the program is open to every resident of SC. The card can be used at more than 50,000 pharmacies across the country to receive savings of up to 75% . Savings average around 30 %."

Advocacy Sites-get involved in making needed changes in the healthcare system so everyone can get the medical treatment they need.

Physicians for a National Health Program "not-for-profit organization of physicians, medical students, and other health care professionals that support a national health insurance (NHI) program. Specifically, we believe that a single-payer system (where the government finances health care, but keeps the delivery of health care to mostly private control) is the only solution to solving the United States' many health care problems: 43 million citizens with no health insurance, many more with only limited coverage, skyrocketing health insurance premiums, malpractice costs, long-term care issues, and relatively poor health indicators, when compared to similar industrialized nations."

Executive Summary of The United States National Health Insurance Act (HR676)("Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Bill")*introduced by Cong. John Conyers, 108th Congress "Brief Summary of Legislation
The United States National Health Insurance Act (HR676) establishes a new American national health insurance program by creating a single payer health care system. The bill would create a publicly financed, privately delivered health care program that uses the already existing Medicare program by expanding and improving it to all U.S. residents, and all residents living in U.S. territories. The goal of the legislation is to ensure that all Americans, guaranteed by law, will have access to the highest quality and cost effective health care services regardless of one's employment, income, or health care status.

With over 42 million uninsured Americans, and another 40 million who are under insured, the time has come to change our inefficient and costly fragmented health care system. The USNHI program would reduce overall annual health care spending by over $50 billion in the first year. In addition, because it implements effective methods of cost-control, health spending is contained over time, ensuring affordable health care to future generations.

In its first year, single-payer will save over $150 billion on paperwork and $50 billion by using rational bulk purchasing of medications. These savings are more than enough to cover all the uninsured, improve coverage for everyone else, including medication coverage and long-term care.

Employers who currently provide coverage for their employees pay an average of 8.5% of payroll towards health coverage, while many employers can't afford to provide coverage at all. Under this Act, all employers will pay a modest 3.3% payroll tax per employee, while eliminating their payments towards private health plans. The average cost to an employer for an employee earning $35,000 per year will be reduced to $1,155, less than $100 per month.

95% of families will pay less for health care under national health insurance than they do today. Seniors and younger people will all have the comprehensive medication coverage they need.

Who is Eligible
Every person living in the United States and the U.S. Territories would receive a United States National Health Insurance Card and i.d number once they enroll at the appropriate location. Social Security numbers may not be used when assigning i.d cards. No co-pays or deductibles are permissible under this act.

This program will cover all medically necessary services, including primary care, inpatient care, outpatient care, emergency care, prescription drugs, durable medical equipment, long term care, mental health services, dentistry, eye care, chiropractic, and substance abuse treatment. Patients have their choice of physicians, providers, hospitals, clinics, and practices.

Conversion to a Non-Profit Health Care System
Private health insurers shall be prohibited under this act from selling coverage that duplicates the benefits of the USNHI program. They shall not be prohibited from selling coverage for any additional benefits not covered by this Act; examples include cosmetic surgery, and other medically unnecessary treatments.

Cost Containment Provisions/ Reimbursement
The National USNHI program will annually set reimbursement rates for physicians, health care providers, and negotiate prescription drug prices. The national office will provide an annual lump sum allotment to each existing Medicare region, which will then administer the program. Payment to health care providers include fee for service, and global budgets.

The conversion to a not-for- profit health care system will take place over a 15 year period, through the sale of U.S. treasury bonds; payment will not be made for loss of business profits, but only for real estate, buildings, and equipment.

Funding & Administration
The United States Congress will establish annual funding outlays for the USNHI Program through an annual entitlement. The USNHI program will operate under the auspices of the Dept of Health & Human Services, and be administered in the former Medicare offices. All current expenditures for public health insurance programs such as S-CHIP, Medicaid, and Medicare will be placed into the USNHI program.

A National USNHI Advisory Board will be established, comprised primarily of health care professionals and representatives of health advocacy groups.

Proposed Funding For USNHI Program: $1.86 Trillion Per Year
A payroll tax on all employers of 3.3%. Maintain employee and employer Medicare payroll tax of 1.45%. Implement a variety of mechanisms so that low and middle income families pay a smaller share of their incomes for health care than wealthiest 5% of Americans; i.e, a health income tax on the wealthiest 5% of Americans, a small tax on stock and bond transfers, and closing corporate tax shelters. A repeal of the Bush tax cut of 2001. For more details, see PNHP's "Financing National Health Insurance."
*For more information, contact Joel Segal, legislative assistant, Rep. John Conyers, at 202 225-5126, or e- mail at Joel."

