The name of this organization shall be FOREST HILL CIVIC CLUB, INC.  Our motto shall be SERVICE,
PURPOSE;  It is our desire to create an organization composed of persons of the highest moral character, to
work together for community and civic betterment.  We further desire to cooperate with other organizations
of a similar nature.
MEMBERSHIP:  There shall be two classes of members:  Active and Honorary.
Section 1.  Any person of good character who is eighteen years of age, and is engaged in any recognized
honorable profession or business shall be eligible for active membership.
Scction 2.  Honorary membership may be conferred upon any person who has distinguished himself in
some unusual and praiseworthy manner.  Such member may be elected at any regular meeting by the
unanimous vote of the membership in attendance, provided a proposal for such membership shall have
been made at a previous regular meeting.  They shall have the privilege of attending all meetings, and
participating in the social functions of the Club, and shall not be required to pay dues.
OFFICERS;  Section 1.  President, 1st and 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, and Assistant, Treasurer and
Assistant, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain, and Reporter and a Board of Directors consisting of five
Section 2.  All Officers shall be elected at an annual meeing.  Directors shall be elected for one year at an
annual meeting.  Those two receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for a period of two years.
MANAGEMENT:  The business affairs of the Club shall be transacted by a Board of Directors, which
shall consist of the Officers and Five Directors, who shall serve for one year; provided that all financial
matters and other matters of particular individual interest, at the discretion of the Board of Directors,
shall be submitted to the general membership of the Club for action.
AMENDMENTS;  This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting, a quorum being present
provided that such proposed amendment shall have been mailed to each member at least ten days before
such meeting and that same has been referred to for report to the Committee of Constitution and
QUORUM:  Seven members shall make a quorum.
    Section 1.  The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors; he
shall appoint, with advice and consent of the Board of Directors, all Standing Committees; he shall
       appoint all special committees; he shall perform all other duties ordinarily devolving upon the office of
President.  The President shall be ex-officio member of all Standing Committees.
Scction 2.  The 1st Vice-President shall in the absence of the President, perform the duties
             pertaining to that office.  The 2nd Vice-President to serve in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice-
    President.  The Vice-Presidents shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors.
Section 3.  The Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of each business meeting of the Club and
of the Board of Directors; he shall keep an accurate record of the attendance at regular meetings; he
shall keep a complete and continually revised roll of membership, he shall conduct the correspondence
of the Club and perform all other duties as may be prescribed by the Club or Board of Directors and
   as otherwise shall ordinarily pertain to this Office.  The Secretary shall be an ex-officio member of the
Board of Directors.  In the absence of the Secretary the Assistant shall serve as above.  The Assistant
Secretary shall also be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall collect and be custodian of all funds of the club and shall deposit the
same in some bank designated by the Board of Directors; he shall pay out said funds only upon the
order of the Board of Directors, upon voucher countersigned by the President; he shall keep an
itemized account of all receipts and expenditures, and perform all other duties as ordinarily pertain
to this office.  The Assistant Treasurer shall serve in the absence of the Treasurer in all capacities
with the exception of disbursing funds.  The Treasurer and Assistant shall be ex-officio members of
the Board of Directors.
Section 5.  The Board of Directors, consisting of five members and of the Officers, as ex-officio
members, shall constitute the governing body of the Club and their decisions on all matters, except
as set forth in Article V o the Constitution, shall be final.  It shall have general control over all
Officers and Committees anda may for good cause, declare any Office vacant.  They shall fill all
vacancies which may occur in the Offices of the Club and in its own Board, the appointees to serve
until the next regular election.
 Section 6.  The Sergeant-at-Arms shall preserve order at all meetings and perform such other duties as
ordinarily pertain to this office .
Section 7.  The Chaplain shall conduct the Devotional Exercises of the Club.
Section 8.  The Reporter shall handle all publicity of the Club.
ELECTION OF MEMBERS:  Section 1.  Persons shall be elected to membership only when proposed by
one member and endorsed by another.  The name of proposed member shall be submitted in writing, upon
a form which shall show in addition to the candidate's name, his age, occupation, residence and business
address and a statement of his qualifications for membership.  The proposal shall be transmitted to the
Membership Committee, which shall make a careful and confidential investigation to determine  the
eligibility and desirability of the candidate and must be unanimously accepted by this Committee.
Section 2.  Such proponent shall thereupon approach the candidate and secure from him a written
application. Such application shall be signed by applicant and a _____fee, covering initiation, together
with one year's dues, shall be attached thereto.
Section 3.  The resignation of any member shall become effective immediately upon delivery to the
President or Secretary, provided all indebtedness of such member to the Club has been paid.
Section 4.  Any member who refuses or neglects to pay indebtedness due the Club within 90 days
after demand has been made, shall thereby forfeit his membership.  Any member who allows his dues
to become three months in arrears whall be notified by the Secretary and if dues are not paid by the next
regular meeting his name shall be posted for 30 days and then he shall be dropped from the roll of the
Section 5.  When the Membership Committee shall fail to recommend for membership the name of the
person proposed, such name shall not be presented to the Membership Committee again within twelve
DUES:  Section 1.  The dues of the Club shall be $9.00 per year payable one year in advance by all
Secrion 2.  Dues shall be prorated on a schedule of seventy-five cents ($.75) per month for the benefit
of all new members.
GENDER NEUTRAL:  The Membership of the Club and its Board of Directors is open to all persons.
Any reference to himself or herself, he or she, him or her in any of the language of the
Constitution or By-Laws shall be read and will mean both himself and herself, he and she, him or her,
as it is the intent of the Club that persons of both sexes shall be treated equally for all purposes for
Membership, Management and Officer positions.
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