The North Carolina Committee to Defend Health Care "The NC Committee to Defend Health Care works to educate about and advocate for the "Right to Health Care", so that access to appropriate health care on a regular basis is assured for all North Carolinians regardless of age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital or employment status, pre-existing medical condition or geography."

Right to Health Care

Everybody In, Nobody Out "Project EINO educates the public, encouraging state movement towards an equitable health care system guaranteeing universal access to care. Project EINO recommends focus on the 'Right to Health Care', as the best strategy to empower those communities most at-risk in the current system. . This shall be accomplished by support of grassroots organizing and empowering those communities most at-risk in the current system."

Disabilities Advocate Want to "fix the problem"? Become an advocate for positive changes.
CodeBlueNow! is giving the American public a voice in fixing the crisis-ridden health care system. With supporters in 46 states, we are the only national, non-partisan grassroots movement for health care reform.

The Health Care Problems Archive: A Collection of Problems with the U. S. Health Care System List of advocacy groups websites as well as other related sites.

Cheap Medical Insurance

Patient Services Inc. 800-366-7741 "PSI is a non-profit charitable organization, primarily dedicated to subsidizing the high cost of health insurance premiums and pharmacy co-payments for persons with specific chronic illnesses and rare disorders. Families requiring assistance in maintaining the high cost of their health insurance premiums or co-payments are offered assistance based upon the severity of medical and financial need.
PSI offers a "safety net" for persons who have expensive chronic illnesses and for those persons who "fall through the financial assistance cracks"."

Health Coverage & the Uninsured: Trends in Health Coverage "The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured is the main source for the Foundation’s work related to the uninsured population. The Commission provides analysis of the uninsured population, and the impact of lack of insurance on access to care and health status with a particular focus on the low-income population. Through its reports and briefings, the Commission provides up-to-date information on the number and characteristics of the uninsured and assesses options for reform. In addition, the Foundation continues to assess both incremental and comprehensive proposals to address the uninsured, including modeling reform proposals ranging from tax credits to expansions of public programs."

OmniCAP "We specialize in Cheap Medical Insurance for individuals, families and groups. The cheap medical insurance of OmniCap assures you of: Lowest Premium Rates, Impartial Expert Advice, Widest Possible Choice & Total Customer Service."

eHealthInsurance "At eHealthInsurance we feature the largest selection of health insurance plans from leading companies across the United States."

Medical Insurance and Quotes Online "Here you will find many medical insurance plan options, rates and health information." "A medical insurance hub helping you learn and apply for insurance from many top-rated companies. We offer services geared toward individuals, families, and small businesses. Medical Insurance as well as affordable Dental and Travel Insurance."

Supplemental insurance plan includes dental, vision & prescription discount program. You may be interested in this if you currently have insurance through your employer and the insurance doesn't include these benefits.

Prescription Medication Assistance

Partnership for Prescription Assistance "offers a single point of access to more than 275 public and private patient assistance programs, including more than 150 programs offered by pharmaceutical companies. To access the Partnership for Prescription Assistance by phone, you can call toll-free, 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669)."

Together Rx Access "is a free savings program that helps eligible participants save approximately 25%-40% and sometimes more* on over 275 brand-name prescription drugs and other prescription products, as well as savings on a wide range of generic drugs.
The Together Rx Access™ Card has been created to help qualified individuals and families who lack prescription drug insurance to save on brand-name prescription drugs and other prescription products, as well as a wide range of generic drugs.

Please see the list below to check your eligibility. You must meet all the following criteria in order to be eligible.
Under age 65 and not otherwise eligible for Medicare
No prescription drug coverage (public or private)
Household income* equal to or less than
$30,000 for a single person
$40,000 for a family of two
$50,000 for a family of three
$60,000 for a family of four
$70,000 for a family of five
Legal US resident

For families of 6 or more people, contact Together Rx Access at 1-800-444-4106 to determine eligibility."

SUNRx Advocate Drug Service "access to prescription drugs at a tremendous discount! Our goal is to save you money while maintaining top quality products and service that you deserve."


Free and Low Cost Medication Sources Lots of information & links to resources for medication assistance. "A general overview of the procedure:
In most cases, you must ask your doctor or his/her staff to call the number listed for the manufacturer of the medications that you need. Feel free to print out this page to take with you.
The manufacturer will probably require your doctor to send in a written statement that explains your need for the medication, your lack of insurance coverage and your limited income. Your doctor will also have to provide your prescription.
When/If you are approved, the manufacturer would send your doctor the medications and you must pick them up from him/her. The whole process can take up to a few months.
Most manufacturers will refill your prescription as long as medically and financially necessary, but in order for the prescription to be refilled, your doctor must contact the manufacturer and repeat the procedure."

BenefitsCheckUpRx "service will provide you with a confidential, personalized report of public and private programs that can help you save money on some or all of your prescription drugs."

Together Rx, LLC PO Box 52158
Phoenix, AZ 85072-9967
(800)865-7211 *

Prescription Savings Program

Together Rx is a prescription savings program that provides savings to eligible Medicare enrollees on more than 150 widely prescribed medicines---right at the pharmacy counter. Multiple pharmaceutical companies participate in Together Rx, each with its individual savings program. Some the criteria include, on medicare, income under $28k single, $38K couple, and you don't have other prescription coverage. The card is free after filling out an application.

USA/MatureRx program ""Affordable Prescriptions for Life" A FREE Prescription Savings Program NO MONTHLY OR ANNUAL FEES. Program designed for Medicare recipients, low-income families and those without a prescription program. More than 40,000 pharmacies nationwide honor The USA card, including major chains."
Platinum Rx "Offering a safe, secure, private, and convenient way to get the online prescriptions you need. We are the Internet's leading online pharmacy for FDA-approved medications and offer free secure online medical consultations. Our pharmacists and physicians are US-licensed, and our online pharmacy only dispenses FDA-approved prescription medications. We offer competitive pricing, quick shipping, and protection of your privacy."

ePrescribe "staff consists of U.S. licensed physicians and pharmacists. We are dedicated to help you live a healthy and happy lifestyle. is your convenient, safe and private source for FDA approved prescription medications."

This information I received as part of an email newsletter from Co-Cure which I wanted to pass on here.

NCF Announcement to all physicians and patients in the United States:

Canada, as most are aware, has a socialized medical system that has one benefit that can be used by those in the United States: the price of medication is controlled.

Prices in Canada can be from 30% to 1000% less than the same medications in the United States. Prescriptions for a three-month supply, including shipping charges, can often be less than a one-month supply in the United States, although not all medications have this drastic a price difference.

Canadian Prescription Drugs works with a group of pharmacies that process the prescriptions that are written by physicians in the United States and medication can be sent directly to the patient as long as a valid U.S. prescription is used.

For those patients struggling with a chronic illness, costly medication is not always covered by their insurance plans. More information is available by calling 1-877-966-0567 (toll free) or going to the website:

The National CFIDS Foundation, Inc. is an all volunteer group that derives no financial gain from alerting people to this information.

Gail Kansky
National CFIDS Foundation, Inc.
103 Aletha Rd.
Needham, MA 02392-3931

The Medicine Program They charge $5 per Rx to help you get the medicine from drug manufacturers who sponsor patient assistance programs which provides free medicine to qualified people who can't afford to purchase expensive presciptions.

Missing Out on Benefits? "BenefitsCheckUp helps thousands of people every day to find programs for seniors that may pay for some of their costs of health care, prescription drugs, utilities, and other essential items or services."

The Merck US Patient Assistance Program "Patients can call toll-free 1-800-727-5400 to obtain a brochure outlining the program and an enrollment application. The enrollment application will need to be completed by the patient and his or her physician."

Directory of pharmaceutical companies that offer assistance "To make it easier for physicians to identify the growing number of programs available for needy patients, member companies of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) created this directory. It lists company programs that provide drugs to physicians whose patients could not otherwise afford them."

RxAssist Site provides information for health care providers to get assistance for patients who can't afford their medications. It's good to see what's available and what the guidelines are.

Medicare The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare Prescription Drug Assistance Programs

Free Medications: How to get them.

List of pharmaceutical & biotech companies and their web sites

Drug Information & Pharmacy

Needy Meds Home Page

Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance Information including Ticket to Work Information

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services New web site on medicaid and medicare. "The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CMS runs the Medicare and Medicaid programs - two national health care programs that benefit about 75 million Americans. And with the Health Resources and Services Administration, CMS runs the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), a program that is expected to cover many of the approximately 10 million uninsured children in the United States."

Social Security Online "This section of The Work Site contains information on the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-170), and the Ticket to Work Program."

Ticket to Work "The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. The Ticket Program is part of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 – legislation designed to remove many of the barriers that previously influenced people’s decisions about going to work because of the concerns over losing health care coverage. The goal of the Ticket Program is to increase opportunities and choices for Social Security disability beneficiaries to obtain employment, vocational rehabilitation (VR), and other support services from public and private providers, employers, and other organizations.
Under the Ticket Program, the Social Security Administration (also referred to as the Agency) provides disability beneficiaries with a Ticket they may use to obtain the services and jobs they need from a new universe of organizations called Employment Networks (ENs).
MAXIMUS, a private company, has been contracted by the Social Security Administration to function as the Operations Support Manager (OSM) and the Ticket Program Data Operations Center Manager (TPDOCM). It is MAXIMUS responsibility to administer oversight and process support necessary to sustain ongoing Ticket Program Operations."

PASS Plan "Use Social Security Disablilty Benefit programs to improve your chances of success -- a PASS Plan and the Ticket to Work program make it possible. A Social Security PASS Plan provides you with the extra funds you need to reach your goals in life."

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Page Provides a lot of information on regulations regarding medical insurance.
Title I of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)"protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Visit this site to find out about pre-existing conditions and portability of health insurance coverage."

COMMUN-I-CARE is a free health care program for people in SC without medical insurance, medicare or medicaid. To qualify, you must have household income that falls near federal proverty guidelines. They provide you free doctors visits and free prescriptions when you qualify for their program. Call Toll Free 1-800-763-0059 to learn more and to apply for help with COMMUN-I-CARE.

FullAccess Medical "FULL ACCESS MEDICAL, LLC was created to provide those individuals caught in the middle of the healthcare crisis with access to an affordable solution. And, to reach and maintain that goal, we set as our number one priority, helping people save money on their health care while making available exceptional benefits and the best customer service possible.

America's Best Contacts & Eyeglasses They have specials on eye exams & glasses often. They offer 2 pair glasses (single vision lens-ex. no bifocals or stigmatism)& eye exam for $79 (3/9/02) which is the best price I've seen around.

Dental Discount & Assistance Programs

DentalPlans.Com "Save up to 60% on all your dental care needs, Individual plans from $79 a year Family plans from $99 a year."

Give Back A Smile Information on free dental care and cosmetic dentistry for victims of domestic violence who lost or damaged their teeth due to domestic violence. (Sorry it won't help those who lost their teeth due to neglect of dental hygiene or dental care.)

Are you tired of taking all the medications? Are you concerned you are overmedicated? I will be adding links to sites which address alternitive methods of coping with the pain associated with FM.

Pain Related Information Site

Managing chronic pain Resource for headaches & other chronic pain conditions.
"While many people mistakenly call any "bad" headache a migraine, that speaks more to the reputation of migraine than to the type of headache it is. Indeed, migraine and its associated symptoms are often quite severe. But not all severe headaches qualify as migraine.
Migraines have a particular pattern to them and usually involve a specific set of associated symptoms either before or after the headache occurs. Migraine often starts as a dull ache and transforms into a throbbing or pulsating pain on one or both sides of the head. The pain may occur at the temples, behind or around one or both eyes, or may migrate from one side of the head to the other. Sixty to 70 percent of migraine sufferers experience unilateral headache (i.e., on just one side).
Migraines may occur sporadically or as often as several times per week. Two to four migraines per month are common. They may occur at any time of day or night but early morning onset is frequent.
Migraine, unlike cluster headache, is often accompanied by nausea and extreme sensitivity to light, sound, or odors. During a migraine attack, the individual may look pale and feel cold. Occasionally, vomiting will occur. It is these and other pre-headache symptoms that most readily distinguish migraine from other types of primary headache.
For this reason, a thorough headache history is a standard part of any evaluation to diagnose migraine. Often this involves keeping a daily headache diary for a month or more, so that specific symptoms can be accurately tracked."

Tension Headaches
"The most common type of headache is tension, or muscle contraction, headache. While it is estimated that 90 percent of all adults have experienced tension-type headache, women are more frequently diagnosed with chronic tension headache than men. It is not clear whether this is due to a difference in prevalence or because of the fact that women in general are more likely to seek medical treatment.
Tension-type headache is characterized by a constant, dull pain or feeling of uncomfortable pressure in the neck, temples, forehead, or around the head in "hatband" fashion. Sometimes the neck feels very tight. Tension-type headache usually occurs bilaterally (i.e., on both sides of the head at the same time).
Loss of appetite may occur with tension-type headache, but nausea and vomiting usually do not. However, some people who experience migraine and tension-type headache may have nausea and vomiting with both. Sensitivity to light or noise may occur with tension-type headache, but generally they do not both occur together."

Partners Against Pain

American Academy of Pain Management Site for professionals & pain patients.

The National Foundation for the Treatment of Pain

Medical Information Network for Chronic Pain, CFS, FMS and other Medical Resources

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